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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Mr Alley Gator

    How hunger feels now

    I have no hunger nerves waiting for them to come back, I actually get shaky and that is when i realize i need fuel.
  2. 1 point
    This is my first post, although I've been lurking here for a while. I will figure out my signature and update. I have read a lot of threads with folks talking about telling or not telling friends, family, co-workers about their decision to have surgery. Everyone's decision is unique to them I believe and I respect that. Maybe someday I will feel differently than I do now. I have chosen not to reveal it to others aside from two close friends that I knew would be supportive and my husband and children. My father wants to come and visit later this week and he has not been told. There are a lot of reasons, but mostly the reason is that he will share it with others that I do not want to know. I can ask him and he can say he won't tell anyone, but he will share. We've been down this road before. I am almost 5 weeks out from surgery and doing well. Since he last saw me, I weigh 42 pounds less than I did. It is very noticeable and I really need to buy almost a complete set of clothes at this point. It is one thing to say "I'm eating better and exercising" which is true, but he will be staying with us in our house. I cannot conceal from him how little I am eating or that I am not eating the same things he is. I have racked my brain, but cannot figure what to say to him. I REALLY don't want him to know. I am struggling anyway because he sprung this on me last night and wants to come later this week. I am not ready for the company really. I have loved having the surgery during the Covid bubble and having lots of time to adjust. I love my Dad but he expects me to cook like Mom did when she was alive and to entertain him, and I am still getting used to my new stomach and all I need to do. But I feel bad saying no. He is my Dad and you never know when you will see someone the last time. Thank you for your opinions and help. Has anyone else dealt with someone staying with you that didn't know?
  3. 1 point

    How hunger feels now

    When I start to get shaky I know I’m in trouble Mr Alley Gator cause it’s the beginning of a hyperglycaemic attack for me. Had a couple where I was able to grab some grapes or blueberries to ward it off but I had a bad one last week. Almost collapsed in the street (promise I wasn’t drunk) outside a store I frequent. It happened very quickly. They brought me inside, sat me down, gave me water & a ‘medicinal’ rum ball. I nibbled & sipped for 30 mins until the weakness had passed. Memo to self: keep protein bar in bag for emergencies. Sometimes you just need that hit of sugar &/or carbs. Even a molasses cookie or cranberry walnut bread (sound delicious) @WishMeSmaller. I think you’re right Ms.Sss. You feel that real hunger when it’s almost too late & you’re starving. I honestly didn’t feel hungry or want to eat before I went to bed. It’s all so strange how hunger signals itself to us now.
  4. 1 point

    Belly wrap

    I used an abdominal binder for a couple of weeks after surgery. I found it helpful to not have to use my hands to support my abdomen when moving around. They gave me the binder in the hospital. It also helps with swelling.
  5. 1 point

    Just Had DS - feel no different.

    actually, it's a sleeve stomach with a partially bypassed small intestine (much more of the intestine is bypassed than it is with the gastric bypass, which is primarily a STOMACH bypass (although a little of the small intestine is bypassed with the gastric bypass, too)
  6. 1 point
    Screw People who are negative. My wife is in the same situation now. I am thin and she is big. So i understand how it will take a emotional toll. All i here from Family and Friends is when is Kim going to get the surgery? My response Mind you own F@#ckin business. But she gets upset and it makes her sad. Now you just focus on yourself and getting healthy and Happy. Everyone here will guide and help As for staying Corona Free I find it hard to stay empty handed on the boat or beach
  7. 1 point

    Nervous and unsure

    I had RNY, not VSG, but it's similar. Your volume will be unrealistically restricted for the first few months or a year, but after that, not really. Although I eat much less than I did pre-surgery, no one would be able to tell anymore that I had bariatric surgery. I eat like my never-been-obese women friends do who are "watching their weight". At restaurants I'll usually order an appetizer and eat that - or else order an entree and take half of it home. no I could never eat half a large pizza again at one sitting like I could pre-surgery, but I can eat 1-2 pieces. But 1-2 pieces is what my mother eats - and most of my skinny friends. so to answer your question - yes, of course you'll be able to eat at weddings and when traveling abroad. You won't be stuck forever eating 1/2 C of food or 600 calories. But you'll be eating much smaller portions than what you probably atepre-surgery (or you should be eating much smaller portions - unfortunately, regain is real!! Luckily, it's easier to eat small portions and be satisfied with that after surgery)
  8. 1 point

    Lowest Weight?

    I stopped losing at around 9 months after surgery, at 59kg. Have been maintaining within a kg of that weight since July. I'm also very scared of gaining weight again, but I do a lot of exercise to counterbalance the extra food I can eat at 15 months post surgery. My husband did ask if I was still losing weight and told me I look "pointy" the other day, so I think my body is still changing due to the weight classes I do, although my weight is stable. I had the surgery so I wouldn't need to go on another diet again, I believe I've found a healthy balance of food intake vs exercise and it's working so far for me.
  9. 1 point
    I can definitely tell I had surgery because I can't eat very much and for some reason really only feel hungry in the morning. Despite the fact I had the Loop DS and was told you don't get dumping syndrome they LIED because wheat makes me dump. I don't really get diarrhea unless I eat too much sugar alcohol (and get REALLY bad gas from it too so I avoid the sugar alcohol as much as I can) but my body DOES decide about 2-3 days a week to completely empty itself so you're in the bathroom for a WHILE (TMI, sorry). I'm a stomach and side sleeper and have no issues with sleeping like that nor does it hurt though I can definitely tell my intestines have been messed with when I have my bathroom trips, but outside of that l don't notice a difference. As to the bathroom thing... in the beginning food went right through me, but my system got used to it and now I usually only go #2 every other day or every 2 days, the problem with that is that my system decides 90% of the time that when I DO go I have to empty everything in me so you're are definitely in there for a while. And sometimes will have to go back for a return trip 1/2 an hour to an hour later. But the funny thing is my system is pretty much regular and this always happens around the same time of day. The surgery was one of the best things I ever did for myself and I'm glad I made the choice to have it done. Knowing what I know if I'd had to do it all over, I would.
  10. 1 point
    I had the gastric sleeve. I have been married to my husband for 17 years and I guess I wasn't really concerned about the scars. After 17 years of marriage and 4 children my body is a well used machine, I have many many scars and stretch marks and a story behind each one of them. I am hoping the weight loss will give us many many more years together and maybe I will look at plastics later on maybe I wont we will see what the future holds when it comes. As far as the gas and the pooing, again, when you are with someone you really love, the human body makes little noise now and then and thats life. I could run to the bathroom everytime I need to toot, I can control it. I have never had to change my pants due to uncontrolled toots with chasers either.....I guess everyone in different. I find constipation a problem more than the other and by golly if I have to poop and there is only one bathroom available and my hubby is in the shower or bath in the only one available you better bet your bottom dollar if I feel a movement coming on come hell or high water I will be in that bathroom no matter who is in there, and I will be happy to be on the toilet! Your stats isn't on your info so I do not know your age but I can tell you this, the older you get the less you care about the little things in life. I wouldn't be ashamed of having WLS to get in control of your life. WLS is only a tool, the hard work will have to be done by you. I am happy to have my husbands help with this journey. He is also overweight and has decided to do the sleeve as well. So we will be doing a lot of lifestyle changes together. Good Luck and Happy Holidays

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