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  1. 2 points
    Sometimes experimenting with new foods that are on plan is the only thing you can do. My hunger came back around month 5, but for some reason it's mostly only in the morning with the rare appearance at night. Very strange lol. And, I live in house where I'm the only one on a special diet and everyone else is eating cakes, pizza, cookies, donuts, pie, fast food, etc. and it's hard, but you just think about the weight you've lost and the amount you still have left to lose and then it's easy to say "no" or at least it is in my case. It just isn't worth it to go off plan when I'm so close to my goal weight! If you need to then sit your mom down and tell her that she isn't helping you by guiding you to the wrong foods and that you'd really like her support by NOT offering the wrong foods to you, that you love her, but you're trying really hard to keep on plan and you need her to help you out in that.
  2. 1 point


    Good Luck and be strong and stay the course ☺️
  3. 1 point
    It's hard when you compare yourself or your results to someone else. Each person's journey is different and unique. Just try really hard to get the protein and water in and do the best you can.
  4. 1 point
    Definitely file an appeal and also let your surgeon's office know what's going on. They obtained pre-authorization I'm sure, so they probably have documentation that can help. It makes no sense to approve a surgery and then deny the hospital stay associated with it (two days is not an unreasonable stay for bariatric surgery). Also check with the hospital business office and let them know. There may be something wrong with how they submitted the claim. They want to get paid, so it's in their interest to help you sort this out. Sorry this is happening, it's stress you don't need. But there's a good chance that decision can be reversed. Good luck!
  5. 1 point

    Appearance of scars

    Scar healing/fading will vary from person to person. You could probably predict where you will fall on the scale by how YOU healed historically. I am on the far end of the scale of slow/bad healing/fading. I am 2+ years out from surgery and my scars are still pretty dark. They have faded somewhat from the early months (and at least now they are flat!) but they are still very noticeable (see pic below...the scars pointed at by red arrows are my WLS incision scars which are 2 years, 2 months old. My belly button is also healing from scarring from plastics 1 year ago.) Generally though, for ALL scar care, it is often recommended to keep them clean and dry while healing, and then moisturize often when they close. Also, it's recommended to reduce alcohol during healing (as it may act as a blood thinner and prevent clots), and refrain from smoking (as it may affect healing as well: stress on heart, de-oxygenates blood, etc, etc...). Further, there has been some evidence of Retinol and Vitamin E topical applications to help by stimulating collagen growth which reduces the appearance of skin imperfections.... Edited to add: Just remembered! For really bad scars, I can vouch for steroid shots. I had some applied to the arm lift scars on my arm a few weeks ago and they have visibly improved. Still not to the level of near-invisibility like i've seen on others (i'm looking at you @sillykitty), but def much better than before.
  6. 1 point

    PACU and floor placement help

    I wouldn’t worry about it at all!! I was in PACU for 4 hours after my surgery and in all honesty, I can’t really remember it being any different than the actual floor when I got moved to my room. Your really not there long enough to get comfy! They all know their jobs well! Don’t fret, just remember to walk and follow their directions!!! good luck
  7. 1 point

    Stopping Ketosis

    Thank you everyone for helping put me at ease. I saw my doctor yesterday whom said to never do labs right after surgery, they will come back with some alarming numbers. I did not know this when the nurse came by to run labs for a life insurance policy I applied for. He said my liver and kidney function are great and I am in fact in ketosis due to the inability to get a full and balanced meal in. My body is (more or less) in starvation mode and my faint feeling is a side effect of minimal nutrition. He said as soon as I am able to have a full balanced meal, I will then have the carbs and energy required to function better. He told me to hang on and slowly add more carbs in so that my body wont continue to behave like its in shock. I have added lots of fruit and make cranberry/water mixes. I am feeling so much better. I just wished my surgeon would have put this in the discharge paperwork somewhere. I had no idea these side effects were possible post surgery. I was sent home and told I'd feel great......
  8. 1 point
    It's time.

    Surgery Canceled

    This happened to me. I was scheduled for April. It was put on hold with no new date. They called in June and I had it done 10 days later. I had to scramble at the last minute to do the pre-op diet and make arrangements etc.
  9. 1 point

    Eating too much? HELP!

    Intermittent Fasting really helped me shed the last 15 pounds. IF is a powerful tool. There are lots of threads here on IF, so do some searching if you are interested. Personally, I skip breakfast and start my eating window around noon. I stop by 8 pm at the latest. I also try to exercise during my fasting time, as it just revs up the fat burning. You've already used the stored glycogen in the liver and muscles, so the body starts into the fat stores.
  10. 1 point
    At my last followup visit with my surgeon I had lost 103% of my excess body weight. He was so impressed. I have lost 53% of my highest recorded weight from 5 yrs ago. I did the diet roller coaster for yrs before having my RNY gastric bypass. WLS works if you do the work! It truly is a lifestyle change.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
