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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    OMG, it is so rude for people to ask this. Two different people came up to me at work last week and asked me how much weight I've lost. I am kind of shocked that anyone would think this is appropriate to ask someone AT WORK (or, honestly, anywhere, but especially at work). My answer is to say jokingly, "Oh, you know a lady never tells."
  2. 2 points

    Sleeve to wound infection

    I hope you feel better soon and that your infection clears up fast . Congratulations on the start of your journey. The first few weeks are ruff they will get better and a few months from now you will forget about the pain it started with. I am six months out and I have very bad hips n arthritis along with a lot of herniated disc’s. I feel your pain. Hopefully you will feel better soon. Give yourself some grace n you will see tomorrow is another day into this very long journey 🙂🎉
  3. 2 points
    I have only had those who know I had the surgery (not many folks, and only the family I live with) ask me, and I just go ahead and tell them. I don't get out much though. If anyone else asks, I may say I dunno... that I don't weigh myself (lie). Those I definitely do NOT want to know about the surgery will get the "I am on a medically supervised diet" line, along with an "oh, I think it was about X lbs down at my last appointment."
  4. 2 points
    Exactly! I have 10 more pounds to go to get to half my highest weight, but I know if I tell people that, they will guess my current weight and use that to calculate my highest weight, and I don't want anybody thinking about that!
  5. 1 point


    Welcome, and congrats on getting your surgery! 20 pounds in two weeks is awesome. The first few weeks are the hardest because you are very limited in what you can eat but you're not seeing all the rewards from the weight loss yet. The good news is that it gets easier! At two weeks out, you're probably either on purees or soft foods, right? It won't be too long before you can start eating real food (it may feel like an eternity, though). I've discovered some great new bariatric-friendly recipes on Pinterest that I really like. There are times when I miss being able to eat like I did before surgery, but at 6 months out, I'm getting used to my new eating habits and I'm loving my results. I, too, have had to work on slowing down my eating. I bought a set of tiny forks and spoons (they are listed as cocktail forks/spoons if you want metal rather than plastic baby forks/spoons), which helps for taking smaller bites. I set a timer to go off every 30 seconds, and I try to chew for the first 30 seconds and then wait another 30 seconds to take the next bite (so 1 minute between bites).
  6. 1 point


    Hello and Welcome!!! Slowing down while you eat will become more natural as time goes on, but for now, you need to concentrate on it and listen to your body and feel that restriction. Best of luck to you!!!
  7. 1 point


    It’s great to hear that you recognize and acknowledge the cause - now let’s get to work! I use small dishes, chopsticks or kid utensils. I weigh each meal. I cut the food up and maybe even mush it. I take a bite and read or look at phone while I chew, chew, chew. I’m more aware of what goes in my mouth. Do I like it? Will I eat it again later? Too salty? It’s become very very routine. I’m at 4 months only - but I find food does not control me anymore. I choose when to eat, what to eat, how much - not it. And it feels great.
  8. 1 point

    Gastric Bypass Reversal

    sorry, my bad.
  9. 1 point
    People ask me all the time how much I lost and I proudly tell them. Guess that makes me weird lol. I'm proud of how far I've come so I'm always happy to share it.
  10. 1 point
    When anyone asks me how much I've lost I just say "a lot" or "more than I now weigh." I never give an exact number.

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