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  1. 3 points
    Jessica Wheeler

    Gastric Bypass/2 Weeks Post Op

    I'm miserable when it comes to eating.. Or should I say drinking broth... I took it upon my self to start on pureed foods a week early or else I would've died of starvation. However I'm doing pretty good.. I've started walking up to a mile and a half everyday. I had surgery on Nov. 3, 2020. Before surgery my weight was 245 now I'm 225... I'm sure I lost some weight pre-op due to the 2 week liquid diet. Anyway the Journey continues. Sent from my moto g fast using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 3 points
    JAKE H

    Confessing my Sins...

    Ive 100% been there. i got put onto some self help books. "the obstacle is the way" changed my life. i dont know if youre a reader but it changed my life. I know different things work for different people. Just thought id put it out there. You got this!
  3. 2 points

    Confessing my Sins...

    Oh @BayougirlMrsS. I’m so sorry you’ve been going through this. Sometimes the world just keeps dumping crap on us & truthfully we can only carry so much before we have to drop something. Forgive yourself for dropping the part that manages your weight loss. I know, you’ll pick it up again. You’re strong & determined. That’s why you lost the weight to begin with & why your family goes to you. Find, even 30 minutes a day for you - I know easier said then done. Turn off your phone, shut the door. Spend it doing something you enjoy. Read some of the books Jake suggested. Go for a run, have a bubble bath, meditate. May be find another therapist, one you can click with & feel comfortable with. My mother has a saying: God only chooses special people to carry the cross of Jesus. I don’t know your faith, but I always think of this when my world is turning upside down. It gives me extra strength to get up & face tomorrow.
  4. 2 points

    More than suggestted

    Hi 👋🏽 Try as hard as you can to stick with the measured amounts and timed eating. (e.g. 1/4 cup of soft foods eaten over 15-30 mins) I know it's easier said than done when you're not used to it or even hungry, but it's really important so than you don't max out the capacity of your new stomach while it's healing or push foods through by overloading. Perhaps try to take slower bites or longer breaks between each bite. But also 4 ozs of softer foods tend to s l i d e down easier than 4ozs of solid proteins. Good Luck ♥️
  5. 1 point

    Fell Off Bad

    Me too. You're not alone. We're human. You know what to do to get back on track and YOU CAN DO IT! I am getting myself back on track too. Stupid COVID messed up everything, didn't it?
  6. 1 point

    Confessing my Sins...

    It has been a ruff few months. Back at the end of June my youngest (29) son admitted himself into rehab. He got out early-mid Sept. and has been living with us till his apartment is ready. My mom (72) is back on pain meds (she was addicted most of my childhood) and i'm always the person everyone in my family seems to think can "fix" everything.... I CAN'T. So i went to counseling a couple of time (she and i didn't connect) but stopped going. Until about a month ago my weight loss has been uncontrollable... i just kept losing and size 0 is on the edge of being too thin. So, i'm here "confessing my sins" to y'all..... Some of the only people that understand. I confess I feel lost and scared. Tim has been a great support, but i know that having J living with us is a strain on both of us.... and confess to really wanting him out and on his own. I confess that i have been snacking lately instead of eating "correct" food. Yesterday i ate a hand full of chips and last night i ate two cookies. I confess i have not been drinking enough. I confess to not exercising. Don't know how, but woke this am a lb lighter........ BUTTTT......Today is Monday and it's a new day and I have to stay strong and do what i know to do and take my own advice. Has anyone ever done a "life coach"? If so, tell me about it...
  7. 1 point
    Mr Alley Gator

    Fell Off Bad

    Really? I guarantee a ton of us have have blown it. I surely did many times. However you just get back on the journey and Get Er Done! Good luck Your confession was received
  8. 1 point

    Ways to deal with stress?

    I just realized I didn't read your whole post... I understand chronic pain VERY well! ESPECIALLY nerve pain! I have TN (Trigeminal Neuralgia) and had brain surgery 3 years ago in an attempt to relieve myself of the agony even if it would likely be temporary (there isn't a cure for TN the surgery just stops the pain for a few years). I have atypical trigeminal neuralgia. It's on both sides and I had both type 1 and 2 pains on the left side and only type 2 on the right. I can handle the type 2 pains, but the type 1 pains... there is nothing comparable to it. It's the worst sort of agony imaginable. NOTHING has ever equaled or surpassed it. The best description for it I can give is most times it felt like I had a scalding hot poker jab into my face where it would twist and twist and twist and twist before pulling out only to repeat itself endlessly. I had the surgery (Microvascular Decompression) on the left side of my brain to get rid of the type 1 pain and it amazingly got rid of the flare ups and I had no pain for 2 amazing years. Around the time I started my weight loss journey last year I started having type 2 pains again on the left side. I couldn't stop CRYING! I was paranoid and panicking and CONVINCED that the type 1 pain was going to return. If my surgery hadn't worked to get rid of the type 1 pain I wouldn't be here. TN is called suicides disease for a REASON. It's recognized as one the most painfully excruciating conditions know to mankind. I was in absolute agony with my TN with a flare that lasted for 10 MONTHS before I had my surgery. I was barely sleeping because it was worse at night. Everything set it off. I was in a never ending world of absolute AGONY and I only held out for my family. I had overdosed on my meds on at least 3 occasions... 1 particular one I was incredibly lucky that I didn't end up in a coma because I'd taken 600mg over my dose (900mg was my dose and overdose for me was 1000mg, I'd taken 1500mg). If the surgery hadn't worked... I wouldn't be here. I was BARELY holding out for my family. I thought I was losing my mind from lack of sleep and pain and I wanted to cry all the damn time but I didn't have the energy or the tears because I'd cried myself dry months before. EVERYTHING set it off. Sleeping, eating, bathing, talking, touching my face, brushing my hair or my teeth. The happiest day of my life was my surgery day. I woke up with the worse headache of my LIFE and at that point the worst nausea I'd had in my life (only beaten by dumping syndrome), but it was 100% WORTH IT! When my TN came back in the form of the type 2 pain I felt like my life was over. I had been so strong and held out to make it to my surgery, but I just didn't know if I could have that kind of strength again. I didn't think I'd survive a repeat. So I fell into a very deep depression. My doctor put me on anti-depression and anxiety meds and when I saw the psyche doc at the bariatric clinic I told her my TN coming back to how it was before my surgery was my absolute worst fear. I honestly don't know how I even passed my psyche eval because I was a MESS! While I was going through that I read a lot. It DID help to take my mind off it a bit, even if it was still there lurking in the back of my head. I also watched quite a bit of anime to distract myself lol. I'm 33 and yes, I watch anime. It's an outlet and very easy for me to turn my brain off when reading doesn't work. Also like watching home renovation shows and anything that'll make me laugh and let me turn my brain off. I ended up getting a really bad rash due to the anti-depression and anxiety meds and had to get off them, but by that time my mind was in a much better place. I made the determination that the very SECOND I get the type 1 pains back I'm calling up my neurosurgeon and scheduling another surgery lol. I won't wait it out. I won't let it EVER get that bad again! And if for some reason he recommends me to do the Gamma Knife instead, I'll do that (my surgery was really difficult as I had a lot of tissue damage and my 3 hour surgery turned into a 6 hour surgery. I had a lot of brain swelling and there was talk of putting a stint in, but I didn't end up having to have one. I did end up with meningitus though... so I just have the feeling he'd probably want me to do Gamma Knife instead). I'm so incredibly sorry that you're going through chronic pain issues. I don't wish that kind of pain on ANYONE! It feels impossible and makes you feel so helpless. I felt so very, very, very alone. Like nobody understood it. Understood me or what I was going through... So that's the reason I told you about my own experience. I just want you to know that you are NOT alone in living with chronic pain. I really hope that the pain clinic gets back to you soon. My mom has fibromyalgia and they gave her Gabapentin for it (it also helps her neuropathy too and helps her sleep). I don't know what meds they'll start you off with, but I hope the first one they give you works for you!
  9. 1 point

    Ways to deal with stress?

    Hi Susie, you are balancing so much in your life, it is humbling. I will address your chronic pain issue, as a chronic pain patient it is important you receive the attention which is warranted. No one should ever be allowed to live in pain, it is inhumane & unreasonable. Some people cannot understand the diminished lifestyle, planning and multiple limitations chronic pain, not acute pain, inflicts on a person. You were given an appointment, 2 weeks away? Is there another Pain Management group or Pain Management Dr you can contact? I can appreciate and validate your pain and the frustrating process, however, if you are in intractable pain, call your primary, tell him or her what is going on. Your primary can treat you for a few months, long enough until you are able to see this Pain Management Group. Your primary will understand if you are an established patient. To wait 2 weeks is unacceptable. Please feel free to contact me if I can help with resources. Moist heat is more penetrating than dry heat, if you have not tried it, you may find that it offers more relief. To compound matters, your Dr thinks you have an auto- immune disease. I am so sorry all this is happening to you. For stress relief, would you consider massage therapy? A 60-90 minute massage from a certified massage therapist. The massage will relax your muscles, no doubt you probably have many muscle spasms which is a response to the body part that has been injured & in pain. Meditation? This may help but trying to relax while in pain can be a challenge. I agree, do not exercise or engage in physical activity until you see a Pain Management physician. A warm bath is also helpful, relaxing muscles and reducing spasms which can be very painful. Soft, calming music...sounds of the ocean, can be very tranquil, it will relax you. You mentioned a therapist. Is this a therapist trained in pain management? It is not a big deal but often this type of therapist understands your daily struggles that many never think about, only because planning any type of activity, even a trip to the grocery store must be planned. There are Pain Management support groups in most locations. This will help emotionally and mentally. Please feel free to write. I will be thinking of you - Grace
  10. 1 point
    Yep agree with above Fairlife but i switched to making my own. You need to be the smoothie master TRUST ME ONCE YOU GET THIS DEGREE YOU WILL LOVE IT

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