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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Surgery date is set!

    Insurance was approved for roux en y gastric bypass. Pre op is Sept 2. I'm so excited! I've waited almost a year. I'm also nervous, but I want my life back. My weight is controlling it and i need to make a change.
  2. 1 point
    Hey all! So I’m POD #7 & I’m starting to get hungry. Not the pains or anything, but I just feel the need to “crunch & munch” on something! I’ve tried ice cubes, but eh. Any suggestions?
  3. 1 point
    I had some mild diarrhea and GI distress in my pre-op diet including whey protein, but street surgery the whey protein and whey protein isolate absolutely killed me; super painful diarrhea. I started using plant based and I feel much better. My questions are, one, can anyone recommend a whey alternative that isn’t gross? Two, is there anyone who can tolerate Genepro but not other whey protein? I’ve heard so many people rave about the Genepro in terms of taste, digestion and how readily it dissolves but I don’t want to buy it if it’s just going to make me sick!
  4. 1 point

    Is McDonalds gone for good?

    Fast Food/Junk Food addict here are well. Not when it comes to fast food restaurants or delivery foods - but in my own home. See some meals in the food pictures thread, lol. I use meat substitutes way too often.
  5. 1 point

    Countdown is on...starting to freak out.

    Hi, I'm about the same height and weight as you and also have my Gastric Bypass surgery scheduled for Wednesday. I'm also getting very anxious about it and have been going over and over the reasons why I have taken this decision. I don't know how old you are but I'll be 60 soon and have been losing and regaining the same 60/70 lbs most of my life and I just don't see how I can change that cycle without extra help. I am very active and play sport most days and I don't have any other co-morbidities. One of the main reasons I am having my surgery is to enable me to continue playing sport without doing any further damage to my body. Carrying this extra weight isn't pleasant nor is it good for me and it becomes more and more difficult as I get older. I suspect that I've already damaged my hips and knees playing tennis like this and I want to preserve what I've got left. I researched WLS years ago and 10 years ago I had a gastric band which I didn't get on with at all. I immediately had a de-fill and never had it filled again. It was removed last year. I wish I'd gone for the bypass or sleeve instead of the band to be honest because I feel I've missed out on so much because of this weight not to mention the strain it's put on my body. I don't know if this helps and only you can decide if it's the right thing for you at the moment. I wish you all the best with whatever you decide.
  6. 1 point
    Mr Alley Gator

    Depression, Anybody?

    of course it does but run the journey you will love it The head games are brutal but look ahead and look at how much you have done already - You have a addiction just like me and all of us but the reward for being healthy is great You will crash we all do but find a new outlook on life It took a puppy for me but F@#ck you got this just focus and get you head in order! Congrads on the weight loss and keeep it up trust me you will love the new you
  7. 1 point

    Countdown is on...starting to freak out.

    It's understandable to second guess yourself. I tried for years to lose the weight on my own, but it'd take me a YEAR to lose 20 pounds and a month to gain it back with interest when I gave up out of frustration. Eventually I had to face facts. I wouldn't be around to watch my nieces grow up if I didn't do something about my weight. I was 389 pounds when I finally decided to look into bariatric surgery. I'd been coming up with excused for YEARS as to why it wasn't for me. Truth was I didn't believe I'd have the willpower to stick with it. But, surprisingly, it's been relatively smooth. There was this one girl in my bariatric surgeons office that comes to mind when you talk about backing out. She went through the whole process THREE times! She got right up to her surgery date and backed out and had to start all over again. I was talking to her in the surgeons office before my pre-surgery appointment and asked her why she'd go through all that and then not have the surgery. She said she was scared and then asked me why I didn't seem to be. I told her I'd gone through a much scarier surgery so this was like a walk in the park by comparison. I honestly don't know if she went through with it that time or if she's going though the process for a FOURTH time. Clearly she wanted to lose the weight, but the unknown of the surgery was terrifying to her. The unknown can be a really scary, I get that. But think of how much better you'll feel losing that extra 80 pounds. Who cares what your PCP thinks (vanity? pfft, a 37 BMI is still obese and your PCP is a friggin' MORON!) or if your mother doesn't approve, this is YOUR life and YOUR body! The surgery will help you become a healthier YOU! In the end though, the choice is still very much your own. Whether you go the conventional dieting route or the WLS route is still your decision and no one else's. Maybe write out a list of pro's and con's. Or read success stories to pump yourself up. Either choice you make, I wish you the best.
  8. 1 point

    What stuck with you?

    Does everyone have one main thing that's stuck with them through the years when they were overweight? I have several. The main one for me happened when I was 7, I wasn't a big kid by any means, bordering on skinny, but I did have a belly. I started ballet classes and I was all for it! Still to this day anything Tulle has my heart. My mum bought me the tutu, slippers and leotard and I was in love. I went to my first class and danced like I was in the nutcracker really I thought this was going to be my life. Anyway after class a couple of the girls teased me about my belly sticking out of my leotard. I cried and never went back to another class. Stayed with me forever. kids can be cruel! So last weekend I signed up for ballet classes and had my first one in 30 years yesterday. I absolutely adored it. Onto bigger and better things and letting things go!
  9. 1 point
    So you are having WLS to lose weight. Non weight reasons would be things like stomach cancer Best of luck ❤
  10. 1 point

    Alarming Hairloss

    My hair started falling out at 3 months too. I couldn't clean the bathroom floor often enough from the carpets of hair that would accumulate. I took my vitamins as advised by my surgeon, but nothing beyond that. The falling out stopped around 7 months post op. I'm 1.5 years out now, and it's basically all grown back (the new hairs are generally shorter than the rest at this point still, but time will fix that. Long story short, its pretty normal, and generally resolves itself down the road (but yeah, it does get pretty alarming when you are in the throes of it!) Some info if you are interested (the process is called Telogen Effluvium : https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321590#treatment

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
