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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    So, I haven't really told many people about my surgery. A few close friends know, my mom, and my sister. I tell my mom everything so she knows, but out of my few close friends, only one was really supportive--everyone else was a bit hesitant. They all struggle with their weight, including my sister. So I don't like sharing my victories as they all start feeling bad about themselves. But today was huge and I want to share with someone other than my amazing and supportive mom. I laid down today to do sit-ups and I could actually see and feel my ribs starting to show through. I thought it was too good to be true so I videoed myself and lo and behold, I could see them quite prominently. I haven't seen them since 2015/2016. I am so excited! I can't see them standing up, obviously, but man was it a surprise laying down. Just really happy! I also tried on a shirt that was too tight before and now it is baggy. Anyway, that was my NSV. Thanks for listening!
  2. 1 point
    I was told 1/3 cup and to make it last 20 to 30 minutes. If you eat too fast, you'll know. Ask me how I know. Lol. The main thing is hydration and protein. I was able to eat 1/3 cup as soon as I started purees. At 3 months, I still can't eat much more than that.
  3. 1 point
    I feel the same way. No problem with the protein shakes but the puréed food fills me up. I have hit my first stall so I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill today. I am getting all of my fluids and protein. I feel great and the only downside is feeling weak. I know that will pass with time.
  4. 1 point
    I didn't feel much restriction at all during the puree stage. I measured out everything. Still do. I would get the hiccups when I ate too much pureed food. It takes a while to figure it all out. When you start eating real food, you'll know.
  5. 1 point

    8 year Post-Op Success Pics

    Congratulations!!! You look amazing, and all of those meals look delicious!!!!
  6. 1 point
    I have this thing about only eating foods that taste good, and don't make me vomit from the smell or taste. "potatoes, rosemary, garlic & Gorgonzola" on a pizza? My boss at the pizza place said back in the 80's when kids would come in and try to order pineapple and ham, "Get the eff outta hea"... Then he would turn to me and say "what's next, freakin jellybeans on a pizza!" I'm a purist, Pepperoni, Black Olives, and occasionally sausage.
  7. 1 point

    February 2021 Sleeve Surgery

    I hear you. Has your bariatric team been able to provide any solutions? Mine was the 3rd and the first 4 days were HELL, but Day 5 I seemed to turn a corner. I hope you're able to get some relief soon.
  8. 1 point

    Fear of surgery and after life

    I eat sugar, fat, and spicy food (I limit my sugar, though - and since I hit maintenance at about 20 months out, I count overall calories, so if the high-fat food fits into my daily calorie range, I'm good. A super high-fat meal (such as a couple of pieces of fried fish with tartar sauce and a pile of French fries and cole slaw made with mayo) doesn't usually sit well with my stomach, but I can eat one of those things - just not a whole meal full of high-fat things). I can also eat spicy food. I rarely drank alcohol before surgery and rarely drink it now - maybe three times a year - and a glass of wine is about all I can handle now (you feel the effects much quicker and stronger after surgery, and transfer addiction happens with some of us, so you do need to watch it). The first few weeks and months there are a lot of restrictions, but after that, not really. There's not much I can't eat, but I eat much smaller portions than I did before, and I focus now on my calories rather than what I can..and can't...have. If a burger or a piece of cake fits into my calorie range, then I'm good (although I usually try to eat nutritionally dense things, so a piece of cake is an occasional treat, not an every day indulgence). do I have fun? Oh good Lord yes - this is WAY better than weighing almost 400 lbs! I don't EVER want to go back there! I feel like I finally have my life back! I'm so glad I had this surgery - best decision I've ever made. I'd have it done every year if I had to! Life is so much better at a normal weight!!! I have a LOT more fun than I did when I was super morbidly obese!!
  9. 1 point
    Mr Alley Gator

    Anxiety and Bariatric Surgery

    There is not one person here including myself that was not anxious or nervous about getting cut open and making the decision to get healhty. It is Normal - You should have here join here there are great support members and veterans here that may calm her down. My view is yes get it done before its to late and you die from being unhealthy
  10. 1 point
    Well I had to take my COVID test on yesterday and it came back negative so my surgery is a go. So I have two days before surgery. i am a little nervous but really looking forward to this Acid reflux to be gone forever.

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