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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    How is everyones progress?

    Well I started my journey at 315 lbs pre surgery. I got to 275 on surgery day with 10 months of dietician. Today I am exactly two months post op. And it made my day this morning to weigh in at 239!!!!! I cant ever remember being this weight. Besides buying new clothes and having them not fit in a month this has been the most rewarding, hard, scary and fulfilling thing I have done in a very long time. I hope all of you are feeling fulfilled and proud too. Keep up the good work!
  2. 1 point

    3 days after surgery

    I had my surgery on the 29th October. Im feeling so great and feel light. Best advice is to walk and walk in hospital, to get rid of gas, my only discomfort at start. I weighted 101kg and am now on day 3 and weight 96kg. Its good to weight once a week, so thats my goal mark. Drinking my fluids sip by sip, and vitamins, fiber in my fluids. Looking foward to seeing the progress, so exciting Sent from my SM-A205YN using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Dizziness after eating

    Sugar can make you dump. It’s not as common with sleevers but it does happen. Check the sugar content of what you’re eating - there could be some hidden sugars.
  4. 1 point
    ^^^ what he said. Yes - there are unfortunately a lot of folks who don't make it to goal - and/or regain a bunch of weight after hitting goal. They let old habits sneak back in - or they're often trying to push the envelope. So I wouldn't assume that if someone is eating this or that, that they've been - or will be - successful at this.
  5. 1 point

    Post op pain coming in waves

    You should expect to feel some pain from the op, I was taking a lot of pain meds for the first 5 days, but if in doubt definitely contact your doctor.
  6. 1 point
    The Greater Fool


    Yeah, it's likely what you think it was. Congratulations on making a good choice that was within your plan while eating out. Now don't you feel silly that you thought that was all there was to it? Stress, anxiety, and lively conversation make any meal a mine field for me. If I don't pay very close attention to what I am doing (instead of talking/listening) I will pay. Early on I had a couple such episodes when eating out. The early bad experiences eating out made me anxious about eating out. Because of this I basically stressed myself into more episodes to the extent that for many, many months I just didn't eat out. Eventually, I was able to successfully eat while dining out. I am still anxious about it, particularly when I expect conversation, so I am extremely careful about the mechanics and not coming anywhere close to eating too much. I still won't eat out in stress situations, like work. I could do it, I just don't want to worry about it. It's a great excuse to miss business meals, which are dreadful at best. So kids, be careful when you eat out. Remember your manners, no throwing up AT the table. And, if you're like me, only converse when you're not eating and only eat when you're not conversing. No toys at the table. Good luck, Tek
  7. 1 point

    Healthier, But Lonelier

    Some people may feel threatened or jealous. This is something that scares me, that I will lose people. I think in the end the people that are meant to be on your journey stay. As far as the others you just bid them farewell and good wishes. I have to admit before finally checking into getting surgery done. I had two friends that went to Mexico and had the sleeve done last year. I am admitting that I was green with envy when I saw them dropping weight. Here I was struggling with Hypothyroidism and emotional stuff and they were posting pictures looking phenomenal. I felt it wasn't fair. I sat and cried my eyes out because I have been working hard on my own to do it and nothing was happening. Having the initial appointment today was overwhelming. You have to change everything, so it is hard work and the stacks of orders of tests from the doctor. This surgery is a tool, not a cure all. No one lives inside your body, they have no idea what you go through. I have one friend that I connected with who has gone through this process (not to Mexico) and she is supportive. I am holding on tight to that friendship, because she may be the only one that understands. You are not alone. There is support out there, you just have to dig for it. I'm scared of the naysayers myself, but I know I have this forum, and that helps out tremendously. Sorry my answer is so long. LOL. -Best Wishes
  8. 1 point

    4 days post surgery missing fall food

    I'm having huge cravings and the only reason I'm not giving into them is because I don't want to hurt my pouch. Just had GBS and I'm looking for alternative liquid/puree options for me to get through my favorite comfort food season! Sent from my SM-G973W using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    I am really doing it this time

    Hi! I'm a 48 yr old mom of 3. I've been wanting to have GB surgery for almost 25 years!!! I chickened out the first time.....I'm kicking myself because at that time I had insurance with no prereqs and paid for it 100%...but I was scared and not ready. Fast forward to 2013...dying gall bladder, botched gall bladder removal, bile duct repair surgery. I lost 35 lbs in a month because of that...it was inspiring. Decided to 'clean eat' and joined Beachbody and jumped in with both feet. I was doing FANTASTICALLY, losing a total of 78 lbs, not quite to my goal weight but I felt so fantastic!! But then.....the hubs got hurt at work and was off for 3 months. I had to go back to work. My little bubble of getting to be a stay at home mom, with oodles of time to meal prep and exercise burst in a huge way. The only job I could get was at Pizza Hut....I was angry that he got hurt, I was angry that I had to go back to work. So I punished myself, I ate a shitton of pizza. I very quickly gained weight back and fast forward to today, I'm almost back up to where I started. Recently I've done some selfwork and am in a really good mental space right now. And have set the wheels in motion to get the surgery....FOR REAL THIS TIME. I could have had it a couple years ago, but allowed my husband to talk me out of it. I told him, this time, he doesn't get to say. I've tried to do it on my own and I failed. I need this tool to keep me focused and honest. I truly believe that 25 years ago, I wasn't ready to get this done and would have failed. I'm ready to do this now! I'm not the most patient person, but let the 6 months (or hopefully less) begin!!!! I've gone through seminar, I meet with the surgeon in July. My PCP is on board. The hubs is actually on board. I've quit smoking (sooo hard!) and next is quitting Diet Coke. Thanks for letting me share!!!
  10. 1 point
    Hey there! I had gastric sleeve surgery on 1/31/2020 and here's my story. I attended the free 12 week orientation classes June 2019 thru Sept 2019 at Kaiser. My insurance paid for everything and I had no issues getting approved. My only out of pocket expense was a $100 co-pay for the hospital stay. Wonderful insurance, I know. Luckily, I had no medical issues making me very low risk for the surgery. My surgeon recommended that I get the Bypass and I changed my mind on procedure the day of surgery and switched to the Sleeve. My reasoning is simple...I didn't want to reroute my intestines and I didn't want to chance vitamin deficiencies or dumping syndrome. I fasted on clear liquids the day prior to surgery and it was hell. I had an interview on fasting day and wanted so badly to stuff my face, being an emotional eater (i did get the job!). I went to bed super early the night before surgery because I had a massive headache and mood swings from fasting. My surgery was at 1pm and because of the fasting... I wish I scheduled a morning surgery. The nurse that prepped me for surgery was an idiot. Why on earth would I be able to pee for a pregnancy test after having no fluids since the day before?! I could barely pee and what I did pee didn't make it in the cup lol I got 2 tiny drops of pee in the cup and guess what? It was enough for the pregnancy test. The nurse stuck me 7 times looking for a vein. 7 times. Not just a poke either, like she was really digging. She tried my forearm, the top of my arm, and both hands before calling for help. I woke up in recovery in extreme pain, nausea and was thirsty. I said "I'm thirsty and my stomach hurts really bad" and the nurse said yeah you just had stomach surgery. I wanted to sock her in the face. They made me wait 6 hours for pain medication and water. The night nurses sucked and the day nurses were great. I used the call button every 1-2 hours for more pain meds which they could only give me every two hours. I called after 45 mins and said "did you give me a full or half dose?" lmao but I was serious. The built up gas hurt and my throat was sore. I tried really hard to push the gas out and ended up sharting in my bed. I walked often because I badly wanted to go home. Coming home was nice and I wasn't hungry but still thought about food a lot. I followed the rules and sipped my water and protein shakes and jello. I only took a week off from work because I wanted my routine back. The doctor told me it was too soon because of brain function is usually low this early on. He said "do you want to go back because you're bored or because it's a money thing" and I said "I'm bored as hell" and he said "then no, you can't go back yet." I didn't listen and have no regrets. I started taking the pill form of multivitamin early on because the the ones you eat made me gag. I slowly introduce foods as instructed and my staples are yogurt, protein shakes, salmon, cottage cheese, and veggies. I keep my meals simple. I had my 3 month check up today and I'm on track. I've lost 50 lbs total since surgery. I'm aware that weight loss with the sleeve is slower but I'm okay with it. Each week I can physically feel and see my body changing for the better. I exercise daily by walking 1-2 miles, I feel great, and I have more energy. This is the one and only time that I've had surgery. It was rough at times but overall a good experience. I am happy that I did it and have a long road ahead

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