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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24076675/ Have any of you seen this? My WL surgeon shared it with me. Makes me even more glad I had PS done!
  2. 2 points

    Newbie & 1st stall

    Congrats on your surgery. Yep, stalls are frustrating. You’re dropping pounds then nothing. Look at it as your body playing catch-up. It’s going through a lot & is taking a break. My longest stall was 2 1/2 weeks when I was 1 kg from goal. Grrr. It was right there ... I never changed a thing & my stalls still broke. There’s a lot talk about starvation mode & upping calorie intake. The term starvation mode is actually incorrect. The correct term to describe what is occurring is adaptive thermogenesis. This is the body reducing the metabolism rate (calories burnt) in response to a reduction in caloric intake. Weight loss will reduce the number of calories you burn but studies show it’s only about 6 calories per pound lost. But a high protein diet can boost your metabolism by 80 - 100 calories per day. So I guess the take away is make sure you’re meeting your protein goals each day to keep your metabolism up & counter balance any metabolic slow down from a reduced caloric intake. Good luck. This too will pass.
  3. 1 point

    Butter free popcorn

    I didn't eat it until I was at least a year out since it's not very nutrient dense, but I do eat it occasionally now. Watch it, though - it's easy to scarf down a ton of it. It's kind of weird how much of it you can eat - although when you figure 1/4 C of kernels will pop up to about 2 cups of popcorn, then it makes sense - most of the popped part is just water, so they go back down to pretty much nothing in your pouch.
  4. 1 point
    kelly Lake

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    I have accepted tgat my future eating habits will never look anything like my old eating and tgats how I got to 313 in the first place. Tge surgery really is just 1 tool to help you reach your weightloss goals. I don't eat a lot of carbs at all, less than 60-65 grams a day 70-75 if I exercise that day. I don't really do keto as we can't have all that high fat and its not healthy long term. I just find creative ways to satisfy my favorite food cravings and whatever I "think" I can eat I put half that on my plate. If you eat sugary starchy foods more & more gradually on the regular you will decrease the amt that tgey bother you or cause dumping thus making it easier to incorporate them daily and putting weight back on. I lose 2.7 lbs a week on avg on about 600-800 cal a day but my day is mostly Protien then veggies with healthy fats and a small amt of fruits and carbs. I have been speaking with a councelor ev 2 weeks and my Nutritionist every month to make sure I stay focused, satisfied and don't make the wrong choices destroying my chances of success. Snacking is my biggest issue, Sugar free candies, Skinny Pop corn, popsicles, beef jerky, cheese sticks etc. I had to get all snacks out of my room, car and severely limit the amt I buy myself. I can easily stall if I snack on the wrong foods.. I had an eating disorder in my 20s and I had to totally rebuild my relationship with food, its still hard but being disabled and in pain daily was harder.
  5. 1 point

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    I live in south Texas (Houston) so don’t have that problem lol anytime it’s been “cold” by Texas standards I still don’t mind walking in it. Congrats on your sleeve!!
  6. 1 point
    kelly Lake

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    313 was my top weight, 307 on my first appt with the Surgeon in Dec 2019 and I was 293 on my surgery day Aug 24th, I'm only 5 ft 3 5" had a Bmi of like 53 and a waist of 59 inches, My waist now (20 weeks later is 41 inches). I chose the R&Y because I wanted the most restrictions and requirements possible, the extra accountability that comes with the stricter reginine of supplements for life, low fat and no sugar. Dumping syndrome is AWFUL!! its nausea, the cold sweats, upset stomach etc like a sudden flu that happens in minutes. It happens if u have too much sugar, Fat or just too much food in your stomach, especially with fluid and then it goes through faster than it should. The 30/30 rule is for real! I also felt in all my research and my surgeon agreed that my GERD (acid Reflux) and my EOE Eociniphilic Esophogitus (Spontaneous regurgitating) would both be better with the R&Y. Gerd can get worse with the sleeve. They were right and my Gerd is gone and I no longer need meds for it either. I'm down 68 lbs since surgery and I'm 100% confident I made the right choice for me. I also Didn't want to go through a revision of sleeve to Bypass if it didn't work well enough for me. I have lost and gained 100 lbs multiple times in my life and I never wanna go through it again. I need the stricter food guidelines for my progress, the accountability and responsibility keeps me on track. Not 1 item with real sugar in it since 2 weeks before surgery. Fruit is my only real sugar and I am careful to eat very small portions of low sugar fruits like berries and some green apple. I put pyure sugar sub on things that need it but thats rare as things do taste sweeter. You really have to make the decision that's best for your individual wants, needs and preferences. I had a lot of pain post op, I did have my Galbladder out too tho so I have 9 incision scars instead of the 5 most ppl have. It took a few hours for the nurses to get my pain under control and I had some pain for first few weeks at home. Then suddenly it was gone. I also rejected no less that 2 dissolving stitches from 5 of my incisions, this has happened to me before with other surgeries. I would do it all over again tho.
  7. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    Hi. thats me. I had a bmi of 48.7. One year post and i am a BMi of 25.9...and still losing. But you dismissed my success because I havent even hit 18 months (even though that gives me 6 more months to lose, and I am already under my first goal.) You wanted someone with your stats who succeeded with the sleeve. IM RIGHT HERE!
  8. 1 point


    Hello, I had the lap band in 2008 and lost 63 pounds. I began to have problems (I.e. vomiting, erosion of the band) and had it removed. Gained back all that I lost and more. In 2020 I had the sleeve and 7.5 months later I have lost 80 pounds and still going. When having a revision my Dr explained that you will lose slower. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  9. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    Well I never had GERD, and really thats the primary reason for a revision. I may develop it later on, but only 30% of sleevers have this issue.My sleeve was done right, so it definitely isnt an inferior surgery. Actually, the weight loss between GB and GS is very very similar at 5 years post op. Because it is so similar and the rate of complications with a sleeve is lower than with a bypass, this is why my doc recommended it. Weight regain is not a side effect of the surgery (either one...regains happen with bypass just as often), but rather choices made by the patient. I am still losing. I'm confident in myself and my choices. I will check back in July 😊
  10. 1 point

    Am I dreaming?

    Yes that’s exactly it. I feel like I did an intense workout. Thank you!

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