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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    My Dear Epicdreams2020, how beautifully you have expressed what no doubt, has been deep introspection. Bravo and Congratulations to you for doing the hard work and bringing it forth here. Yes, I can relate. This past month I have noticed my insidious little habits of sneaking bites of hubby’s cashews or 2 of his Hershey’s miniatures that the next day became 3, or a french fry from his plate that became 3, etc. have returned. The “treats” I bring home to him have lately been so that I can have “one bite”. Yes, I stop at one bite, but for how long will I stop? Yesterday, I read Catwoman’s comment that her appetite returned around month 5. Hmmm, I reflected, I’m exactly 6 months post WLS, so asked myself if I have REALLY prepared myself as much as I believed I had? The obvious answer was ‘probably not’, and now It’s time. To your point, there was for many of us a comfort of one sort or another in carrying the extra weight, often called “fat, the great insulator from life”, and somewhere in our psyche there must exist some sort of pull to recidivism that we must fight against. Awareness is our first step, acknowledging it the next, and a COMMITTED plan to STOP it the next. For me, it will begin TODAY and will be ONE DAY AT A TIME. Thank you for bringing this topic into the light of day. No doubt, others are right there with us and wanting out. My best wishes to you on all that you have achieved, the falling down, the getting back up. We CAN overcome!💖
  3. 1 point

    Anyone for August 2020

    Loving ‘peachy’.
  4. 1 point

    Can anyone eat carbs?

    That's good to know. Thanks!
  5. 1 point

    Right Rice anyone?

    One of the issues with rice is it swells in your small tummy filling you up. Rightrice still contains some rice so that would be a concern for me. I notice it has 25g of carbs in 1/3 cup which is a lot for a single serve. The same amount of rice has 15g. I always enjoyed rice before surgery but I haven’t eaten it since & don’t miss it. Same with bread & pasta. I know others can successfully eat it again in maintenance, but I believe consuming carbs from bread, rice & pasta mean weight gain for me. I feel way less bloated. Nor do I feel weighted down after a meal without them. But this is what I’ve found is working for me. You have to discover what works for you. I’d go down the cauliflower rice path if you want a similar texture. You can even use it to make a pizza base.
  6. 1 point

    Can anyone eat carbs?

    I really watched carb intake during the weight loss phase, and as sillykitty said, there just wasn't much room for them after getting protein, and then veggies in. My weight came off very quickly - over 100# in 7 months, but I really did journal everything and was very careful. I did my best to maximize the first 6 months that I had heard about, and it worked for me. I added grain based carbs and fats very very slowly as I approached goal weight. I eat quite a lot of carbs now, as whole grains, seeds, legumes, fruit, and starchy vegetables, I do not eat bread or processed grains except for some chick pea pasta, I am very active and am maintaining my weight loss. If a few pounds creep back on, I cut down on the grains and nut butters. That takes care of it.
  7. 1 point

    Favorite Grocery Products

    I suffer from serious FOMO with all this Aldi talk!! When pandemic is over I’m going to have to make the drive to Buffalo and see what all the fuss is about!!!
  8. 1 point

    Surgery done today

    Day 6 after surgery. Tenderness is nearly gone. Standing up straight without difficulty. Finally went to the bathroom yesterday after taking mirilax. I’m walking well by myself and building up to thirty minutes. Problems- Gas build up. I’m drinking too fast which is part of my old habits. I took a shower last night after wrapping myself in Saran Wrap but it didn’t stick and one of the five small dressings got wet. I cleansed the area and covered with a large dry bandage. I’m drinking clears and premier protein shakes. My doctor also allowed me to have a medicine cup full of sugar free pudding made with Lactaid milk to take my medication. Tolerating well without vomiting or nausea. No dumping syndrome. Calories are still under 500 at this point but fluids are tolerated well. One warning, I took a sip of some cold water and it gave me a spasm in my belly. Cold Zico coconut water was tolerated better. Still using the 30 ml medicine cups to avoid overfilling my new stomach. Some mood issues and being snappy. Because I can’t eat junk I am “expressing myself” much more. Hubby is a bit taken aback but he needs to understand I can’t be passive anymore. It made me 125 pounds overweight.
  9. 0 points
    I weigh myself in the am. I have lost a total of 10 lbs (this includes the 2 week liquid diet) and I’m two weeks post-surgery. I’m very discouraged, but hoping things will pick up. I know some people are slow losers and I’m trying to be patient. I had one day that I had a 3 lb gain and was really upset. It will work out!
  10. 0 points

    Recent RNY - How ya doing?

    Ate some stuff I shouldn't have and felt very ill. Then I got a UTI and felt more ill. This week has been a bad week. On the plus side I'm down 30 pounds since my surgery on the 10th. This week I really need to focus on hitting my fluid and protein targets.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
