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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2021 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    I don’t feel right

    I'm sorry you're not feeling well. You should definitely call your surgeon's office to check in and see what they say. However, at only 11 days out, it's still VERY early. At that point, a lot of us felt weak, had major problems trying to drink, couldn't eat at all, couldn't hit the protein targets, couldn't walk much. It wasn't until week 3 that I started to feel better. I know on this forum you see a lot of people post that they had no pain and were able to go back to work after a week. I believe them and I'm glad for them, but not everyone has that experience. It's normal to feel pain and weakness after major surgery. But if you're at all concerned, that's what your surgical team is for. I called several times when something happened that I didn't expect and they were always willing to listen and advise. Yours should be too.
  2. 1 point

    ONEderland! FINALLY!!!!!

    I have been in a 26 day stall and my weight was driving me CRAZY as I was convinced I'd hit maintenance, but I felt slightly better after talking to my doctor on Wednesday when she told me my physical therapy was likely part of the reason my weight was fluctuating and not going under 201 but instead bouncing around from 201-204. I was incredibly frustrated and it just seemed like I'd never see under 200 pounds... BUT, this morning I weighed myself and saw 199.6 on my scale and... I cried! I'm so happy! It's super early here, not even 5am yet, so I'm trying to stop myself from waking everyone up to share my good news lol. Took me almost 13 months to get here, but I got here!
  3. 1 point

    Lack of support for post-op

    Hi all, I’m new to this community and this my first post. I have a tentative VSG date of April 12, 2021. Currently awaiting approval from insurance. Here is my problem: I am a single 40 year-old woman who lives alone with her dog. My parents who are in their early 70s and healthy have agreed to come help out 1-2 weeks post surgery. As the surgery date gets closer, my parents, specifically my mother are starting to become less and less supportive. She’s unsure if they will be able to help post-op, she thinks I should wait until summer, she’s worried about post-surgical pain, she thinks I should board the dog so they don’t have to take care of her, etc. I’ve officially been meeting with doctors and checking things off since October of 2020. I’ve been open and planning with my family for this for years. I’m frustrated with the lack of support from my parents and don’t want to wait until summer for surgery. I am able to take time off of work, and work from home when I get surgery in April. I have been hesitant to share this news or even my surgery plans even with my close friends. It’s too personal and too painful and I don’t really want to depend on them for help. I don’t have a partner or any siblings close enough to help out. Has anyone struggled with a similar issue? How terrible and painful and unmanageable is the first two weeks after surgery? I don’t want to do it alone, but I’m afraid my parents are not in a good space to move in for 1-2 weeks nd help me directly after. In fact, they seem downright unsupportive at times. Any advice, recommendations, or experiences are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  4. 1 point

    I don’t feel right

    I'm a little over 3 years out from the sleeve. I remember my surgeon, nutritionist, and primary care all telling me to focus on hydration first. Keep a water bottle with you all the time and just take small sips every chance you get. Then focus on the protein. You will be ok.
  5. 1 point
    You have done FANTASTIC!!! You look AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m telling you, total recomp! Weights is where it’s at people!
  6. 1 point

    Lack of support for post-op

    I was almost 54 when I had my surgery & I lived alone too. I looked after myself without a problem. My pain was gone by day 4 & it had been managed easily by the pain meds. I Just had odd twinges after that. I made sure I had everything I needed at home before my surgery. I stocked up on Imodium, gas X, stool softener, broths, soups, protein shakes, hydralite, etc. so I didn’t need anyone to shop for me. My mother knew about my surgery but was having cataract surgery the same day so couldn’t help. I told two girlfriends. One did the to & from hospital run. Both rang or txt everyday & were willing to come around if I needed them but I was fine. But in saying that, our post surgical experiences can be different. If you did need them to help, do your parents live close enough to you to come on short notice?
  7. 1 point

    I don’t feel right

    Im well over 2 months out. Get urself some sos sachets and mix it with water and get them down you, they helped me alot inthe early days. You're most likley low in potassium and dehydrated thats why you're feeling weak. They can be purchased on Amazon. Sent from my VOG-L29 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point

    ONDERLAND!!!! and NSV's

    FINALLY! Onederland! I can't remember the last time I didn't see a "2" as the first number on the scale. Seeing the "1" this weekend was just surreal. I think I must have stepped on and off the scale at least 10 times. What a motivator! I feel like I've accomplished the impossible and now ANYTHING is possible!! ~40 to go (I'd like to hit 50 just to have some wiggle room). For those who might be struggling after the first couple of months - Months 1-3 were EASY - weight just fell off. Month 4+, slowed A LOT (as in less than 8 a month) - Being able to eat pretty much anything I wanted without having an upset stomach didn't help. I was hoping to be under 200 by the end of December. Stalled (much of it my fault for choices I made, and simply my body catching up), got frustrated, felt sorry for myself, etc...and at times even wondered if it was possible or if I was just going to stop there with my weight loss. Booked a vacation and decided that I WOULD be under 200 before I left (next Sunday - nothing like cutting it close!). Got back on plan, made better choices, and quit feeling sorry for myself and WOO HOO - Major goal #1 accomplished. If you're struggling, hang in there, refocus, know you aren't alone in this journey and make up your mind that you CAN do this. NSV's this week - I didn't see the "OMG, PLEASE let this fat lady be seated ANYWHERE but beside ME on a plane" look. People actually look me in the eye rather than past me. Servers @ restaurants are concerned that the food they served me wasn't good because I didn't eat much. I got more work accomplished onsite because I didn't need a lunch break (quick protein bar and I was good to go). I could go to ANY store and buy some cheap clothes for vacation - Can't wait to rock that bathing suit coverup in Hawaii next week!
  9. 1 point
    sounds like you need some new friends. I'd have no problem dumping people like that. They are being horrible!!
  10. 1 point

    Maintenance anxiety

    Thank you! I can’t even count the pounds that were lost and seemed to pile right back on. I’m already feeling relieved to stop that cycle.

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