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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    I am really doing it this time

    Hi! I'm a 48 yr old mom of 3. I've been wanting to have GB surgery for almost 25 years!!! I chickened out the first time.....I'm kicking myself because at that time I had insurance with no prereqs and paid for it 100%...but I was scared and not ready. Fast forward to 2013...dying gall bladder, botched gall bladder removal, bile duct repair surgery. I lost 35 lbs in a month because of that...it was inspiring. Decided to 'clean eat' and joined Beachbody and jumped in with both feet. I was doing FANTASTICALLY, losing a total of 78 lbs, not quite to my goal weight but I felt so fantastic!! But then.....the hubs got hurt at work and was off for 3 months. I had to go back to work. My little bubble of getting to be a stay at home mom, with oodles of time to meal prep and exercise burst in a huge way. The only job I could get was at Pizza Hut....I was angry that he got hurt, I was angry that I had to go back to work. So I punished myself, I ate a shitton of pizza. I very quickly gained weight back and fast forward to today, I'm almost back up to where I started. Recently I've done some selfwork and am in a really good mental space right now. And have set the wheels in motion to get the surgery....FOR REAL THIS TIME. I could have had it a couple years ago, but allowed my husband to talk me out of it. I told him, this time, he doesn't get to say. I've tried to do it on my own and I failed. I need this tool to keep me focused and honest. I truly believe that 25 years ago, I wasn't ready to get this done and would have failed. I'm ready to do this now! I'm not the most patient person, but let the 6 months (or hopefully less) begin!!!! I've gone through seminar, I meet with the surgeon in July. My PCP is on board. The hubs is actually on board. I've quit smoking (sooo hard!) and next is quitting Diet Coke. Thanks for letting me share!!!
  2. 1 point

    Portioning out food

    I measured by volume exclusively the first month. After that it was primarily by weight, with sometimes volume (i.e., liquids, semi-liquids, sauces, etc...)
  3. 1 point

    Is it normal or common practice

    I actually met my surgeon first on the same day I did the psych and dietitian, and lab, chest xray, etc. I was self pay, so I don't know if that made any difference. Sent from my moto g(6) using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Portioning out food

    I think that generally liquids should be measured by volume and solids by weight. It kinda makes me think about all the times I used a measuring cup for flour/ sugar versus the Great British Baking Show weighs those items.
  5. 1 point

    Gastric bypass today

    Congratulations!!! You were rocking that jiffy pop hat too!! LOL!!!
  6. 1 point
    I've made a conscious decision not to eat and drink together as I want to maintain my sleeve's restriction for as long as I can. So I always wait at least half an hour after meals to drink, sometimes longer depending on how dense the food was. Like others have said above, it's my normal now. I do miss having a cup of tea and a piece of cake - but that combo was what helped me get into the position where I needed a sleeve! Plus the one time I tried it, by eating pumpkin soup and bread together, I spent a very unpleasant 30 minutes vomiting it all up. So I'm not really tempted to try again.
  7. 1 point

    Mental Health and Surgery

    Oh thank goodness!!! Those one a day vitamins are HUGE lol
  8. 1 point

    So disappointed in people

    Yayyyy. Remember, while yes it is easier with support.... it can and has been done with none. Set your mind on your goal. Don't let others bring you down. When people start to be negative... simply turn and walk away. when they ask why, just say..... i'm not going to stand here and listen to any negativity. They will get the picture. surround yourself with positive people..... This is why lost of people get addicted to the gym. Lots of positive people. I personally loved Crossfit.... No mirrors on the walls and i got a personal trainer every day.... and when i felt i couldnt do something i had people all around encouraging me to keep going....
  9. 1 point
    I've always wanted : To go horseback riding To not worry about weight limits To eat in public without feeling like I'm being judged To shop in any store for clothes To fit comfortably in a booth
  10. 1 point
    I always wanted to: Cross my legs, wear boots( ankles never allowed me to), go on vacation and not be tired, go to more parties, wear clothing that fits my style... not my body .

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