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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2020 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Loose skin

    that's a common concern of newbies, but I think the majority of us who are several years out now view it as a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. I think most of us would take the loose skin ANY DAY over being morbidly obese again. Plus, it's easy enough for most of us to hide. And if it really bothers you, there's always plastic surgery...
  2. 2 points
    I am in the getting close to my bariatric surgery! I am feeling excited, nervous! I just have so many feelings I can’t describe. So here is my story… my surgery will be in December and although some might think it is the worse time to get it done because of all the Food and Festivities that are happening around that time, I see it as the perfect time because during the holiday seasons it is when I see everything so nice, warm and I am truly happy, with all the festivities. I start being thankful starting with Thanksgiving, on Christmas the same I count my blessings and on New Year’s I take inventory of all of my family and my successes always hopeful for the New Year that awaits! Life cannot be any more perfect…… but the reality is that it can be! If I would just lose my damn weight! That is why this is the perfect time because of New Year I always see it as a time to let go of the old and in with the new! This time it will be a New me! Other feelings I have are of letting my family down and myself for not having the willpower, not being able to do it on my own, and now left to having to do this surgery as my last resort. it is overwhelmingly exciting and nerve wrecking as I first noted. At the moment I feel that I am ready, but am I? That is why I am here in this bariatric group website I want to see others success story. I want to make online friends with others who have success stories and weight issues same as me, that I can relate. I also want to finally get the backbone I need to go through with this life changing surgery, as I have heard and seen from others. I am hoping I can also be motivation and help others I plan to make it a life goal to help others who have the same exact fears as I do, to make them feel more at ease because as far as the way I feel right now I get adrenaline rush just the thought because I do want to do this surgery because entering 2021 I want to be able to welcome the new me. I don’t have many friends I can talk to regarding my fat issues because it is so very personal and I don’t know how confidential it would be. Plus I been threw a lot of fat shaming done by people I know and I always want to be seen as strong and unaffected but I am very much affected. If there is another reason to get this surgery done other than the many amazing health benefits and longevity, and having a complete circle as far as my happiness, it is to shut all the haters and fat shamers up. The number one reason still remains always Definitely my family, myself above all!
  3. 2 points

    Loose skin

    There's pretty much no avoiding loose skin when you lose a massive amount of weight (especially if you lose it quickly). It varies from one person to the next depending on a lot of factors, but you just have to take it into account with the pros and cons of surgery. To most people, loose skin is far better than the alternative of keeping the excess fat. I've lost 130 pounds, and although I still have a ways to go, I have some loose skin, and I'm grateful for it because it's an amazing improvement from where I started. I don't look as good as someone my size who has never been bigger than this, but I look a heck of a lot better than I did at 341 pounds. Loose skin doesn't really show under the right clothing, so for the most part, people can't even tell if you have it. If it bothers you, plastic surgery is an option, but insurance doesn't typically cover it, so it's very expensive, and from what I hear, very painful.
  4. 2 points

    Anyone November 2020

    I had my surgery 2 weeks ago and was weighed at the doctor’s office. I lost 36.6 lbs in the CB past 2 weeks. Yay 🎉
  5. 1 point
    Mark P

    Just had surgery

    I just had my sleeve done yesterday 11-16-2020 and I'm home already, surgery went very good and I feel amazing! I dropped 34 lbs before surgery and can't wait to see what this new lifestyle has to offer! I hope everyone had, or has the same great experience I did! Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point
    Day 1 and 2 weren't the greatest, but I also had a hiatal hernia repair that made it pretty painful to take a deep breath. By day 3 and 4 I started to feel pretty good. I took two weeks off of work to recover and just went back this past Monday. Things went fine, but I learned not to do too much too fast! I've got some new pain that I didn't have before returning to work!
  7. 1 point
    Doug E Mo

    DS 11/13

    Had surgery as scheduled...surgery was a breeze, surgeon took out gall bladder<which he said was Uuuuggggllllyyyyy> and fixed an umbilical hernia while he was in there. My wife is scheduled for same surgery on the 30th, when I first woke up I told she was not doing it, once the fentanyl wore off and I felt human again my opinion changed. Between the nerve blocks and nerve pain pills the pain was very manageable. Had to stay a couple of extra days because they found an issue totally unrelated to the surgery, so I guess I was lucky being in the hospital already when it showed up.
  8. 1 point

    Lean protein during pre op

    There’s a lot of variation in pre-op diets, so it’s hard to say how your surgeon came up with these specific guidelines. To be perfectly honest, I suspect it’s partly superstition. I have heard of it sometimes being based on weight and/or body shape. If your BMI is on the low end (40ish) and/or you carry your weight more in your hips than your belly, you may not need to shrink your liver as much. But really, you just need to trust your surgeon and do what he/she says.
  9. 1 point

    A little about Me

    I've always been overweight. I honestly can't remember a time when I wasn't. But it's crazy how when you're a kid, you're not fat, obese, or whatever, you're cute and chubby, and the extra weight that you're carrying is no need for concern. But as you get older that quickly changes and you're no longer perceived as chubby and cute, and the extra weight has become a major problem, not just for yourself, but for others as well. I wonder if any of you can relate to this. I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I know many people say this and it's as if they're just talking, but I've actually been the biggest person in my class, school, church, etc. It was rare that I would see someone that was just as big as I was, if not bigger. I've tried different diets, exercise plans, supplements, nothing has worked for me. If I did lose any weight, it was a short-lived accomplishment. I've struggled with deeply rooted insecurities that only further fueled my horrible relationship with food. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for years because in my mind I could never get to that perfect weight or body. Just a constant battle with myself for most of my life. It has taken a great deal of trial and error for me to get to where I am today in how I see myself, physically and otherwise. I have come to love myself and my body and I feel that there's nothing wrong with loving who or how you are physically, mentally, spiritually, and yet you feel the need to change a part of you. I believe most people would associate this with insecurity, but I beg to differ. I believe that it is the reasoning behind the decision to change that makes the difference. While I have learned to love and appreciate my body for all that it has done and continues to do for me, I am also very aware that carrying over 200 pounds of extra weight is not healthy for me. I want to have children one day and I don't want to put them or myself at increased risks because of my weight. I don't want to be at an increased risk of high blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes, or congestive heart failure. These things run in my family and I don't want to be next in line. I want more for myself. I haven't went swimming in years, but I remember how good it felt to feel weightless in the water, how peaceful and serene it was for me. I view this surgery as an opportunity to experience life in a different way. Even though I can walk or run at the weight I currently am, I know that my body will feel a lot better walking and running with less weight being carried around. Even though I can go swimming now, or travel the world just as I am right now. Simple things such as "will I fit in this seat? Will they have clothes my size? Is there going to be a lot of walking, etc...". I don't think many people understand the daily struggles of an obese individual. Yes, we're all aware of the "health concerns" associated with being over-weight. But not many people are aware of those small things that affect us daily such as standing for extended periods of time, back and body aches, getting winded or out of breath easily, etc. I've made the decision to have gastric-bypass surgery as I'm confident that this is the tool that I've been missing to help me finally be successful in my weight-loss journey. I'm nervous and excited, but in the end I know this is the best decision for me. I'm interested to meet anyone who would like to go through this journey together, no matter where you are in your own journey. I'd love to hear from you all and know how you're doing and if I can be of some help to you, even if it's just a kind word. Good Luck! And Blessings to you all!
  10. 1 point

    Anyone November 2020

    I told my girlfriend who had the surgery 2 years ago, my husband, and my two young adult kids. No one else--not my mom or MIL, not my business partner, siblings, other girlfriends, etc. I just didn't want "lay-people" to criticize my choice, and question my research. It was a long mental (and financial) journey and I just figured I didn't need naysayers, or jealously to get in my way. I know what's best for me and I only wanted absolute understanding, support, and not a lot of FAQs from who I told.

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