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  1. 2 points
    JRT Mom

    Missing my old eating habits!!

    When I'm awake I don't really miss the bad foods all that much. But when I'm asleep I dream of eating all sorts of forbidden things, and then freak in my dream that I'm gonna dump. Also I'm a vegetarian and I dream of eating hamburgers all the time. It's such a relief to wake up and find out that I didn't really eat the forbidden fruit...
  2. 2 points

    Weight gain

    Best of luck Melanie. This isn't a big secret, exercise and watch what you put into your body nothing we all haven't heard 1000 times. I wish you all the best. I would however do something now though and don't wait until you're out of onederland.
  3. 1 point

    Help me! 10Days post op

    I can’t thank you enough for responding to me, I am sooooo panicked!
  4. 1 point

    Missing my old eating habits!!

    yes, totally. i call it eye hunger, or memory hunger. my stomach is not telling me i am hungry, but i so badly desire a chipotle bowl or a slice of pizza or even a big salad with tons of stuff in it. only 2 weeks out. i have notice that if i take too big of a gulp of my chicken broth or protein shake, i get a very uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, so that sort of tells me i am not hungry. lots of talking to myself these days to change old behaviors. you will get there too.
  5. 1 point
    you are not going to die. Gastric bypass has a 0.3% mortality rate, VSG is even less. So that means you have a 99.7% chance or better that you're going to get through it just fine. And you will. Those odds are excellent. My surgeon has been doing these surgeries for 30+ years and has never lost a patient. They'll put you through all sorts of medical clearances (if they haven't already) to make sure you're healthy enough for surgery. YOU WILL BE FINE! on the continuum of surgeries, VSG and RNY are among the safest surgeries there are. They're much safer than hip replacement surgeries, for example, and you know they do hip replacements every day, so... for that matter, people have died during tonsillectomies or wisdom tooth extractions. How often does that happen? Almost never. Same with weight loss surgeries. It's not going to happen. as for horror stories, quit reading them. Now. Major complications are very rare. Almost all of us have had either no complications at all, or very minor ones that are easy fixable (like a stricture). You will be fine. I know it's hard not to be afraid, but these are very safe surgeries with very little chance of major complications.
  6. 1 point


    I started at about 1500 after my sleeve and every week I go further. I am a month out and I am doing 7k a day now. It’s very hot, but it’s worth it. Just gradually increase your steps
  7. 1 point

    Hungry post op

    In the same boat. My husband cooks for the kids and I have to see/smell macaroni, pizza, pasta, and cereal. I have chewed a few items and later spit. I'm also a good week away from pureed foods. You can do this!
  8. 1 point
    I wasn't scared of the surgery or being put under but mostly because I'd had brain surgery in 2017 so this was like a walk in the park by comparison... Your mind makes things out to be worse than they actually are. I think it's just human nature to stress about the worst possible outcome. Your chances of not making it through the surgery are 1 in 1000. Chances of major complications are like 4%. It's slim. Just trust that you're in good hands and try not to stress yourself out more by reading about the worst things that can happen or you'll just stress yourself out more! In my own experience when I went into the operating room I was talking to the anesthesiologist after they got me situated and he asked me a few questions and the next thing I know I'm being wheeled into a room. I'm going to be honest... when I woke up I felt like I got hit by a bus! But they gave me pain meds when I mentioned that and then I was good. My worst experience about my surgery is that I vomited old blood for the first two days... and it HURT! It scared my mom, but the nurse said that sometimes that happens and it's normal. I had those blue puke bags on hand just in case lol. But I had the Loop DS and that's different then Gastric Bypass so you likely won't have that issue. Just try and stay away from reading about the worst possible outcomes and just think positive. Think about how much better you'll feel as you hit each milestone! I wish you the best in your upcoming surgery!
  9. 1 point
    I used to be very afraid of anesthesia. So much so that I jumped off the table in the operating room. Of course being obese is a higher risk for undergoing anesthesia but I assume you have had all your pre-op testing and your team is aware of what concerns they need to stay on top of during your surgery. You can ask the anesthesiologist to give you something for anxiety. They put it right in the intravenous and it works in minutes. You will be wheeled into the Operating Room which will be a bit cold, brightly lit and it will have a slight echo. There will be a flurry of activity around you. I find it helpful to shut my eyes at this point and pretend as if I am going to bed for the night. Practice this if you need to. Visually see yourself in the operating room and feel the coolness, hear the slight echo but you will shut your eyes and breath in and out slowly. Another thing I do is start naming fruits and vegetables starting at the beginning of the alphabet in my head. You will likely only get to G for grapefruit. The next thing that will happen is you will wake up in recovery. You will feel a bit disoriented, nauseous possibly and you will hear the sounds of the machine beeps very loudly. Ask for something for nausea if you need it. Keeping your eyes closed and just focusing on breathing helps to get the anesthesia out of your system. Within an hour you should feel much better and then you’ll work on pain management. You can do this and you will be healthier and stronger before you know it.
  10. 1 point
    There's not been much good news about this pandemic and having to wear masks all the time. But I finally found one! I've gotten sensitive about my "turkey wattle" but don't want to pay the cost of plastic surgery. But wearing a mask--instant face lift! I look YEARS younger with a mask on!!😁

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