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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I can't wait to see the after photos! Your recovery is going great! Prayers for continued complication free, speedy recovery!
  2. 1 point
    You look amazing
  3. 1 point

    Eating too much? 3 months out

    It seems like a lot to me, but check the food/eating plan your surgeon or dietitian should have given you. I know I did not eat bread at 3 months out (although I do occasionally now, at almost six years out), and those sub buns are HUGE, even the 6" ones. If I'd have ordered a sub, I would have just eaten the meat and cheese and ditched the bun.
  4. 1 point

    Difficulty with vomiting

    Hi @Lola2122. I’m sorry you’re feeling so lousy. Yes, I had a terrible time with nausea right after surgery. Lots of puking and dry heaves. If you’re not already, hold a pillow against your abdomen when you throw up. I put a bowl on a counter so I didn’t have to lean over too much. Definitely contact your surgeon. I met with the nurse practitioner who sorted me out. I received IV fluids in the office for dehydration (made me feel a little bit better). I was prescribed the scopolamine patch for nausea which worked 100 times better than the zofran. And they did a CT scan to make sure nothing was wrong with my insides. Nothing was, but it gave me great peace of mind. There’s no reason to let this go on without a little medical help! For me, the nausea subsided by about day 7 or 8, and I think I only threw up once or twice after the office visit. I could feel I was on the path to mending once I saw them. Call them right now, and good luck!!!
  5. 1 point
    If would be really helpful if you populated your profile data....start weight, current weight etc etc it gives people context to the questions being asked. I don't know if its too much, but if I were you I'd be eating to my surgeon's and/or dietician's post op guidelines. I am about nine months post op and depending on the foods I am eating I can eat a whole lot or very little. I generally try and keep my meals to about 1/2 to 3/4 a cup, but if full fluids (eg soups or smoothies) one cup. I can do one slice of bread with cheese...but that is a danger food for me so I typically avoid bread and cheese, also before my procedure bread and some breakfast cereal gave me a lot of acid reflux, so I avoid them now or try to.
  6. 1 point

    Not losing anything!

    I finally started to drop 😊 12 pounds total so that equals about a pound a day. Hoping it continues to drop!
  7. 1 point

    Am I dreaming?

    Yes that’s exactly it. I feel like I did an intense workout. Thank you!
  8. 1 point

    Hair loss

    sorry for derailing this thread, but when I took that picture, I didn't realize how wrinkly my head was. I have loose skin everywhere, including I guess the top of my head.
  9. 1 point

    Completely amazed!

    Way to go, girl! Congratulations! It truly is amazing to get your life back!
  10. 1 point
    I had my original surgery Gastric Bypass in 2008 and it was successful, I went from weighing 345 to 190lbs, through the course of 10+ yrs I’ve had 3 children and gained weight, I went for the revision last week, from what I was told I won’t loose as much weight as when I got my original surgery... but everyone is different so I’m hopeful. surgery was Oct 16 and I went in weighing in at 237lbs as of today I’m 228... so it’s working wonderfully and I’m feeling better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
