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  1. 2 points

    Can anyone eat carbs?

    I'm only two and a half months out but on my plan it states I can start introducing 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice/pasta etc after 3 months post op. Of course they state to get your protein and veggies in first always! Surgery is a tool to help us lose weight not deprive us of certain foods forever. I was allowed to introduce quinoa 1 month out and I tolerated it well. It was nice to add a little something different that wasn't just protein and veggies
  2. 2 points
    To your point about people asking inappropriate questions, I would probably be a smart ass, which I know, I know, is terribly out of character: "How much have you lost?" "Looks like I might lose another friend that doesn't seem to understand not to ask inappropriate questions." But, to the question you want us to answer: While dealing with things that are better, like back, hip, knee, ankle, foot pain from carrying around an extra 1/4 ton of weight. Reduced Fatty Liver disease. Blood Pressure. Sleep Apnea, Reflux. But more other worldly were all the things I gained that I didn't realize I was missing, like DisneyWorld, walking, running, marathons, kayaking, horseback riding. Tek
  3. 2 points

    Can anyone eat carbs?

    Two processed carbs that really helped me during weight loss phase. 1. Wonton wrappers. 3 wrappers are 60 calories and 12 carbs. Spray a muffin tin with Pam and make cups with them. I forget, but you bake them at 375 for xyz minutes. (Recipes all over internet) I put stir fry, or sugar free pudding, chunky applesauce and even have made pizza cups with these. Number 2 Was my go to and kept me sane. And my main processed carb. Good old store bought hard taco shells. 2 shells are 93 calories with 12 carbs. Brands vary, so check labels. I fill with 96% lean ground beef, dry taco season mix and veggies. I swear I ate this 6 meals a week (lunch/dinner) for a year. I still make it, just not as often. 3 oz of the meat with 2 taco shells is only 198 calories. I’d break them up and make a taco salad too. Hope that helps you!
  4. 1 point
    Hey hey! Ull be glad to know we have similar starting stats! I am 31 years old, had a BMI of 40.67 and was a size 18-20. I was 252lbs at my highest (10 days prior to vertical gastric sleeve surgery) and I was 242lbs on 7.27.20 (day of surgery). I am 5ft 6. I am 2 months post op now. Already i am down to 206lbs. I have lost 45lbs in total and 35 in two months since surgery.my bmi is 33.25 at the moment. I no longer have hip and back pain, my face is back to looking like "myself" again, I wake up happy every single day now and don't feel like I need to to hide away inside the house because of shame. I wear a size 16 at the moment. I have always had a big butt. Washing and wiping my own butt before surgery had started getting difficult which was one of my main wake up calls. I no longer have any issues with this at all only two months out! I could go on and on. There are sooooo many pros to having wls of any kind! My husband was skeptical that wls was necessary and wanted me to diet and work out with him for another year before we considered "something so drastic"..he now agrees this is exactly what I needed and is glad we didn't wait another year of me feeling the way I did about myself. As far as recovery, it was very easy for me. Sharp pain from incision sutures for abt a week, maybe 1.5 weeks. Within 2 weeks I had no pain. Can eat very little (have to remind myself to eat bc im not hungry and it seems kind of tedious to eat now bc its only like 4-5 bites of something) and i have no desire to eat sweets or junk anymore. That is huge for me bc I would easily and regularly consume cookies, brownies, candy bars, chips and crackers by the box/package by myself in just a few days. I craved snacks all day everyday. The only "con" i am experiencing is that i loved water before surgery and chugged it all day everyday. Now it's another thing i have to remind myself to do and it feels so tedious because i can only sip water now, not chug. Oh oops i forgot.. vitamins and meds are another "con" for me because I was not any meds prior to sleeve surgery and didnt take vitamins. Now i take like 3 meds and vitamins daily. My stomach is so small it feels as tho I've eaten after just taking my meds. I used to be able to throw back 3 Tylenols and swallow at once but now i take each pill one at a time because i feel like im gonna choke on the smallest pill size. I think this is just a fear tho..like a mental thing..and not actually a legit concern or something that is experienced by others lol. Anyways, i hope i covered enough for u. If u have any other questions, feel free to ask. Im an open book and wish i had found this app when i was preop. I did find TONS of videos on YouTube that convinced me sleeve surgery was just as good of an option as bypass for me tho! The videos I watched showed sleevers years out remaining successful and losing over 100lbs. The videos showed me ppl experiencing restriction and maintaining their goal weight years out which proved to me that bypass wasn't necessary for me to reach my 100lb weight loss goal and maintain it. This was encouraging for me because i was self pay and sleeve is cheaper. I would not let money be a determining factor tho. I was kind of forced into sleeve anyways because I am a smoker..still trying to quit at this point. OHHH BTW My mother had bypass 13 years ago and has remained at her goal wait this far out. This made me believe bypass had a higher success rate because she gets dumping, forcing her to not eat certain things or too much. Many surgeons disagree abt whether sleeve patients get dumping. I can eat whatever i want post op without getting sick but obviously can only eat a small portion. Many surgeons and patients argue about whether this restriction is lifted a few years out but there are ppl on here who will tell you they still have restriction with sleeve years out so it's hard to know what each of our bodies will experience. Do your research, watch youtube vids, listen to what people have to say, but most importantly choose a good bariatric team and trust your surgeon! Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point
    I really appreciate all your responses, thank you! I want to take advantage of this time to set some new habits and lose as much weight as possible before surgery. I’ll keep up my dieting and try to get as low as I can so I have less to lose after surgery.
  6. 1 point

    Anyone sleeve to bypass?

    Me! I only lost about 30 lbs with sleeve and gained half of it back due to maladaptive eating to avoid the symptoms of severe GERD. I just had revision to bypass on the 18th and am down 20 lbs from the start of my liquid diet 10 days prior to surgery. My doc said he expects me to lose about 60-65% of my excess weight, so a little less than I’d bypass was my first surgery.
  7. 1 point
    Welcome to the forums. Congratulations on your progress toward getting your WLS. Many, dare I say most WLS folks had health issues as part of their consideration for having surgery. It is not at all unusual. Surgeries have complications. Living has complications. As with all things, you need to do the math to determine which is the riskier option: WLS or no WLS, that is the question. Nearly the last thing my Doc said to me before wheeling me into surgery was "You know you can die from this surgery? Do you want to continue?" I had already done the math. I was gonna be immobile and a burden to everyone around me within 5 years. Even death on the table was preferable. I spoke with my spouse and parents about it and we were all on the same page. I don't want to spoil the ending of the story, but I didn't die. Since the surgery many of my health issues self-resolved. I'm on fewer meds now than I was pre-op. I've done things I never imagined I would do. Since you're well into satisfying your requirement it seems like you did the math. Good luck Tek
  8. 1 point
    I had no intention to exercise. Exercise was boring and very painful. After about 2 months and 60+ pounds I felt lighter and wanted to try moving around more. I started walking about more. Went down on the strip, malls, museums, aquariums. Just around and people watching. Eventually we were walking about 8 miles several times a week. But exercise? No way. After about 10 months and 200+ pounds, I just felt like I had and abundance of energy. Almost floating, it seemed. I thought I'd see if I could run. I bought "Idiots guide to running" which had a program to run 30 minutes in 30 days, and managed to complete it. I listened to audio books to pass the time. But exercise? No way. Month 13 and 250+ pounds down, I was still running. Listening to the Dark Tower (7 books), so runs got longer until I was running 90 miles per week. Over the next year I ran 5 marathons. I never did exercise. Exercise is boring and an obligation. I didn't have surgery to live on a diet and do things I never wanted or enjoyed doing. Walking, then running, was a joy. Do you.
  9. 1 point

    Can anyone eat carbs?

    I really watched carb intake during the weight loss phase, and as sillykitty said, there just wasn't much room for them after getting protein, and then veggies in. My weight came off very quickly - over 100# in 7 months, but I really did journal everything and was very careful. I did my best to maximize the first 6 months that I had heard about, and it worked for me. I added grain based carbs and fats very very slowly as I approached goal weight. I eat quite a lot of carbs now, as whole grains, seeds, legumes, fruit, and starchy vegetables, I do not eat bread or processed grains except for some chick pea pasta, I am very active and am maintaining my weight loss. If a few pounds creep back on, I cut down on the grains and nut butters. That takes care of it.
  10. 1 point


    I'm so sorry I'm hoping they did check you for a leak? I'm not sure how far out you are but a friend of mine had vaginal bleeding and pain and she had a hysterectomy years ago...turns out her pain and bleeding was a leak. My thoughts are with you! Please keep trying to find answers!

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