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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    My doctor didn’t give me a goal, but there are studies that show that 27 is a healthy and comfortable BMI for many people, despite the charts recommending lower. My personal goal is 165. I have been that weight in my adult life and was happy there, despite my BMI being 27 and technically overweight. I think it really comes down to personal preference. I would rather not be super thin.
  2. 2 points

    It's Going to Be a Lifetime

    yes == it's definitely a lifestyle change. No way could I eat like I used to. At five years out, I still track everything I eat and try to stay within a certain calorie range to maintain my weight. I also exercise 5-6 days a week now. If I start slacking off, my weight starts going up. Been there.. And BTW - I have never-been-fat friends who have to do this as well to keep from gaining weight, so it's not just us!
  3. 2 points

    2020 Vets Updates

    I'm 22 months out from RNY (Feb 20, 2018). I walk 60min/day and slow jog. I am making a commitment to do core strengthening 3 days per week. I also still identify as a WLS patient and always will because it DOES keep me honest and keeps me focused on living a healthier life that continues to grow and evolve. I am a daily weigher. And this morning was 130.4lbs. Lowest weight was yesterday and was 129.4lbs. I maintain in a range of 130-135lbs. Oh an 8 years, late stage cancer remission continues. Check up in 2 months.
  4. 1 point
    I think generally, the first place you put fat on is the last place it comes off.
  5. 1 point


    This is all absolutely gorgeous! Can I borrow them all? Surely they won't fit me but these clothes are all so beautiful that I will find a way to make it work Making it work Me 2020 C.E Stone
  6. 1 point


  7. 1 point


    It's just ridiculous. This need to brag almost continuously also comes across quite pathetic.
  8. 1 point

    It's Going to Be a Lifetime

    Yes it has to be a completely new way of life its not a temporary fix it needs full commitment..
  9. 1 point

    Arm Lift Experiences?

    I can't remember if I had the crepe-y-ness or not. I did have bat wings, though. Here are some before and after of my arms. The "after" were taken two months after surgery, so there'd be more scarring and swelling there than there is now - although it looks like it's pretty minimal in these pictures, actually.... (UPDATE: I did see one photo where I could see crepe-y arms (in the before) - but it wasn't too bad. I don't have an after one that shows that it's gone, but I definitely know I don't have that anymore. So yes - it took the crepe away!)
  10. 1 point

    carbonated drinks with sleeve

    @Heather13... and f you are talking about carbonated beverages in general, the reason my my doc gave to lay off them is because drinking them contribute to excess gas in your stomach, which is not your friend ...and NOT because of stretching your stomach. One would have to have their stomachs filled beyond capacity (with liquids OR solids) for extended periods of time to do that. And even then, it is highly, highly unlikely a sleeved stomach would stretch to pre-surgery size. Not even close. If under some crazy circumstances one was able to stretch their stomach close to even HALF thier original size (given a sleeved stomach is 20% of original size), that person would have waaaaay bigger problems to worry about than a bigger stomach. With that said, i was drinking carbonated beverages around 2-3 months post op, and still do, almost every day. HOWEVER, i am drinking sparkling water (i.e., Perrier or similar, with no sugar nor flavourings) and NOT pop/ soda nor beer. Too many unnecessary calories for me, personally. I have hade diet coke a handful of times in the past year though (and only once i was done trying to lose weight)...but is is def the exception and not the rule.

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