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  1. 4 points

It’s been YEARS since I was on this forum! I was very active from 2014-2016. Loved the support, hated the drama. 

I had VSG in 2014 and although I was a bit on the slower side losing because I was considered a “lightweight” (ha) at my surgery weight of 235, I was very successful. My low weight was 142 for about 15 minutes, but after a little bounce weight of 10-12 pounds or so, I maintained there for several years and was even running! Me—running at almost 50 years old! I was a WLS success! 

**Record screeching noise** not so fast.....

2018: On my Quest to stay active by finding new and fun activities, I decided to get on roller skates again at 51 years old. Let’s just say that didn’t turn out so well, and an almost debilitating neck injury happened. + 15 pounds. 

2019: Strange, I’ve got blood in my pee? Lab work shows no UTI. Bladder cancer?? WTF? That’s an old man’s disease! 
+ 10 pounds 

2020: Do I even have to say it?? Oh, but I *did* manage to break my ankle in October walking my dog and was in a boot for 2 months. Also, I got Covid in December. + 10 pounds 

I’m not using life happening as excuses at all. I was fully unprepared to deal with my weight maintenance *when* life happened. It just goes to show how woefully unprepared I was with my emotional eating when the chips (along with my poor broken body) were down. I can only hope my experience can be a lesson to all either thinking about WLS, or are happily in the honeymoon phase of WLS and maintenance. 

With a little pharmaceutical help from my Primary, I’m working on going back to basics and concentrate on healthier Protein and Fiber rich options to try to lose at least 25 pounds. It can be done. I’ve seen it. 

Wish me luck! ❤️
  2. 3 points
    flowers biking in the early morning and hearing the birds chirping being outside without coats and heavy sweaters on having most plans be tentative because of weather (although hasn't been a problem this winter since most everything has been on Zoom - even doctor's appts) kayaking sitting by lakes outdoor dining/coffee
  3. 1 point

    Down 6 sizes!

    I am in shock. I have gone from a size 20 jeans, to an 8, in only 7 months! I went from a 2x in shirts to a medium, or small, depending on the material, and brand. I still see myself as chubby, because I have loose skin around my hips, and abdomen. I wonder what size I would be in, if I didn't have the extra skin? I am looking fwd. to having some type of tuck, removal, etc. of my extra skin. I only have 5 months to go before I reach my 1 yr. The time is flying by. I have never in my adult life, been this size. I was always the chubby/fat kid in school (always teased, and bullied). I yo-yo dieted most of my adult life, but would often give up if I wasn't losing quick enough. Only to gain the weight back, and then some. It feels good, but weird at the same time to actually be this small. I have to learn to be kind to myself, and accept how I feel, and look now. It is not easy.
  4. 1 point


    You will be able to eat a taco again maybe even two. I can eat more with the RNY. Watch yourself.
  5. 1 point

    Endoscopy and Sleeve?

    Catwoman is dead right about the risk of GERD with sleeve. That said...if your GERD is being caused by a hiatal hernia and you have it repaired with your sleeve surgery...it can result in resolving the GERD. This was the case for me...I had awful acid reflux, but since surgery have not had any. So...it's individual. I avoided Gastric Bypass because people in my family are prone to iron deficiency, and taking heavy iron supplements makes me super nauseated. I have a relative who had gastic bypass who continues to significantly struggle with iron and a few other trace nutrients. It's a catch 22. Weigh the risks and benefits specific to your situation. Getting the endoscopy will give you more information to work with. In the end, you try to get the best information you can....line up the best doctor you can (can't hurt to get a couple of opinions)...and take your chances. No guarantees. Best wishes.
  6. 1 point
    And that is all we can really ask of ourselves. You've got the right attitude ❤️ P.S. Thank you for all your efforts in battling this pandemic for us...and to all the other front-line workers out there. Mwah.
  7. 1 point
    My diet is not plant based but I do eat a variety of foods and happy to eat vegetarian or vegan when I visit my sisters (one vegan, the other vegetarian) or go to their preferred restaurants. As much as possible I will buy free range and locally/grass fed and the local farmers market is excellent. Fortunately where I live is a food bowl.
  8. 1 point


    those must be your particular surgeon's requirements, because I don't think that's universal - except maybe in the early weeks or months. I have a virgin RNY (not a revision), but I didn't have any restrictions at all once I get a ways out. I don't drink a lot (maybe three or four times a year), but I eat tacos every time we go to a Mexican restaurant. There's literally nothing I can't eat (although I watch my portion size)
  9. 1 point
    Thank you so much for saying this. I really really needed to hear it today. It has literally made me cry. I still haven’t fallen asleep (it’s 8:15 AM here) because I tried taking my medicines for the first time since surgery last night (i can’t crush them) and it went absolutely horribly. Those negative thoughts are very prevalent this morning. I really appreciate your response, I know it’s probably frowned upon as far as a little white lie, but I decided I’m not telling another soul and from now on I’m just gonna stick to the “I had a hernia and diaphragm repair, and I’ve been dieting and exercising”
  10. 1 point
    I'm from down Olympia way, got my sleeve surgery down at Madigan on JBLM. Got to loose the weight so my wife and I can enjoy our sailboat once again... That and travel around the country. The military sent us all over the world, to the point that we've been to more countries than states here in the good ole US of A, now is the time I choose to lose the weight and start a wonderful retirement.

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