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  1. 4 points

    ONDERLAND!!!! and NSV's

    FINALLY! Onederland! I can't remember the last time I didn't see a "2" as the first number on the scale. Seeing the "1" this weekend was just surreal. I think I must have stepped on and off the scale at least 10 times. What a motivator! I feel like I've accomplished the impossible and now ANYTHING is possible!! ~40 to go (I'd like to hit 50 just to have some wiggle room). For those who might be struggling after the first couple of months - Months 1-3 were EASY - weight just fell off. Month 4+, slowed A LOT (as in less than 8 a month) - Being able to eat pretty much anything I wanted without having an upset stomach didn't help. I was hoping to be under 200 by the end of December. Stalled (much of it my fault for choices I made, and simply my body catching up), got frustrated, felt sorry for myself, etc...and at times even wondered if it was possible or if I was just going to stop there with my weight loss. Booked a vacation and decided that I WOULD be under 200 before I left (next Sunday - nothing like cutting it close!). Got back on plan, made better choices, and quit feeling sorry for myself and WOO HOO - Major goal #1 accomplished. If you're struggling, hang in there, refocus, know you aren't alone in this journey and make up your mind that you CAN do this. NSV's this week - I didn't see the "OMG, PLEASE let this fat lady be seated ANYWHERE but beside ME on a plane" look. People actually look me in the eye rather than past me. Servers @ restaurants are concerned that the food they served me wasn't good because I didn't eat much. I got more work accomplished onsite because I didn't need a lunch break (quick protein bar and I was good to go). I could go to ANY store and buy some cheap clothes for vacation - Can't wait to rock that bathing suit coverup in Hawaii next week!
  2. 3 points
    I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's reasonable to be disappointed and hurt by the reaction and words you describe. People are full of opinions, but no one knows your health or what it has been like to be in your shoes better than you. I used a lot of my time with a pre-op therapist to untangle and work through the way others perceive WLS and may judge me for it. I have been surprised how helpful working with a therapist has been on the relationship side of WLS. One of the conclusions I have come to is that I don't owe anyone an explanation and I don't have to take on making them more comfortable with the idea of me having WLS. Another thing that came out of it is I have decided (at least for now) to have a very small circle of people that know I am having this surgery. Everything I have to work with to be on this path feels like a lot already and hearing the input and opinions of other people (especially when they are not educated in WLS) just feels like more than I want to take on at the moment. Sending you good thoughts!
  3. 1 point

    February 2021 Sleeve Surgery

    Im with you Nicassa! my surgery is Tuesday. I did everything else, but I just have to my covid 19 test then its on for 7am tuesday monday morning! Im stoked! I only had a week to prep, but to be honest with you, I was supposed to start thursday, and I started friday! lol, its lent season and I just had to get them snowcrabs, crawfish and boiled shrimps in! lol, Im good now. on popsicles, fairlife chocalate, water and bone broth. I lost 6lbs just that quick! I was 245 when I weighed in wednesday and as for today, Im 239 real time. Im cannot believe this! so if Im losing doing this, I can just imagine after the surgery! wow
  4. 1 point
    I can't use the words I'd like to to describe this "friend"! Like others have said, I suspect it's jealousy that YOU are being successful with your weight loss and they are struggling. I'm sure there will be some folks that disagree - YES, this surgery IS like starting a race well ahead of anyone else trying to "run the race" with you. However, it sure has hell doesn't meal prep or force you to eat the right foods and follow the plan. YOU make the choices of what goes into your body. YOU make the choice to follow the plan (especially with the sleeve since we generally can tolerate just about any foods). YOU are making the effort to be successful. That my friend is a win! Hang in there! You've got support on this board and look at the positive - These folks may have been fun to hang out with, but now they've shown you who they really are and it's up to YOU to choose whether or not they remain on your friends list - If not.... well...we all know that the world is far friendlier to people who aren't overweight and you have a new opportunity to find them!
  5. 1 point

    A new surgery date

    Im feeling the same so many emotions at once my surgery is march 8 good luck on urs!
  6. 1 point

    Weight loss Insecurity...

    There’s really only one way to get rid of loose skin & that is to have it surgically removed. Your skin has been stretched out and it can’t stretch back. But in saying that there are factors, like age, general skin elasticity, how long you were at your highest weight, how much you weighed at your highest weight, etc. that may mean you don’t have as much loose skin. I have flabby, flappy upper arms but have decided not to have any surgery. I just keep my elbows close to my body. No waving my arms in the air like I don’t care - lol! I even got told I had lovely arms a couple of months ago 😂. You can dress around your arms too. I don’t wear strappy or strapless tops but that’s no bother. I love all the puffed sleeves about at the moment & off the shoulder tops are very flattering. You won’t feel the heat nearly as much either when you lose your weight so a sleeve won’t be as much as an issue. Good luck.
  7. 1 point


    I love that they taste so good, it almost feels like cheating. LOL I recently had chunky PB & sugar free grape jelly on a 1/2 whole wheat pita, and I was in heaven. I was a huge PBJ fan before surgery. Maybe I shouldn't have done it because now I want to eat it everyday for lunch. If you had 2 Yasso bars, good for you. There are days when I say I am going to do it, but I am too full to try. No judgement here.
  8. 1 point

    Breaking Point

    For me it was really basic. I had a painful knee that I had suffered with for 37 years and I wanted to get a knee replacement. They wouldn't do it at the weight I was then, so I took the plunge. I had my bariatric surgery in March 2019 and my knee was replaced in August 2020. It's SO GOOD being out of pain now!
  9. 1 point

    Breaking Point

    I had got referred in March 2017. Did all the stuff, and had a date set for Dec 2017. I chickened out, rescheduled for March 2018, and chickened out (again) and rescheduled (again) for June 2018. Then yep, chickened out for the third time. Then one day that summer I was at a pool party sitting on the steps of the deck putting on sunscreen. I had trouble reaching my feet to put sunscreen on them cuz of my bulk. So i resorted to bending my knee and swinging my foot behind me to reach as I sat on the top step of the deck. I happened to look up as I was doing my thing and noticed some people around me looking at me with what I interpreted as pity (i dunno for sure if that is what they were thinking, but that is what *I* thought they were thinking, and that was enough). How I felt that very moment solidified my decision to finally go through with it for reals. That week I called the centre and rescheduled (again) for October 2018. I didn't chicken at that time, thank goodness. Zero regrets, and haven't looked back since.
  10. 1 point

    Nervous and unsure

    Yes I am! That is exactly what I am hoping for. Thank you so much for this great insight. I am grateful for your response.

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