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  1. 2 points

    Any December surgery

    Oh man. Mine is here! Tomorrow afternoon. Definitely nervous and excited. Still anxious about covid but ready for this change. Woo.
  2. 1 point
    I had the sleeve and before the sleeve I had three bowel resections due to diverticulitis, so I have had constipation issues most of the last 15 years. The sleeve only made it worse BUT I have found that ginger tea, hot baths and a stool to put my feet up helps a great deal on my poop day. I also have to day a stool softener every night and I only poop every three days. That is a lot of poop information right there but you will find that pooping becomes a very important part of your life right now!!!! I found chewable exlax is very helpful in that third day!!!
  3. 1 point
    Whoever started the Loser club here it still to this day cracks me up and it is such a Oxy Moran statement. As we loose we become winners! Now that's a fact Jack. So for all you new people less then say 8 Months and who are freaked out about the holidays and what is going on! Read below Veterans feel free to add to this thread Lets start with you are in the same journey all of us did or are doing, My Journey was rough the first few months, the head games, the body fighting back, educating myself, etc. So all I can say is ride out the wave of aggravation, it does end. For me it was about the one year mark when I really realized how to run my body and stay healthy and happy. Not saying it will take everyone the same amount of time, but be patient you will get there. I crashed big time 2 months out, I have tossed up food many times, I fully agree there are some speed bumps in the journey! Today is my second X mas and as a chef (professionally trained but run a engineering firm, thought it would be a good double major) I cook for many. This year is a private cook for families who are in need. I am Blown away by how many families I will be feeding this holiday, actually so many I have to do half today and the other half tommorrow. No big deal I have a huge outdoor kitchen and indoor kitchen and lost of help from some of my employees. The amount of gifts for those in need filled up two pickup trucks Never seen anything like this especially where I live in one of the wealthiest places in the world - Naples Florida..... So Will this bother me since I can not eat, NOPE! Now not going to say last x mas did piss me off a little but now I look at food as just a thing, Not a obsession that dang nearly killed me! You will get there also so once again if you are struggling ride out the wave it will pass. Reach out to friends and family or even here if you are having issues, ITS JUST FOOD! I know easier said at my stage then yours. Wow while typing this a buddy called and said Steve had to go to the ICU for Covid, Can you go disinfect his house and dog. Part of my company is a remediation/Disinfectant company for mold and Now Covid. That puts things in perspective, he has been battling it all week from home. Back on subject. To wrap it up all I can say is the Holidays are about family and friends, Food is just a thing that in the USA gets abused. Focus on the good things this year and how good next year will be, WTF Knows it can not be any more insane then this year. But i have great kids and friends and great employees, that's what matters to me, Not food! So stay strong - Stay healthy- help those in need if you can - ask for help if you need it. By the way I did call the North Pole and Santa is not a big fan of protean bars and yogurt. Screw him he should learn to eat healthier. No cookies in this house for him! Enjoy and Happy Holidays Please stay safe!
  4. 1 point

    Any December surgery

    In the preop waiting room. Getting super super nervous.
  5. 1 point

    Hmmm, change of plans

    Good for you! Great discipline! Sent from my SM-G975U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point


    What time of plastics did you get? Lower body lift, breast lift, arm lift How much did you pay out of pocket? about $40,000 Pain? yes - lots. Especially the lower body lift. Plastic surgery was a LOT more painful for me than my weight loss surgery was (I had very little pain with my WLS) Recovery? it's a long road. The first week I had a lot of pain - after that, for maybe three weeks or so, it was more discomfort. I had to wear binders the first three weeks or so and then compression garments for awhile after that. Was it worth it? yes. I'm glad I did it. I'd do it again, even given the pain and recovery. How long did you have to wait first, I waited two years after I hit my lowest weight to have plastic surgery, but that's kind of long. Some surgeons want you to wait up to a year after you hit goal, so I was well beyond that. As far as how long I waited between my consult and my first surgery (my LBL) - I think it might have been about two months. Ladies- if you got breast implants how big did you go? can't help you here - I always had big boobs and HATED them! I wanted to be a B cup for the first time in my life - and now, I am! (I just did a lift - it was perfect!)
  7. 1 point
    Just an update : My surgery was Dec 15. RNY gastric -bypass : was walking around 2-hours after surgery, 1 night in hospital : Never nauseous, pain was MINIMAL ! NO gas cramps, My lower intestines' rumble from time to time but no pain. Since my surgery I have lost 20 LBs !!!!!! 8 days WOW I'm sure a lot of that has been water , but still nice to see.. I have no issues with anything I consume except really cold or hot stuff....so I just let it get to more of a normal temp. NO hunger at all, I have to remember to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fluid intake are struggle to get to 32oz a day. I've had five surgeries before this one : appendix, molars, both knee meniscus tears, one knee twice. This by far has been a breeze compared the others : So each is different : but some of us come thru the procedure very well ! hope this is your case : BTW I was very Obese 380lbs 5"8"
  8. 1 point

    Strange smell and taste

    I can smell thinks pretty strongly especially eggs. Also my sense of taste intensified with VSG but even further after RNY conversion. Almost everything is too salty or sweet from me. It's kind of annoying but I have learned to live with it.
  9. 1 point

    Strange smell and taste

    I had the sleeve not the bypass and I haven't experienced that. However, my cousin had the bypass within a few days of mine and he also tells me that things taste different (and not in a good way). I don't have any insight into what causes that but you're not alone.
  10. 1 point
    Thank you so much for your reply this is my first post Im 45 years old 5ft 4 17st 2lbs on day of surgery And the surgery i had was a gastric sleeve i was panicking because i’ve already had a few stalls and other people seem to be loosing big chunks of weight at once unlike me ...but thanks again for the reply i’ll relax abit now

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