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  1. 2 points

    November 2020 sleevers

    This pre-op diet is melting the fat like nothing else. I'm down 7 lbs since starting on Tuesday. I guess eating 600-700 calories will do it! It's not helping my obsession with food though. I watch the clock figuring when I can next eat, and both do I look forward to my one small meal in the evening. Tonight it is STEAK! Also having steamed zucchini which I love. How are you all doing with your pre-op liver shrinking diet? Sent from my SM-T710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points

    What was/is your greatest fear?

    Surgery itself and not contracting covid
  3. 1 point

    I'm Doing It!

    OMG! Don't even get me started on the coffee! 3 days after starting my liquid diet, the nutritionist said I could in fact have 1-2 cups in the morning. So far, this is by far one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Not going to lie, the adjustment was a little rough at first. Total lifestyle change. The first couple of days on the liquids were insane with... boredom...total boredom...I can honestly say that I never really felt hungry, just bored - You know, that open the fridge door 50 times to see what's in there kind of bored. BUT, after about 3 days it wasn't bad at all. Post surgery, I feel like I was really lucky - I walked laps all night in the hospital and went home with no gas pain at all. Drinking those first few hours was different. Each sip felt like it got caught in my chest (sort of like heartburn). HOWEVER, it went away pretty quickly (within a few days). Now, all the good parts - Once you get past the liquids post op, you get full so quickly - Like 1 egg quickly... You find ways to modify recipes that you like - Example - My "bariatric nachos" - I use quest chips, ground turkey with taco seasoning, salsa, and a splash of low fat sour cream - I can only eat about 4-5 chips before I'm full, but it satisfies the craving (and crunch). The weight comes off, so it's pretty hard to get too worked up about anything you feel like you're "missing" out on. Energy comes back (I was super nappy the first week or so, but now have all kinds of energy). Best thing I've learned on here.. You most likely WILL hit a stall - Mine lasted almost 2 weeks. It sucks... REALLY sucks and you dwell on it while choking down ANOTHER protein shake and overthink everything you're doing. Chill, wait it out, then jump up and down when it breaks. My biggest hints... drink lots of fluids, get up and move around if you can, and follow whatever plan the doctor gave you. Best of luck to YOU!
  4. 1 point

    Early Pre-op Jitters

    I finally got my date set for 12/29- I'm really excited, but also starting to get a little nervous. Not so much about the surgery, but other things: I'm getting my cpap switched to a bipap and still need to get the right configuration and approval to my surgeon, which will take some time to figure out; then there's the fact that Covid is resurging (though still low in my state) and concerns about hospital stay during peak flu season and need to quarantine from my parents after. Then there's care for my special needs 6 year old- my parents are going to take him while I'm in hospital and for a few days after so I can rest initially, but I have further quarantine concerns regarding him too! (Me not being able to fully quarantine from him rather.) Then there's the fact that my nutritionist commented that since I've been losing about 7lbs. a month on my own, that I might lose too much to get approved by my insurance since my only comorbidity is sleep apnea- THAT really derailed my weight loss for the month, only 1lb. thus far and I weigh in on Tuesday. My BMI is still over 40, so I don't think I have to worry about that, but UGH! I've been talking to my therapist about my subconscious fear of success too. I'm just trying hard not to freak out and hope everything will work out ok.
  5. 1 point

    Slider foods

    From reading your posts I can see that you're well versed in nutrition and CICO, surely you know for every one gram of carbohydrate stored in the body (as glycogen) there is approximately 2-3 grams of water retained. I didn't say I gained a kilo of FAT. It likely was water weight from the 7 day carb fest, and my return to eating a low carb diet would have flushed out that water weight. Regardless, it was the scare that I needed to get myself back on track, and show me I'll always need to be vigilant with my food choices.
  6. 1 point

    I'm Doing It!

    Manage your expectations and try not to compare yourself to others (technically, that's 2, but you get what I mean, lol)
  7. 1 point

    What was/is your greatest fear?

    I had two major fears: 1. I would have some sort of serious complication. For some reason, people delight in telling you horror stories once they know you are having bariatric surgery and all that gave me anxiety. 2. I was afraid it wouldn't work. I don't know why, I just wasn't confident that the surgery would be effective for me. As it turned out, both fears were unnecessary. I had no major issues with surgery and I'm happy with my results so far. 🙂 And now I get to be a counter-example for all those horror stories, LOL.
  8. 1 point

    What was/is your greatest fear?

    You aren't alone. I'm so used to how I look now, I'm worried I won't like what I see. Especially with loose skin and possible hair loss. But, at the end of the day, my desire to add years to my life outweighs my concern in that way. It's not shallow imo. How we look changes the way a lot of the world reacts to us, which feeds our own insecurities or appreciations. I'm actually nervous about how people may treat me differently. I've heard sometimes there can be jealousy, or previous friendships fall apart because you are no longer their "fat friend". Which, I guess in hindsight, is better to know then to not know. I'm sure I'll still be the same dorky me, but lighter. Hopefully most of my friends and family will be supportive. I'm excited for you and your journey. I'm right there with you.
  9. 1 point

    Comfort food ideas please

    There are some decent low carb pancake recipes out there using almond flour. They aren't just like the real thing, but they aren't terrible either. I got in the habit of making them during a 7 month run of doing keto and I still make them now because my kids seem to like them. But yes to echo some of the others trying to avoid food for comfort is a great way to keep yourself out of trouble. I struggle with that plenty myself. I've actually taken to carrying a "challenge" coin around with me that I grab when I'm thinking of going for something to eat and not really hungry as a reminder of what I'm trying to accomplish. It doesn't always work, but I think it works more often than not at getting me to refocus and direct myself towards a healthier activity.
  10. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    Comfort food ideas please

    Be sure to take the rock's feelings into account. Tek

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
