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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Freaking out.

    Aah you fell into the ‘I’m making healthier food choices but I haven’t lost weight’ trap. A lot of us have. It’s portion size that often trips us up. We make the good choices & choose grilled over fried, add more vegetables, etc. but our plate is still full. It’s just another thing we have to learn on weight loss journey. Full liquids seems to be your best option at this point. Have a chat with your nutritionalist first to help you through these couple of weeks. If your surgeon still does decide to delay your surgery, don’t give up. It will happen for you. Through this journey, you’ll probably have a few slips, trips & challenges. This is just your first. Just pick yourself up, regain your focus & move forward. Good luck.
  2. 2 points

    The changes we don't talk about

    Hmmmm, the changes we don't talk about. I also lived in a fools paradise unaware of how very large I really was. And, so disrespectful of my tiny frame - the fat literally had no where else to store. Because I exercised regularly, and ate healthier BUT in huge portions plus, too many sweet treats on the weekends - I'd tell myself and others... I'm a fit overweight! I find layers of myself becoming more honest. The rose colored glasses have been taken off now, and I really like that. Things I tolerated before like a lack of opportunity or a reciprocal community no longer appeal to me. I do find myself especially at this stage in life, wanting a brand new life. A fresh start in a totally new place, new environment and new lifestyle where no one knew me as morbidly obese. My massive weight loss in many ways has put closure to my old life here. We are taking investigative steps to research and explore new states and communities. A possible closure here with adventures elsewhere have rendered a hope and sparkle within me. Becoming slim after 22+ years has meant everything. I do not wish to squandered any more time. I am truly humbled and touched by everyone's transparency shown here. We each will gain victory over those things that hold us back from becoming our best selves. Here's to positive change wherever it's needed. Even if our road is a little bumpy, becomes complicated or uncomfortable getting there. I celebrate all our achievements and aspirations! Personally, I think pulling out a few of our before pictures maybe the most empowering gestures of all, despite our current challenges. It puts things back into complete perspective for me.
  3. 2 points
    Keto turkey pot pie. Crustless for me and with crust for hubby. Ate everything I put on my plate and regretted it. Tasty, but too much food 🤢 hubby loved his with the crust.
  4. 1 point

    TMI Bowel Movements

    I’ve had very dark green almost black very sticky bowel movements since my surgery on Nov 17 Talked to surgeon yesterday he said sounds like old blood from surgery and didn’t seemed to be concerned. I asked him when should I be concerned and he said if it doesn’t clear up by one more week. Anybody else have this issue? How long did yours last?
  5. 1 point

    14 days after WLS

    Thank you I will stick to it. Hope to see more lbs falling off soon. Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point
    I am the exact same way !!! I dont get the signal either until its too late. I had to start measuring food again because I can eat more with this bypass and it gets me into trouble with feeling like crap afterwards. I have to lay down and I cant throw up either so I suffer too. The sleeve was easier for me because it felt more natural. I knew when to stop. I am sure you will have no problem reaching your goal and more then likely you will go under 145 !! Best of luck
  7. 1 point

    Whey isolate protein powder

    I never could get the hang of the powdered ones and have stuck with GNC Lean chocolate premade shakes for two years.
  8. 1 point
    Mr Alley Gator

    Whey isolate protein powder

    I do not do the pre made ones. Trust me when you get the hang of it you will love your protein smoothies I look forward to making mine every day
  9. 1 point
    Anyone else have a reverse body image before WLS? I look in the mirror and didn't see the 232lb person. I saw "normal".... It wasn't until I didn't recognize myself in a picture that I really saw what I looked like.... I was shocked and disgusted. Then as the years went by, looking in the mirror, it's become the other where I don't see the thin size 0 person.... The mind is a crazy thing for sure. I hold up jeans in a size 0 and think.... OMG there is no way, but they do. I have a hard time parting with things that are too big. Just yesterday I brought 5 shirts and 2 skirts to the tailor. I'm obsessed with my boobs now. After years and years of being an H cup, they look so small as a FF-G.... I know that they are still bigger than most, but to me they look tiny...... ugh.. Drinking has become a 1 drink a day thing. I just challenged myself to see how long I could go if I really tried..... 23 days. Had one Sunday night and it knocked my D!ck in the dirt..... Thank the dear Lord in Heaven I don't really like shopping. I hate going into a shop and picking things out.... I'm terrible at it. I also hate getting undressed and dressed over and over. I moved to another state where no one knew the size 20 me. No one knew my past, I knew no one and it was so liberating...... This is also how I managed to have revision SX without telling anyone... that in itself has been awesome. Especially this time around..... (raises a hand and admits) it wasn't hard work at all.
  10. 1 point

    November 2020 sleevers

    My sleeve was on the 25th. I am right there where you are with the liquids. I am so worried about dehydration. I know you dont want to hear this because you are exhausted but small walks after each serving of water (drinking until full) will help it go down to make room for more. Keep trying. You are worth it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
