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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2020 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    Are my expectations too high?

    I haven't seen that outcomes calculator before. It's quite interesting. I'm three years post op, but I put in my data prior to surgery and it predicted that I would be 259lbs in my third year, I'm actually about 210. I think that calculator is pretty conservative, so it's definitely very realistic in what you can achieve. I think a lot of people, e.g. on these forums are doing much better than what would be predicted by that calculator, but it really is up to the individual.
  2. 3 points


    I do think its time to talk to the office manager. Enough is enough.
  3. 2 points

    Anyone NOT lose weight post op

    I hate to ask this question but I am month 4/6 in pre-approval process. My whole life I have tried anything you can think of and I have been so very sure each one was the answer. I usually lose between 8-12 pounds each attempt and then stall. It's been the same thing pre-op. I did intermittent fasting with being gluten free since 7/31/19, no problem fasting 20-22 hours but when I would try to do alternate day fasting or 24 hour fasting I would gain with the lower calories. I have researched starvation mode and most experts agree it does not exist. I ended up averaging 19 hours and plateaued at 12 pounds after 3 months and then started gaining again even with the fasting. When I did my pre-op I was at one of my lower weights (my weight plot looks like shark teeth) and was told I was not allowed to gain at all during the process or my surgery would be denied. As part of my pre-op I have continued intermittent fasting for an average of 16 hours but I also gave up all grains, dairy, sugar, and soy. I have lost another 12 pounds for a total of 24 but cannot get any lower. I've played with calories, food types, anything I can think of. I track all my calories and activities and range 1200-1500 being mostly on the lower end of the range and get at least 30 mins of walking 5 days a week. I have no emotional issues with food and am very disciplined. I do have Hashimoto's thyroiditis but my hormone ranges are good according to my bloodwork. My thyroid is almost not existent except for a large nodule so my endocrinologist wants me to have me thyroid removed in addition to the sleeve. My big fear is that there is something weird with my metabolism and that I'll have the surgery and not be successful. It sounds crazy to even say that but this is a support group and that is my truth.
  4. 2 points

    Brand new sleeve

    I'm guessing you may have had a morphine pump in the hospital (or some other narcotic), so that's probably why it felt worse when you got home. It's most likely gas pain - it should work its way out in a few days. The getting in and out of bed thing is common. To be honest, I didn't have any pain at all other than when I was getting in and out of bed. It felt like I'd done 1000 crunches - but that'll go away soon, too.
  5. 2 points

    Anyone NOT lose weight post op

    Well, one thing that will be different and should help is that you will only be taking in anywhere from 600-1,000 calories max during the weight loss phase. After that, maintenance phase will get up to 1,200-1,400 calories daily range, depending upon where you find your body begins putting weight on and is no longer losing is what will determine the magic number for you to maintain. I know, this 600-1,000 cal daily sounds impossible, and prior to WLS it would have been for me. Your smaller pouch helps restrict you, as well as fewer hunger pangs. Congratulations on your 24lb weight loss! We’re same height and that’s better than I did pre-op. You can do this!!
  6. 1 point
    Hello, I am new to this forum but I really need to warn others. I am 5 years post op from the sleeve surgery and am MISERABLE! I have also had 4 more surgeries to fix a hiatal hernia at the esophagus and stomach as well as pouches that were formed by the surgery. I have not been able to eat normally since the surgery and by normally I mean the way you are suppose to after VSG. I haven't been able to drink water without pain. My SW was 245 and now I am at 184 and losing since my most recent surgery. The recent surgery was to fix the hiatal hernia again. I was told it was a "new" way of fixing the hernia, nothing more was told to me. My pancreas was also removed at the same time. My surgery was called a Nissen Fundoplication, its pretty complicated. They use of the stomach to be wrapped around the esophagus so it won't go up into that area again. From the beginning I have had GERD very bad, it was so bad I was on 2 different medications as well as over the counter antacids so that is why the Nissen Fundoplication. It has been horrible this 5 year journey. I am getting all of my records together for a second opinion and to possibly have a revision to the RNY. This surgery was the biggest regret of my life. My life has suffered more and my relationship has also been hurt by this. I am always so tired and sick, and my husband is worried about losing me. I have also been just left to flounder. I have had numerous swallow tests and load of medications but NOTHING allows me to drink a nice glass of water, albeit a sip at a time, without pain. So in one word "YES" i regret everything about this surgery. Heather
  7. 1 point
    Below is an edited version from 3 weeks ago when I was conceivably talking about getting a bypass with the medical group. Now the Doctor Thinks a Sleeve Would be Better Then a Bypass. With battling weight most of my life 10 years ago I got a lap band put in. I am now 57 years old, 15 years ago I was diagnosed with type two diabetes At the time my Lap Band was put in my weight was 230 pounds. That might not sound like a lot of weight but for a male 5’8 it was a lot for me. In addition to having type two diabetes I have also had two neck surgeries and three back surgeries over the years. The Lap Band gave me significant weight loss. I got down from 230 to 160-165. I also lowered my Metformin from 1000 mg to 500 mg. I lost approximately 70 pounds of weight and maintained this weight for about nine years. To say that it was an easy road for me would be lying, I was constantly having the band loosened tightened loose and tightened like being on a roller coaster. I had problems with the Lap Band being so tight that I was having major acid reflux problems. In addition to that I had some small ulcers around my esophagus next to my Lap Band. Last year I decided I had enough of this and had a lot of Fluid taken out of my band. The major acid reflex went away immediately however, I still have some ongoing small minor heartburn and a small cough because the Lap Band is still in place but a lot of the fluid has been taken out. Because of that removal of fluid I have gained back for the first time in 10 years 35 pounds. Now I am back up to taking the same amount of diabetic medicine Metformin 1000 mg because of the 35 pound weight gain. The bariatric center in Los Angeles is now recommending that I conceivably switch to a Sleeve. This decision is not completely final yet and the acid reflex problems I’ve had for so many years which only really developed soon after getting the Lap Band 10 years ago. As in all surgeries there are risk concerns for changing the body anatomy, any advice or opinions from anyone that has been down this same kind of road would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time and concern. Hopefully one day I can help someone else.
  8. 1 point


    Yay! Surgery twins. I really like their bananas and cream but the cookies and cream is just gross. My only saving grace about coffee is that I detox before I started the liquid diet or else I wouldn’t have made it this far. 😂😂
  9. 1 point
    Mr Alley Gator


    You got This ..... Just being tested a little right now
  10. 1 point
    Whoop! Hope I can keep this pace going. I’m sure it’ll slow, my initial rolling seven day average was around 10-12 for the first couple weeks and it’s been hovering right around 4lbs a week since. Once I got past the low energy stage I feel like hyper-mode has been activated. No food issues. I’m capable of eating anything it seems nothing disagrees with me, just making good choices every day, and the restriction is still very high, an ounce or two depending on what it is. Ate some raw jalapeños even. I haven’t been this light since college (in the 90s). Doesn’t seem possible... wish I did this years ago.

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