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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    OMG, it is so rude for people to ask this. Two different people came up to me at work last week and asked me how much weight I've lost. I am kind of shocked that anyone would think this is appropriate to ask someone AT WORK (or, honestly, anywhere, but especially at work). My answer is to say jokingly, "Oh, you know a lady never tells."
  2. 1 point
    People ask me all the time how much I lost and I proudly tell them. Guess that makes me weird lol. I'm proud of how far I've come so I'm always happy to share it.
  3. 1 point
    When anyone asks me how much I've lost I just say "a lot" or "more than I now weigh." I never give an exact number.
  4. 1 point
    Yay for getting a date!!! It won’t be long and you’ll be on the path to a better you!
  5. 1 point
    Oh my gosh!! SO glad they are finally taking this seriously! Take care and keep us posted!
  6. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    I had hunger and cravings early on with my bypass, but the restriction and religiously following the protein first mantra prevented me from indulging. The physical hunger is unpleasant now with a shaky, nauseous, generally yucky feeling. Head hunger is real and annoying. I mostly choose to not listen to the head hunger. 🤷‍♀️ If you follow the protein first rule, it is almost impossible not to be in ketosis at first. As soon as I had room I added in some carbs though (mostly fruit), as I did not want to stay in ketosis. I can’t stand the body odor when I am in ketosis 😂 I exercise a lot and lost 100% of my excess body weight in just over 6 months. I am in what I will label as the vanity phase, as I work towards my chosen goal of 150 pounds. Ultimately, I actually want to get to 135-ish so I have a little cushion for bounce back. I chose bypass due to a 15 year history of GERD. My surgeon generally pushes for sleeve, but agreed with my desire for bypass due to GERD. I think either surgery would have been effective, but I did not want to have a revision if my GERD got worse. I hope some of that helps. 😊
  7. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    - if both surgeries are just as easy to fail as they are to succeed, why do the research charts show this difference? Research is based on averages. The numbers you are quoting do not apply to everyone in exactly the same way....it is an aggregate of those who reach goal AND those who don’t. 1 person loses 100 lbs. Another loses 40 lbs. Average weight loss of this “control group” is 70lbs...which is no where near what each person actually lost. @catwoman7 probably explained this better than me In her earlier post, lol Second, if you need to rely on averages for your peace of mind, it may be worth your while then to look into the makeup of the studied. Age, gender, starting weight, lifestyle habits, medical conditions, genetics, etc. Daunting, yes, but more informative and contextual. But really, wanna beat the average? Stick to plan more consistently than the “average” person (barring any medical conditions of course). Also, I wanted to ask, did you get to choose the size boujie you wanted for your sleeve or know what size Dr used for you?? Doc just did his thing with no input from me. I have no idea how what size he used! Also, did you cravings and hunger completely return after 6 months or it does but slightly? My hunger levels and occurrences has not returned to pre-op levels. I can’t remember when I first felt hungry though (it was months in)...but I do remember it was a rare occurrence. Even now at 2+ years out, i still have days of just not wanting/forgetting to eat. When i do get hungry, it isn’t the ravenous kind of hunger though. And it doesn’t take much to satisfy it. Lastly, can you just do complete Keto during the first year after surgery so you stay under 20 net carbs and in ketosis? Or our body doesn't need to be in fat burning mode because of the surgery? I didnt do full-on Keto during weight-loss phase because there was no way I could get in the percentage of fat required...but I did do ultra-low carb (20 net carbs max) during that time. But number of grams of carbs consumed is no where near as important as total calories consumed for weight loss. Though going low carb does tend to make me look lean. For my body this is good, cuz i can see more muscle definition, but for my face, not so good, as I look Skelator-ish. Since I have been consuming a higher number of net carbs (anywhere in the 100-175 range) my face looks much nicer, but the bod looks “soft” P.S. sorry this was so long
  8. 1 point

    Gastric Sleevr Vs. Bypass

    Well I never had GERD, and really thats the primary reason for a revision. I may develop it later on, but only 30% of sleevers have this issue.My sleeve was done right, so it definitely isnt an inferior surgery. Actually, the weight loss between GB and GS is very very similar at 5 years post op. Because it is so similar and the rate of complications with a sleeve is lower than with a bypass, this is why my doc recommended it. Weight regain is not a side effect of the surgery (either one...regains happen with bypass just as often), but rather choices made by the patient. I am still losing. I'm confident in myself and my choices. I will check back in July 😊
  9. 1 point

    Hair loss

    sorry for derailing this thread, but when I took that picture, I didn't realize how wrinkly my head was. I have loose skin everywhere, including I guess the top of my head.
  10. 0 points
    So after 3+ months of advising my doctor that I was having issues with the onset of dizziness upon standing up from the couch, things finally came to a head - my head. Sunday night marked the fourth time I blacked out from standing up and walking after being seated on the couch. The first time, I was able to brace myself against some furniture and stayed upright. The second time, I only managed to sort of brace myself and ended up dropping to my knees. The third time I slumped against a wall and slid down hard onto my knees and elbows. Sunday night, I tried to brace myself against a wall when my vision started going dark, but must have leaned forward too much. Came to on the floor seconds later with blood pouring out of a gash above my eye and the entire left side of my face in utter agony. Oh...and all of my neck muscles screaming from when I have to assume my face hit the floor full speed and my head bounced. 4 hours in the ER with bloodwork that showed no issues, an EKG that was perfect, chest X-rays that revealed nothing, and a CT scan that (fortunately) showed no bone damage or bleeding in the brain. Aggravatingly, my BP also registered as normal, even when they had me do orthostatic readings. I look and feel like hell. Have not slept well the past two nights (last night my upper left teeth hurt). And right now I've got some nerve issues due to the swelling in my face that have made my left nostril almost completely numb. As far as post-op complications go, I am sooooooo over this one. I'll trade it back for the constipation! (Okay, not really because I don't really want to deal with THAT again either). On the plus side, ending up in the ER with a head injury (5 stitches in my eyebrow) seems to have finally gotten my doctor to stop claiming that this crap is normal for bariatric patients and he is finally getting me the cardiac consult that I have been asking for since the first time I blacked out. Less thrilled about this knocking me off track for the time being. I do not feel well enough or comfortable enough to workout on my treadmill, so my exercise is definitely going to suffer this week.

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