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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    No more weight loss ???

    Had gbp 2019... over 18 months I was able to lose 100 pounds. Since loosing the initial 100 lbs I still have approximately 30lbs to lose. But it's not budging. I carry all my weight in midsection. I think the last weight i need to met is my stomach. I work out and eat healthy. Any tips on how to loose that last 30lbs? All suggestions are appreciated. Sent from my SM-N960W using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points


    It is finally nice where I live, here in NH. It has been in the 60's for the past 3 days. Every day I go outside, and rake/burn leaves. It will take a while, as I have an acre of land to clean up, but I look fwd. to it. This is the most exercise I have done in years! Before the WLS, I had to use a cane, and a wheelchair, just to get around. Now I do not need these things. It feels so good to be free! I never thought I would like doing yard work, but I am enjoying every single minute of it. The first day, I only did it for about 45 minutes. The second day, about an hour, and today, almost 2 hours. I am sore, but not overly, like I was afraid of. Doing stuff like this has been a long time coming. Now I am curious to know how many calories I am burning? I guess it really doesn't matter at this point. I am just enjoying getting some exercise!!
  3. 2 points
    Alot of folks already said more or less the same thing, but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway: I chose sleeve because: I was afraid of dumping (but...I dump anyway) I wanted to continue using NSAIDs (but...I ended up not needing them anymore anyway) I was personally freaked out a bit by the re-routing of my intestines (but...not cutting out my stomach? lol) I DID NOT have GERD. I only had a choice between sleeve and bypass cuz those were the only ones covered by my insurance, so I didn't consider any other procedure. I think that one's results with WLS has more to do with the person, than with the type of surgery. I'm convinced I would have had the same result if I had the bypass. But that's just me. Some background and current statuses: I'm 5'2", almost 50yr old female, started off at 235 lbs at the beginning of my 2 week pre-op diet...2.5 years ago. I got to goal of 127 lbs in 7 months (108 lbs lost at that time). I settled into 115 lbs by 10 months post-op and stayed there basically since...but not without a bit of effort on my part. 3 times I got up to 120 lbs for a few consecutive days, and subsequently made efforts to get back down to 115. And 4-5 times I went sub-110 lbs for a few consecutive days, but didn't have to make any effort at all to get back to 115, go figure. This morning I was 109.2 lbs. I consumed very little calories during weight loss phase, and exercised regularly starting month 3 (running/walking mostly, and minimal strength training daily). No complications, nor issues other than those expected (dump with sugar, foamies/chest pressure if I eat too much or too fast, need to barf if I drink with my meals, burp like a teenage boy) At 2.5 years out, up until a month ago, I was averaging around 1800 cals a day with regular exercise (running & strength training 4-5 times a week). Currently I'm playing around with calories as I'm sidelined on the exercise front, which explains my lower weight these days cuz I haven't figured it out yet. I mostly eat salads (by choice, I LOOOVE salads!) , but I also eat desserts, spicy stuff, fried stuff, fatty stuff, drink coffee, alcohol and carbonated water. On rare occasions I eat bread or potatoes, but I don't eat rice nor regular pasta. I max out at about 1 to 1.5 cups of food per sitting (more if its salad) My lab results have consistently been uneventful (my last one was in November last year). So....so far so good. I have no illusions that I will be like this forever...but that's on me, not my sleeve.
  4. 1 point
    Also on soft foods I am allowed chicken salad. Maybe ask if you can have that??
  5. 1 point

    Recipes ideas

    Sorry trying to multitask and work and do this. I'm on stage 4 and beyond.. had surgery on 1/11/21
  6. 1 point

    No more weight loss ???

    those last 20 lbs or so are a BEAR to lose! The last few months I was only losing about 2 lb a month, so it took FOREVER to get them off. But even for people who've never had weight loss surgery, losing 10 or 20 or even 30 lbs when you're close to a normal BMI is SUPER hard. Before I had surgery, I used to listen to women at Weight Watchers who were like 10 or 20 lbs overweight b***ch and scream and complain about how hard it was to lose 10 or 20 lbs. I used to roll my eyes whenever I heard them. Yea...right...try losing 100+ lbs. But now I totally get it... It can be done, but it's tough. Just keep working at it (that is, if you want to - like Creekimp said, if you're happy where you're at and it's comfortable maintaining your weight at that level (because the lower you go, the harder it is to maintain it), then there's nothing wrong with staying where you're at, either...)
  7. 1 point

    High Abdobmen Fat

    Not a single person noticed I’d lost weight until I was 90 lbs down. Sigh. But after that it was like the floodgates opened and everyone is clearly noticing now. I am within 65 lbs of my goal weight now (after losing 113) and it’s crazy to think that I’m actually that close and yet still I can see so much excess fat everywhere on my body. My goal is within a healthy BMI for myself, but tbh it’s been so long since I’ve been there who knows if that’s really the ideal weight for my body. I guess I’ll figure it out as time goes on. But can these darn stomach rolls just go away already?!? I wish I could direct my body where to take from. Like stop it with the shoulders and chest already it’s skin and bone there, take a look at the busted can of biscuit dough that is my midsection and take a bit from there!
  8. 1 point
    Tim C

    High Abdobmen Fat

    Well I hven't even hit 1 month surgery date but everytime I look in the mirror I am still fat! It will be several months before I get to where I can see I am losing weight. I have lost over 36 lbs and that was like taking a cup of water out of the Gulf of Mexico. I cant tell I have lost a pound.
  9. 1 point

    High Abdobmen Fat

    I hate to say it, but my stomach was like the LAST place I started to lose weight. You don't lose weight evenly and can lose it in the strangest places. I literally lost my butt. No joke. I have absolutely no padding back there what-so-ever and sitting on anything not padded HURTS! Hell, even sitting on something padded sometimes hurts. I barely had a butt prior to surgery and what little I had just disappeared... pants don't fit quite the same when you have no butt to speak of. 😥
  10. 1 point
    I really wanted the bypass, but it turned out that it was medically contraindicated for me. I even got a second opinion and that doctor agreed that the bypass was not safe for me. So I had the VSG as my second choice. I started with a BMI of 47 and 118 pounds to lose. VSG worked out very well for me - I lost all my excess weight and had no major complications. The surgeries have pros and cons but both can be effective.

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