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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    It seems to me like she might just have a personal preference due to what ingredients she might think are unsavory in the Premier? That's odd. Premier are pretty popular among the bariatric community.
  2. 2 points

    Anyone for August 2020

    Hey Everyone, I am 10 days out. I had a wonderful experience in the hospital. I slept most of the first day. It was hard not being able to have anything to drink, but rinsing my mouth did help. I only used my pain meds at night. I slept in the recliner which helped a great deal. I returned to work on day 6 and just completed a full week of work. I have lost 13 pounds. This has been a wonderful experience. Barely any hunger, some discomfort, but much less than I expected. Congrats to all of my fellow August 20 sleevers. Sleeved August 25th
  3. 2 points
    In other news, I had the same surgery as you through the very highly rated program at Newton-Wellesley Hospital in Newton, MA and they recommended Premier Protein shakes, which I liked, so reasonable people can disagree on this issue.
  4. 1 point

    Pressure and Bloat

    if you've never had problems with artificial sweeteners before, then that's probably not what's going on. Not sure. Obviously there's something that's upsetting your system, though. Keep us posted....
  5. 1 point
    That sucks. Definitely call the lab.
  6. 1 point
    Study after study has shown that dieting alone is not effective for long-term weight loss. Roughly 95% of people gain back all the weight they lose from dieting, and often more. Most bariatric surgery patients, on the other hand, maintain weight loss of at least 50% of their excess weight long-term. Many bariatric surgery patients do regain some weight, sometimes a significant amount, but typically still maintain some amount of weight loss (whereas without surgery, they’d most likely be gaining steadily over the years). The amount you can eat after weight loss surgery gradually increases, but usually not to the point that you can eat as much as you used to. People call the first couple of years the “honeymoon period” because that’s when it’s easy to lose weight, since the restriction is strongest. WLS also changes the hormones in your body that cause hunger, so at least for a while, you don’t feel hungry. They say it’s important to take advantage of the honeymoon period to change your eating habits so they become permanent even when the effects of the surgery weaken. Some people experience changes in taste after surgery and come to dislike sugary or fried foods (and these foods can even make you sick after WLS, which creates a strong disincentive to eat them). So yes, it still takes work and lifestyle changes to lose weight and maintain weight loss after WLS, but WLS makes it easier than dieting. Many, many people who have repeatedly failed at weight loss through dieting alone have been able to succeed with WLS. (FYI, I’m only 7 weeks out from surgery, so I don’t have personal experience to back this up, but I’ve read a lot and watched a lot of videos from people who have been through it. There a lot of people on this forum with amazing success stories.)
  7. 1 point
    I’ve had men come up to me in my office, interrupt what I’m doing, and just ask why I’m not smiling, and that I would look better if I would smile. Like why the hell would I be just sitting here smiling while I’m working on my computer? That would be f**king weird. And why would you say that to me? Would you tell a man the same thing? No, no you wouldn’t. I’m not a f**king trained chimp here for your entertainment or to make you feel better about yourself. Although if I were a chimp, I would at least have an excuse to fling poop at these people. That would be pretty awesome.
  8. 1 point

    I am really doing it this time

    Hi! I'm a 48 yr old mom of 3. I've been wanting to have GB surgery for almost 25 years!!! I chickened out the first time.....I'm kicking myself because at that time I had insurance with no prereqs and paid for it 100%...but I was scared and not ready. Fast forward to 2013...dying gall bladder, botched gall bladder removal, bile duct repair surgery. I lost 35 lbs in a month because of that...it was inspiring. Decided to 'clean eat' and joined Beachbody and jumped in with both feet. I was doing FANTASTICALLY, losing a total of 78 lbs, not quite to my goal weight but I felt so fantastic!! But then.....the hubs got hurt at work and was off for 3 months. I had to go back to work. My little bubble of getting to be a stay at home mom, with oodles of time to meal prep and exercise burst in a huge way. The only job I could get was at Pizza Hut....I was angry that he got hurt, I was angry that I had to go back to work. So I punished myself, I ate a shitton of pizza. I very quickly gained weight back and fast forward to today, I'm almost back up to where I started. Recently I've done some selfwork and am in a really good mental space right now. And have set the wheels in motion to get the surgery....FOR REAL THIS TIME. I could have had it a couple years ago, but allowed my husband to talk me out of it. I told him, this time, he doesn't get to say. I've tried to do it on my own and I failed. I need this tool to keep me focused and honest. I truly believe that 25 years ago, I wasn't ready to get this done and would have failed. I'm ready to do this now! I'm not the most patient person, but let the 6 months (or hopefully less) begin!!!! I've gone through seminar, I meet with the surgeon in July. My PCP is on board. The hubs is actually on board. I've quit smoking (sooo hard!) and next is quitting Diet Coke. Thanks for letting me share!!!
  9. 1 point

    First time feeling some buyers remorse

    I’m nearly 6 months out and cooked (refrigerator prepared) pulled pork from Aldi for hubs last night, along with hush puppies, fries and onion rings in the air fryer (he’s tall & thin). I tried a bite of the pork while cooking to test flavor and it did not sit well. It had great flavor and he loved it but my tastes and desires have changed Big Time. There was no desire what so ever to try the sides I had prepared for him. At 3 months post WLS I was like you, my head and memory wanted to enjoy it and I felt a bit left out watching others. Now? I feel a knot at the back of my throat saying “I no longer like how that makes me feel”. So I live vicariously through his ooohs, ahhhs, yums and crunching, and instead of lusting after his food, I smile, ‘grateful for this gift of a new me’ and the memory is all I need. I’m serious, I no longer feel deprived of sugary fatty foods, I simply do not want them.
  10. 1 point

    Anyone for August 2020

    I just wanted to update for those who are headed to surgery soon. I am one week and a day since sleeve surgery and I’m pretty much feeling 100%. I didn’t really ever have pain from the wounds. I did experience gas, I wouldn’t call it pain but it was very uncomfortable. It lasted about 24 hours and got better with walking. I had minor pain when I left the hospital but Im a single mom with a one year old and it was hard not to pick him up. I had to lift him onto the changing table, give him baths, etc you know regular mom stuff. That pain subsided pretty quickly too and I didn’t have to use pain meds much. Being on liquids again for another 2 weeks is the worst part but it’s not unbearable. It was difficult for me to get a protein shake down this first week. They just felt heavy and sweet and weren’t setting right but I kept trying different ones and found ones that I could tolerate. Protein water has been a life saver. I found some sipping soups yesterday that have been helping me feel more satisfied. I also talked to my surgeon’s office and they told me I could try some Greek yogurt and that went well today. I went back to work day 6. I’m a teacher and all my student are virtual for now so I’m basically just sitting in front of a computer all day. I was feeling really tired like I needed a nap midday and then super exhausted when I got home from work but not today. Today I felt great. You feel better every day. I’m just so excited to start seeing results. I have lost 11 lbs since surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
