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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2021 in Posts

  1. 9 points

    Feel Amazing almost 6 months out!

    Almost 5 1/2 months out and down 77lbs! The first picture was taken the night before surgery... I'm thankful I have it for comparison. This Surgery has saved my life in so many ways. [emoji3059] Sent from my SM-G981U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 4 points

    Rant/Vent: Failure

    AWWWW Jaelzion - Thank you for keeping me in your heart !!! Yes, I am still around ! More than 10 years later you CAN take some control back. If Depression is a problem, talk to your doctor - even your regular doc and ask about a referral for therapy or for some medication - antidepressants are a wonderful help - and although they take 6 to 8 weeks to kick in well, they can really help you to lift yourself out of a chemical imbalance that causes us to have depression. (yeah, I am a therapist/social worker too !!) But do not allow yourself to be depressed about YOURSELF. Take one thing. Just one thing and turn it positive. Mine was "no more fried potato food" I stopped eating french fries and potato chips. Then I added more healthy foods back to my diet. I remembered how much I really liked eating healthier .... and I added more and substituting a healthy choice for a not so healthy one is a VICTORY EVERY DAY. And not eating out ? I forgot how much added salt is in things. THAT took weight off me too. No, it isn't easy. But I did it. I have kept those 45 pounds off since October 2020 and here it is January 2021 and .... I have lost another 2 pounds. I know, not alot. But I had told myself that at 45 pounds I was stopping and going to maintain my weight. Maybe lose 5 pounds in the next year. Maybe not. And look at that. 4 months and down 2 more pounds ! YES AND WHOOPPEE for meeee !!!! Celebrate your victories like crazy ! I will be 65 years old this year - actually in a couple months... and I will weigh what I did in graduate school when I was .... 25 ! I am not thin. I won't ever be thin. I am "overweight" for my height and age. And you know what ? I am okay with that. Because I WAS SUPER MORBIDLY OBESE. I weighed over 300 pounds. I now weigh 173. My BMI WAS 58 - it is now 31. And IF i were to have the extra skin removed ? I would probably lose another 10 pounds easily. But I don't need to do that. Or want to. I'm good. Figure out where you can be "good" with yourself. Then start on the road. YOU CAN DO THIS.
  3. 1 point

    Rant/Vent: Failure

    I know how "set" some of us can be on a specific number "goal" or "I am going to lose 50 pounds in X months." May I suggest that instead of looking at a number that seem impossible - and having a constant reminder of what you HAVE NOT done... that instead, pick a really logical goal or EVEN (horrors) a goal that WE KNOW we can attain. I was inspired by an acquaintance on facebook who said he goal for that year was to lose 20 pounds. I thought about it, for a couple months......and decided that I was tired of my weight gain and MY goal could be to stop gaining weight, and maybe lose 10 pounds in a year. Reversing habits that had snuck back over 8 years.... and heck....it started working. And instead of setting myself up for failure... I was; to myself; an amazing success !!! Maybe I COULD lose 20 in a year ! I had lost that and more by 7 months. I also knew what weight I COULD NOT maintain back when and how miserable I was trying to continually FIGHT and never win. So I set MY GOAL for 5 pounds over where I had managed to maintain for several years. NO, I won't be a size small or even a medium. But I started at 5'3 (now 5'2) and 320 pounds at age 53. I have lost 147 pounds. I am good with that. This may not apply to you. This may not be you. It is me. I managed to do this as a full time working 64 year old human with some auto immune disease - exercise is not something I can do much of. I practice meditational yoga, actively garden a few times a week. I take care of a small flock of a couple dozen chickens, so I rake and hoe and haul things around. I have a teenager who comes and hauls 40 pound bags for me on the weekends. But I am active even in times of Covid, grow some of my own vegetables and fruit and salad greens .... life is good. Find your Good.
  4. 1 point

    Rant/Vent: Failure

    I'm right there with you. I had my sleeve in December of 2018, lost a fair amount of weight, not a ton, but it was slow-going and stopped after four months. I kept it off for 15 months. Then during COVID I put on 10-12 pounds and I'm having a hard time taking them off. I want to kick myself for going through major surgery only to screw it up again because I'm such a loser. But then I focus on what I need to be doing and get back on track and have been doing really well for the last 15 days. You can do it. Go back to basics. Get the protein in. Get the water in. Watch the portion sizes. You can do it!
  5. 1 point

    Rant/Vent: Failure

    First step is analyzing what exactly went wrong. Taking action comes after that.
  6. 1 point


    One month post-op tomorrow. HW 263 SW 244 CW 218
  7. 1 point


    Congrats! Newbie here - post op 1 month + 1 week. Had my surgery on November 29th 2020. Starting weight: 130kg Current: 115.6 Steady for now - hoping January 2021 ends with some more kgs down the drain!
  8. 1 point
    I’ve upped my homemade corn tortilla game. 60 calories for each tortilla. (I weigh them) 3 ingredients, Masa, water and salt. No oil, no fat. You do need a cast iron tortilla press though, cheap ones don’t cut it. It’s a great way to bump up boring dinners and add a bunch of veggies. We are huge fans of Rick Bayless sauces and marinades, Frontera Grill. Really low in calories and not bland at all. So far so good, my weight has maintained stable 2.5 years out. I’m super conscious about my weight and have to be diligent. I think Americans should get bonus points this year. I’m exhausted! Anyway, I highly recommend making your own tortillas!
  9. 1 point
    I understand completely! I’m 2 months out from VSG and have had two stalls that have each lasted about 10 days. It’s SO frustrating!! The weight will start dropping again. Just yesterday I started losing again. How are you doing with exercise? I find if I don’t walk, I slow down in weight loss. Hang in there. As frustrating and maddening as it is, it can’t last forever!
  10. 1 point
    Your body is wondering what the hell you just did to it. It went through a major trauma of surgery and is healing. Now you're feeding it way less than it's used to getting. It happens. It really is okay, I promise you. You're doing everything right. I can't explain the science to you, I just know it's real. For instance, I have been eating 650-800 calories for the past 12 days. For the first 5 days I lost weight. For the next 3 days, I GAINED weight. How the hell do you gain weight on 800 calories/day? But I did and I figured it was my body adjusting, plus I was eating green olives, which are high in sodium. So now fast forward two more days and it's slowly coming down again. Weight fluctuations are normal. Take it easy on yourself and take care and trust the process. 😀

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