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  1. 6 points

    No longer obese!

    This morning I hit a new all time low BMI for me since I started gaining weight after my kids were born. My BMI is now 29.8 so I’m am now just overweight and no longer obese! I have 13.2 pounds left to get to my original goal, but think I’ll drop a further 5 from there to defend a 5 pound range. I’ve got PS scheduled in January, so right on track to reach my goal in October and then maintain a couple months prior to surgery. Feels soooooo good!!! On another note, the closer I get to goal, the more people notice when I’ve dropped smaller amounts. Early on I’d get a lot of comments every 20 pounds or so. Now it’s about every 5.
  2. 2 points


    You are entitled to medical privacy the same as any other personal privacy. You are not lying when you say eating healthier and exercising regularly.
  3. 1 point

    No longer obese!

    Congrats! You'll reach your original goal before you know it! 😊 I, myself, have low standards and just want to be in the overweight category as I've been obese since I was in elementary school. Right now I'm the smallest I've been in 19 YEARS as I was 14 the last time I was 235! It honestly blows my mind and the fact that I'm even in a smaller size than I was when I was 14 is even odder to me. (I was a size 20 in pants and a 2x in tops when I was this weight at 14, but now I'm an 18 in pants and an xL in tops). There's also the fact that I hadn't been under 300 pounds since I was 17! I'm grateful every day that I made the decision to have this surgery... I put it off for far too long!
  4. 1 point
    I heard about using the protein shakes as coffee creamer on these boards and now it is all I use...you learn the most useful stuff here! But I'd be afraid to store stuff in my oven--I'd forget it was there and turn on the "Preheat"...I HAVE stored things in the microwave since I don't preheat it...
  5. 1 point


    I had my surgery on Wednesday, August 5th. While I was in the hospital, I kept complaining about something stuck in the back of my throat. I told multiple nurses and no one took me seriously. After I got home, I started having more issues where it was difficult to swallow my pills because it was in the way. I went to an urgent care today who told me that it is my uvula and it's extremely elongated. He recommended I go to an ENT. So I called my doctor and explained the situation and I am waiting for a call back. I think it is a problem from the intubation. Has anyone else had this issue? Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point

    August 2020 Surgery

    I’m scheduled for the 27th!
  7. 1 point

    Lap band vs sleeve...help

    From all I’ve read & heard, lap band is not very popular today & the number of lap band surgeries have decreased quite dramatically. Gastric sleeve is much more popular & common with fewer side effects & complications. But you have a few surgical options. Your health & medical conditions will influence which surgery is most suitable for you & your lifestyle. For example if you already suffer from reflux, you would not be a suitable candidate for a sleeve. Before I made my choice, I did a lot of reading & sat with my surgeon who went through the pros & cons of each surgery. He then made his recommendation based upon my medical history which matched my leanings towards the sleeve. I’m very happy with our decision. Good luck with your journey & whichever surgery you choose.
  8. 1 point
    You can do it! I gained 14 lbs, turned things around, and have lost 2 over the past week or so. I lose slowly at under 1500 calories a day. Breakfast: 1 egg, 2oz lox, 1/2 cup fruit, coffee with a little 1% milk Lunch: Healthy Choice Powerbowl (low carb) or similar Dinner: Fish, vegetable, occasionally brown rice or carbanada low carb pasta Snacks if I am actually hungry: fat free yogurt, banana, 1/2 cup Julian's low carb granola, unsweetened almond milk, low fat cheese stick, etc. I take a walk/run with my dogs for about 2 miles a day and do Pilates 2x a week. I'd like to add back weightlifting when it's safe to go back to the gym. Knocking off the number of snacks seems to have been the main issue for me. I would track and see where the extra calories have snuck in and see what you can live without. Good luck!
  9. 1 point
    Agree w/ @JakeH, and that its different when you are in weight loss mode vs. Maintenance. I started exercising for reals at 3 months post op and kept my calories under 600 no matter if it was an exercise day or not (at 5-6 months post op I was staying under 800). Stayed ultra-low carbs (>25g NET carbs). Now, as I’m not actively trying to lose weight, I try to stay within 1800-2000 calories (but I also do some moderate to heavy exercise almost every day). My bad though, as I will admit the quality of these calories may not always be of the best kind (i.e., sugar). I try to stay under 100g NET carbs, but I don’t always succeed (i.e., sugar!) Further, I prefer to do my running/strength training in the morning, in a fasted state. It may just be me, but I feel more energetic and nimble when my stomach is empty. Food makes me feel lazy and sluggish for some reason. Also, like @ChubRub, I do not feel particularly hungry after exercising, but I will eventually in a couple hours or so, and I’ll eat if I’m hungry. Long story short, at 6 weeks out, maybe just eat if u are hungry, while sticking to your prescribed calorie range (and don’t forget to get your protein and water in!) Good Luck! P.S. I am NOT a medical professional and am providing anecdotal comments based on my own experiences. It’s advisable to check with your doc when starting a new workout and nutritional regimen ❤️
  10. 1 point
    Everyone is different but I had very little pain but had a blast Getting Morphine hits every three hours! Really did not need them but was having fun getting stoned and seeing elvis for the 30 hours. I have seen most people have little pain just discomfort, I used a CBD cream on the slits that really helped but never needed any pain meds Good luck you got this - NO PAIN NO GAIN AJ

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