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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2020 in Posts

  1. 7 points

    The changes we don't talk about

    Hmmmm, the changes we don't talk about. I also lived in a fools paradise unaware of how very large I really was. And, so disrespectful of my tiny frame - the fat literally had no where else to store. Because I exercised regularly, and ate healthier BUT in huge portions plus, too many sweet treats on the weekends - I'd tell myself and others... I'm a fit overweight! I find layers of myself becoming more honest. The rose colored glasses have been taken off now, and I really like that. Things I tolerated before like a lack of opportunity or a reciprocal community no longer appeal to me. I do find myself especially at this stage in life, wanting a brand new life. A fresh start in a totally new place, new environment and new lifestyle where no one knew me as morbidly obese. My massive weight loss in many ways has put closure to my old life here. We are taking investigative steps to research and explore new states and communities. A possible closure here with adventures elsewhere have rendered a hope and sparkle within me. Becoming slim after 22+ years has meant everything. I do not wish to squandered any more time. I am truly humbled and touched by everyone's transparency shown here. We each will gain victory over those things that hold us back from becoming our best selves. Here's to positive change wherever it's needed. Even if our road is a little bumpy, becomes complicated or uncomfortable getting there. I celebrate all our achievements and aspirations! Personally, I think pulling out a few of our before pictures maybe the most empowering gestures of all, despite our current challenges. It puts things back into complete perspective for me.
  2. 2 points

    The changes we don't talk about

    Some of my unexpected changes: 1. I'm cold all the time. 2. I feel disoriented in my new body (almost like my old brain was transplanted into someone else's body). 3. I do think shopping has replaced eating as my go-to self-soother. It's a habit I need to break. 4. It's amazing how much more respectful and kind health care professionals are to me now that I am normal weight. It's like all of a sudden, I am a regular person who deserves medical care. Crazy. 5. I get catcalls and random men hit on me from time to time. Rather than making me feel pretty, it makes me uncomfortable. I think that's it!
  3. 1 point

    Fallen off track

    I am a just over two years out and I have gained 40 pounds back. After surgery I had no complications. Nothing made me sick, there was no food that I couldn't eat or that I couldn't tolerate. I did good for a little over a year then I hit a rough patch in life and went completely downhill. I was craving and eating sweets like it was nothing, I was drinking again and often, I quit taking my vitamins regularly. I was taken off of my depression and anxiety meds and put on Vyvanse. It seemed to be working for a while. The transition from my regular meds to Vyvanse happened right before I had surgery so of course, it helped me losing weight. I lost 114 pounds. Then all of a sudden my Vyvanse seemed to not be working anymore. Everyday was a struggle. I tried to get taken off of it a few times and my psychiatrist didn't think it was a good idea. I tried to take myself off of it and I quickly figured out that was not a good idea. I am so irritable most days. I have gotten to where its a struggle to even want to get up out of bed and do anything. I've had several people at work tell me i'm never happy. I'm always complaining or biting someone's head off. This is not me at all. I am generally a happy and fun person. People used to like being around me and now i'm pretty sure they don't. I finally took my myself off off of my Vyvanse (3 weeks without it) and struggled through it. My psychiatrist put my back on depression and anxiety meds last week so i'm hoping to be doing better soon. I've started back on how i'm supposed to eat today and have all of my vitamins. Has anybody else went through something like this or experiences irritability and unhappiness?
  4. 1 point
    Anyone else have a reverse body image before WLS? I look in the mirror and didn't see the 232lb person. I saw "normal".... It wasn't until I didn't recognize myself in a picture that I really saw what I looked like.... I was shocked and disgusted. Then as the years went by, looking in the mirror, it's become the other where I don't see the thin size 0 person.... The mind is a crazy thing for sure. I hold up jeans in a size 0 and think.... OMG there is no way, but they do. I have a hard time parting with things that are too big. Just yesterday I brought 5 shirts and 2 skirts to the tailor. I'm obsessed with my boobs now. After years and years of being an H cup, they look so small as a FF-G.... I know that they are still bigger than most, but to me they look tiny...... ugh.. Drinking has become a 1 drink a day thing. I just challenged myself to see how long I could go if I really tried..... 23 days. Had one Sunday night and it knocked my D!ck in the dirt..... Thank the dear Lord in Heaven I don't really like shopping. I hate going into a shop and picking things out.... I'm terrible at it. I also hate getting undressed and dressed over and over. I moved to another state where no one knew the size 20 me. No one knew my past, I knew no one and it was so liberating...... This is also how I managed to have revision SX without telling anyone... that in itself has been awesome. Especially this time around..... (raises a hand and admits) it wasn't hard work at all.
  5. 1 point

    Hair loss :-(

    I feel you! Mine has been falling out at an alarming rate for about the last 4 months. My pony tail is significantly thinner than it used to be (but only me and my hairdresser have noticed). All the research I did said it's very normal and rarely continues past 6 months... I'm really hoping it starts to slow soon. I can see little 1cm shoots of new hair coming on my scalp, so it's definitely growing back. I did cut my hair to just above my shoulders (about 5 inches off) and that helped a lot with the look of it and now the new baby hairs wont have so long to catch up.
  6. 1 point

    Daytime Napping

    I nap every day and can't sleep at night but I don't think it's because the daytime naps keep me from sleeping. I have both anxiety and depression and I take Ambien for sleeping at night. I had it before the WLS too, though, so I don't think it's WLS-related for me.
  7. 1 point
    I am scheduled for 11/8. Would love to connect with others. I’m at the giving up coffee, sugar, solids stage so I’m a super ray of sunshine. You’ve been warned.
  8. 1 point
    The Greater Fool


    Sorry, going to be a 'nudge' here: 90 miles a week and 5 marathons beg to differ. From when I started to when I finished the 5th marathon, I dropped 150 pounds, which was about 40 too many. I'm pretty sure it was mostly fat. Less effective exercise is better than no exercise. I hated exercise, so never did any Tek
  9. 1 point


    Hi. I'm in the same boat. I wanted to go through with the WLS in 2014 and even got my surgery date but he refused to take me and I had to cancel. This time, I will do the whole thing with or without him. We started seeing a therapist and I told the therapist that I'm not willing to give up on this. The therapist said that he should be supportive regardless of his feelings against the surgery. He took me to my endoscopy on Monday and complained for nearly the entire way back (until I put on my headphones). He said, "why should you get to lose weight the EASY way and I have to lose weight the hard way." He doesn't understand me. I'm doing this for me. He can either get on board or not but this time, I will not be swayed and will take an Uber to the hospital if I have to (all of our family lives in another state).
  10. 1 point

    SEX, SEX, SEX!!!

    I agree can not be handled here - But as a guy my view is he is being selfish and Jealouse - You marry the person for who they are not what they look like! My x wife is still large, and we do have a physical relationship still. I am not going to say i do not notice he weight but i let it pass and I realize I care and married her for who she is not what she looks like. She is the mother of my children and I have been with her for 25 years, Now she is going to get the surgery after the Covid Nightmare is over. Of Course another bill for Me! but what she looks like does not matter to me I just want her healthy and Happy You both need a counselor ASAP -

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