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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Any October Sleevers?

    October 7th here!😬
  2. 1 point
    It's time.


    Boy do I feel guilty. I've been so good for 4 months and stayed on program... until today! I offered to make Halloween cut out cookies with my 3.5 year old granddaughter. We had a great time, but I ended up eating 3 large ones, which snowballed into left over pizza. ugh.... I have learned my lesson, NO cookies or pizza in the house at all and I will get back on track tomorrow, but I wonder how I could lose control so easily.
  3. 1 point

    Any October Sleevers?

    Congrats! How are you feeling?
  4. 1 point
    @ms.sss I ❤️❤️❤️ Swimming! Unfortunately, my gym does not have a pool and I don’t think there are any public pools left in my community. I’ll have to check. I like the idea of trying to learn to swim “properly.” I am basically terrible at all the strokes, but still manage to make good progress in the water. Someday, I would love to put a swim spa in my backyard! My Achilles’ tendon and all the way up my calf really hurts, but I NEED to go to the gym, so I did. For two hours🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ And then I came home and iced while I sat at the computer and worked, also for two hours (on call this weekend). Good news is my bruised foot doesn’t hurt. 😂😬
  5. 1 point
    So good to hear your updates! Glad you’re managing work okay! Liquids was the worst. Once I started being able to eat, the heartburn got much better. Rarely is it an issue now. My doc sped along my food reintroductions since he said it was designed for people who had healing stomach lines, not for restriction. So now I’m at soft solids. So I pretty much eat anything soft, no breads pasta rice etc or processed foods. I’ll live here a while. Down 20lbs. I make a nice protein smoothie and then usually have one meal. No major hunger in between. If I snack, it’s something like yogurt.
  6. 1 point

    Sometimes I just get the blues...

    @WishMeSmaller: thought i’d add another endorphin-producer suggestion: SWIMMING! I had my first lesson of a swim class I enrolled in this morning (aside: i already know how to swim, I just want to swim PROPERLY and basically look as smooth and effortless as Mr. & the Kid...i am currently a very ugly, inefficient and “splashy” swimmer so I joined to learn proper form, lol...but I digress...) Anyhoo, one of the drills we did was laps with a pull buoy, which basically nullifies the use of your legs and forces you to rely on your upper body and core...and man, what a workout! Cardio and arms and back! I didn’t feel it in the core as much as i thought i would, but i think its because I wasn’t doing it properly. May be an option for you while u wait ur injury out? Your foot can get a break from gravity and excessive use, while still getting some exercise in...
  7. 1 point
    Thank you @ChubRub and @ms.sss! Your kind words and suggestions were balm to my blue mood. I ended up having a pretty great day. I got my hair cut and colored this morning, followed by lunch and a bit of shopping with Mom. Mom is one of my BFF’s, so we had fun together. I did get a few new clothing items so I don’t have to hate going into my closet and I might even feel attractive next time I leave the house. Confession: I went to the gym. My bruised foot felt pretty good, but the inflammation on my tendon is very unpleasant. Hubby wrapped it with an ice pack for me after the gym. With all of that said, if someone looked at me funny, I would still probably burst into tears. I must be a bit hormonal right now 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thanks again for being here and giving me some much appreciated connection with people who understand! ❤️
  8. 1 point

    Sometimes I just get the blues...

    @WishMeSmaller, I get it. The need for "girl time": Check. The need for endorphins: Check. The need to wear some cute clothes and feel awesome: Check. If any of these are lacking in my life, there is a noticeable difference in my day-to-day demeanour and over all mood. And my poor fam often pays for it (sorry, fam!). You are right, in that sometimes it helps to just get it off one's chest. Feel free to wallow, you are entitled to it, we can't be happy-happy-go-go all the time...that is just not realistic, nor sustainable. Sleep some, try to move about as best you can when you are awake (i know that it will be limited due to your injury), but mostly, try to be kind to yourself and know that this is just one of many lows points that we all have to go through in life. I read something many moons ago about treating yourself the exact same way you would treat a loved on when they are feeling blue...words to live by. In the meantime, maybe, for girl time (if you can't hang out with your girlfriends), you can lean on the copious amounts of estrogen on here.. , I personally have found this forum to be a significant source of comfort and entertainment, like minded individuals, and all. As for the lack of fitted clothes and the accompanying feeling of awesomeness when you rock an outfit, I found that leggings and tank tops never fail to make me feel "all that". Or just doing my hair and makeup, even on days I have no intention of leaving the house (eff you covid). Whatever you choose to do, know that you are not alone in this constant over-your-head feeling of crapiness and the mad desire to eliminate it. ❤️ Holy Crap. My girlfriends and I have a 5+ year old WhatsApp group called GNO...and here I thought all this time I made up the term, LOLOOLzzzz. Soooooooooo funny to see those letters outside of our group!!!
  9. 1 point

    Anyone for October 2020?

    October 21st! Excited and nervous
  10. 1 point

    Is duodenal switch too drastic?

    Same here- i believe my original surgeon was just comfortable with the sleeve and bypass, and even then he just felt because of my age i should do the sleeve I knew i needed something else based on my research. I would have done one surgery and been done.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
