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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    On December 21st I had gastric bypass and my gallbladder removed during the same surgery. My gastric bypass was no issues at all. I had multiple complications with my gallbladder removal and was in the hospital for 14 nights. I was wondering if anyone else had done this and if so how was there outcome?
  2. 1 point

    Barely loseing

    Hi so I'm new here and was wandering if anyone else is going through the same? I'm 13 days PO and I've barely lost anything. Week one I was so excited to weigh but I lost nothing! I've never heard of anyone who didn't lose alot week 1. Into week 2 and I'm only down 6Ibs and I realy dont know why. I'm sticking to everything I'm supposed to, barely managing 3 to 500 calories a day and havent cheated with anything. Has anyone had similar problem? My clinic just told me up my protein but I should still be in liquid stage. Tia Sent from my SM-A505FN using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Thighs after weight loss

    Lolololol...if I had *it* I would for sure be wearing booty shorts, but alas, between the pale skin, varicose veins, and saggy inner thighs, I will do everyone a favor and take a hard pass 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the compliment, @ms.sss! I can’t tell when I look at pics, and the weight loss is soooo slow lately. I want PS now, but know it will be better if I wait a minute. Body dysmorphia is really bad lately, and all I see is the flaws🙄🙄
  4. 1 point

    Barely loseing

    I lost virtually nothing in the first two weeks - in fact I came home 5 pounds heavier than the day of surgery. Lots of fluids (IVs), gas, swelling etc. from the hospital stay. So the 2nd week, I finally got down to my pre-surgery weight! After the first couple weeks, the scale starting moving down pretty quick. Had a stall around week 10, starting drinking a lot more water, and I've lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. You're doing really well. Don't try to compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone heals at different rates depending upon how fit they were pre-surgery, preexisting conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure etc. Listen to your body, rest when you need to, drink plenty of fluids and be very cautious as you start adding foods into your diet.
  5. 1 point

    Barely loseing

    I lost nothing during week one. You get a bunch of fluids in the hospital and you body tends to be in shock after surgery. 6 pounds week two is awesome. Don’t stress. The weight will come off if you stick with the plan. 😊
  6. 1 point
    Anyka Kindy

    Weight loss and gain

    I had surgery on December 21st. I have lost close to 30 pounds since my pre-op visit. My doctor said losing 3 pounds a week is about average. This morning I weighed myself and I had gained 2 pounds. Has anyone else had this happen? And if so, is there a reason behind it?
  7. 1 point
    Hi All, I wanted to thank you again for the responses and to provide an update that insurance did accept and pay the hospital stay. Feeling so blessed.
  8. 1 point
    kelly Lake

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    I have accepted tgat my future eating habits will never look anything like my old eating and tgats how I got to 313 in the first place. Tge surgery really is just 1 tool to help you reach your weightloss goals. I don't eat a lot of carbs at all, less than 60-65 grams a day 70-75 if I exercise that day. I don't really do keto as we can't have all that high fat and its not healthy long term. I just find creative ways to satisfy my favorite food cravings and whatever I "think" I can eat I put half that on my plate. If you eat sugary starchy foods more & more gradually on the regular you will decrease the amt that tgey bother you or cause dumping thus making it easier to incorporate them daily and putting weight back on. I lose 2.7 lbs a week on avg on about 600-800 cal a day but my day is mostly Protien then veggies with healthy fats and a small amt of fruits and carbs. I have been speaking with a councelor ev 2 weeks and my Nutritionist every month to make sure I stay focused, satisfied and don't make the wrong choices destroying my chances of success. Snacking is my biggest issue, Sugar free candies, Skinny Pop corn, popsicles, beef jerky, cheese sticks etc. I had to get all snacks out of my room, car and severely limit the amt I buy myself. I can easily stall if I snack on the wrong foods.. I had an eating disorder in my 20s and I had to totally rebuild my relationship with food, its still hard but being disabled and in pain daily was harder.
  9. 1 point

    husband thinks Im making him fat

    OMG...ME!!! I love EVERYTHING about food...cooking it, researching it, plating it, looking at pics of it, shopping for it, watching people eat it, asking people if they like it, smelling it, reading menus of it, taking pics of it....and to a much, much, lesser degree, actually eating it. I find the anticipation of it is much more pleasing to me than the eating. I dunno though if this is destructive behaviour...bingeing on food or starving oneself (among other things) would be the destructive part, i think. Ain't nothing wrong with appreciating a good thing! ....of course I could be wrong and this food fetish may in fact cause me some real harm one day...but so far so good (and i've been food fetishing since a couple months post surgery, over 2 years ago).
  10. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    All I can say is that I am 2 years post bypass. I lost 100% of my excess weight in 7 months, am keeping it off, and am not deficient in vitamins or minerals. The restriction is much less now than it was a year ago. I focus on whole, plant based foods which allow a tremendous amount of volume. I can eat basically as much as I want, and control weight by monitoring the grains, nuts, nut butters, and seeds. Those are the most caloric dense foods I eat, and it is easy to tweak caloric intake up or down by adjusting those. I think the people you know who have had bypass and are vitamin deficient are the exception to the rule. Are they taking their supplements? The malabsorption part of bypass gradually goes away, but bypassers are still supposed to be taking their vitamins unless directed otherwise. You do not see all the other bypassers out there who are doing fine, look great, and are not deficient. I had bad GERD, so bypass was my only real option. But I would have chosen it anyway. This is major surgery and I only wanted to do it once, and get all the weight off once and for all.

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