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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    I just white knuckled it. It was really tough, but it got a bit easier by day 3 or 4 (when your body goes into ketosis). I ate sugar free popsicles and sugar free Jello with abandon (as in - a whole box of Jello a day). I was also allowed a limited amount of broth and tomato juice/V8 (I think a cup of each a day), so I took advantage of that since the sodium in them made me retain water - thus I felt a little fuller. But it wasn't easy. I thought it was the hardest part of the whole ordeal. I was actually relieved by the time surgery day came around!
  2. 1 point

    Home from the hospital

    Just got home from my sleeve surgery. I was in the operating room at 7:30 am yesterday. Turns out I also had a small hiatal hernia so they repaired that while they were in there. The pain in my chest from the gas when I woke up in recovery was excruciating. Most of my stay wasn't too bad but I definitely didn't move much. Getting dressed and getting in the car were quite painful. I am home now and took a pain pill so I am feeling a bit better. All the nurses at Hackensack Medical Center in NJ were amazing! I am a bit congested (I think from the anesthesia) and it really hurts to try and cough. I'll check back in a few days and let you know how it is going.
  3. 1 point

    Setting a goal weight?

    My gastroenterologist (who diagnosed my GERD/Gastritis/Esophagitis) wants me to get to normal BMI. For me that's 145, so that's my goal. My surgeon never really discussed a weight loss goal since my surgery was for GI issues, not weight loss. But I know when I has the gastric sleeve done, my surgeon told me his goal is always for better health for his patients. So he never discussed weight goals, rather things like getting off blood pressure meds, lowering my glucose levels, getting off a by pap machine etc. I did all of that, and he was happy.
  4. 1 point

    Surgery date

    Best wishes for you!
  5. 1 point

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    @Jnfinney : I went from eating my regular pre-op way (which was alot) straight into the 2 week liquid diet. Mine was 3 protein shakes a day. The first 2-3 days was a little challenging in terms of reminding myself that I'm not supposed to eat anything but my 3 shakes, but by day 3-4 it became infinitely easier. In fact, by the second week there were days that I only had 2 shakes and was just fine. If I remember correctly, I had no issues with energy levels. So like @catwoman7 said, if you can get through 2-3 days of sticking to the plan, it will feel less challenging going forward after that (at least that was my experience). Good Luck! P.S. Congrats on your upcoming surgery!! It'll be a game changer!
  6. 1 point

    Surgery delayed

    That’s the spirit! You’re going to do great ❤️
  7. 1 point

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    I’m really glad there is a big variety of liquids my surgeon is allowing! Good luck to you!!
  8. 1 point

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet

    My experience with the liquid diet was easier than I thought. I felt like I had no energy and everyone said it would pass in 3-4 days. It never did But it is what we have to do. I did have a nutritionist tell me that if I needed I could have some white meat chicken, so I did that a couple of days.
  9. 1 point
    I think the gas pains are all gone now. Really, i think it might not have been gas that was causing pain, but rather my diaphram from being blown up. I feel pretty good right now, had an oxy about an hour ago, and have started drinking my Protein 2.0 water. I can tolerate little sips, but nothing more. May wait till tomorrow to try yogurt or pudding. All in all, the Hernia pain seems more than the sleeve pain. Standing up or sitting down takes a lot as it is very painful. But, i'm doing it. Taking small walks downstairs or just down the hallway. Excited to see the weight shedding. I gained 10lbs in the hospital, and have already lost 3lbs from peein. The stomach needles for the blood thinner isn't as bad as I thought they would be. Thanks to everyone for their support on this site.
  10. 1 point
    I did not have much pain at all. This biggest issue was gas. Move around as much as possible to keep the blood flowing and the gas moving congrats and best wishes. The first week was the roughest as far as getting in the fluids. Just remember this is just a little stage and soon it will be just a memory. Small sips to stay hydrated is the best thing you can do, keep moving to keep the blood flowing and the gas moving and just a tip from old nurse in me, pain meds are constipating, less is more as far as they are concerned. Liquid Tylenol or the powdered dissolvable Tylenol is super helpful and not constipating, I found that super helpful with the incisional pain while I was healing up!!!

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