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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Any December surgery

    Oh man. Mine is here! Tomorrow afternoon. Definitely nervous and excited. Still anxious about covid but ready for this change. Woo.
  2. 1 point
    I had the sleeve and before the sleeve I had three bowel resections due to diverticulitis, so I have had constipation issues most of the last 15 years. The sleeve only made it worse BUT I have found that ginger tea, hot baths and a stool to put my feet up helps a great deal on my poop day. I also have to day a stool softener every night and I only poop every three days. That is a lot of poop information right there but you will find that pooping becomes a very important part of your life right now!!!! I found chewable exlax is very helpful in that third day!!!
  3. 1 point

    Any December surgery

    In the preop waiting room. Getting super super nervous.
  4. 1 point

    Hmmm, change of plans

    Good for you! Great discipline! Sent from my SM-G975U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point


    What time of plastics did you get? Lower body lift, breast lift, arm lift How much did you pay out of pocket? about $40,000 Pain? yes - lots. Especially the lower body lift. Plastic surgery was a LOT more painful for me than my weight loss surgery was (I had very little pain with my WLS) Recovery? it's a long road. The first week I had a lot of pain - after that, for maybe three weeks or so, it was more discomfort. I had to wear binders the first three weeks or so and then compression garments for awhile after that. Was it worth it? yes. I'm glad I did it. I'd do it again, even given the pain and recovery. How long did you have to wait first, I waited two years after I hit my lowest weight to have plastic surgery, but that's kind of long. Some surgeons want you to wait up to a year after you hit goal, so I was well beyond that. As far as how long I waited between my consult and my first surgery (my LBL) - I think it might have been about two months. Ladies- if you got breast implants how big did you go? can't help you here - I always had big boobs and HATED them! I wanted to be a B cup for the first time in my life - and now, I am! (I just did a lift - it was perfect!)
  6. 1 point


    What time of plastics did you get? assuming you meant "kind" and not "time", lol... Tummy Tuck w/ Flank Lipo & Muscle tightening Breast Lift Arm Lift How much did you pay out of pocket? approx 15K (Canadian) for all three (I was able to get the panniculectumy portion of the TT covered by insurance) Pain? YES. For me, it was worse than WLS (though I have read others who say the opposite). While my WLS pain was probabably a 3 or 4 out of 10 on the pain scale, plastics recovery was like a 7, maybe 8. Of course, this is just me, everyone will have a different pain tolerance. Recovery? 3 months until I was completely back to normal (though the extended recovery was alot my fault, as I kept doing more than I should, in terms of exercise, and would re-injure myself) Was it worth it? Definitely. Would do it all again in an instant. How long did you have to wait Wanted to get it done about 3 months after goal (Aug 2019), but had to wait as my surgeon was booked up until the following spring. He eventually opened up a day just for me, as I was getting 3 procedures done and I would be the only patient he would work on. So....ended up getting it done in Dec 2019, which was 7 months after goal, and 14 months post WLS. Ladies- if you got breast implants how big did you go? Not applicable: Just had a breast lift, and i LOOOOOOOVEEEE it.
  7. 1 point
    Just an update : My surgery was Dec 15. RNY gastric -bypass : was walking around 2-hours after surgery, 1 night in hospital : Never nauseous, pain was MINIMAL ! NO gas cramps, My lower intestines' rumble from time to time but no pain. Since my surgery I have lost 20 LBs !!!!!! 8 days WOW I'm sure a lot of that has been water , but still nice to see.. I have no issues with anything I consume except really cold or hot stuff....so I just let it get to more of a normal temp. NO hunger at all, I have to remember to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fluid intake are struggle to get to 32oz a day. I've had five surgeries before this one : appendix, molars, both knee meniscus tears, one knee twice. This by far has been a breeze compared the others : So each is different : but some of us come thru the procedure very well ! hope this is your case : BTW I was very Obese 380lbs 5"8"
  8. 1 point

    Strange smell and taste

    I can smell thinks pretty strongly especially eggs. Also my sense of taste intensified with VSG but even further after RNY conversion. Almost everything is too salty or sweet from me. It's kind of annoying but I have learned to live with it.
  9. 1 point

    Strange smell and taste

    I had the sleeve not the bypass and I haven't experienced that. However, my cousin had the bypass within a few days of mine and he also tells me that things taste different (and not in a good way). I don't have any insight into what causes that but you're not alone.
  10. 1 point
    Thank you so much for your reply this is my first post Im 45 years old 5ft 4 17st 2lbs on day of surgery And the surgery i had was a gastric sleeve i was panicking because i’ve already had a few stalls and other people seem to be loosing big chunks of weight at once unlike me ...but thanks again for the reply i’ll relax abit now

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