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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Food Before and After Photos

    Welcome! 😁
  2. 1 point
    Heyyyy it's yo girl. Got my arrival time for my butt lift and thighplasty tomorrow at 7:30 a.m., then 450cc silicone implants in-office on the 15th! Thus will conclude the plastic surgery journey. Prior to bypass I had a breast reduction w/ full nipple graft breast lift and full body liposuction. Post-bypass I had bra-line excision, arm lift, tummy tuck, and soon-to-be butt and thigh lift and implants. AMA! I'm officially an expert. lmao. There's nowhere else for them to nip and tuck! $$$$$$$$$$$ He was supposed to email me my before and after tummy tuck and arm lift but he forgot. I will post them this week when I remind him at my follow-up Friday.
  3. 1 point

    NSV & first vacation experience

    I am almost 6 months post op and took my first vacation this week (Drove up to Tahoe). I went with some friends who did not know about the surgery but knew I was actively losing weight and trying to eat healthier and it wasn't awkward at all. I didn't snack, but I did eat some meals I shouldn't have. But between watching how much and exercise, I was down just over 2 lbs for the week. In the past, anytime I vacationed I would be up so I'm super excited. I had some great NSVs while I was out. - Hiked almost every day - around 5 miles, intermediate hikes, at elevation. Still hard, but I did it. - Kayaked, and was able to get in and out easily. - They had standard size bath towels in the bathroom, and it wrapped all the way around me without a gap! - It was my birthday and I didn't have any cake, and really didn't miss it. I tried alcohol for the first time since surgery. I had a glass a wine a couple of times and did fine. However, I had about 1/3 of a margarita and felt awful. I don't think I full on dumped, but I think if I had drunk any more I would have. It's the first time I've had any amount of sugar so lesson learned. I'm going back to not drinking for a while (it will continue to be an occasional event going forward).
  4. 1 point

    Intermittent fasting

    Portion sizes must be big enough to meet nutritional needs during the feeding window. Early out that's most likely going to be a problem.
  5. 1 point

    June 2020 surgeries

    Hey! I had my VSG on June 23rd and let me say... the last few weeks have been complete HELL for me. I am going to add that I am 22 y/o with no prior complications, surgeries or medical issues besides obesity. Post-op I was having a lot of pain (my surgeon sends his it’s home with Tylenol 1000mg) and nothing would relieve it. I had constant nausea and vomiting, even though I was just sipping water...the 64oz a day seemed impossible. Around post-op day 3 I told my surgeon that the pain was unbearable and that I couldn’t even get myself out of bed or wipe myself in the bathroom. He said this was unusual but ordered Tylenol w/ codeine. And my case RN assured me that all pain and discomfort would be gone by post-op day 5. Post-op day 5 comes and I have diarrhea, shortness of breath, and still can’t move without assistance. The pain is unbearable. I call my surgeon and he says to go to the ER. Long story short I get admitted to the ER with 2 abdominal abscesses and pylonephritis. I stayed in the Hospital for 6 days and literally only sipped on water with some sips of apple juice. On the last day the doc said I also had severe GERD and that was attributing to the pain. Now I am home, feeling a little stronger but have ABSOLUTELY NO desire to eat anything. I tried to drink some protein shakes but I just kept gagging. I am still weak but the stomach pain has gone down. I sincerely hope nobody else has to go through this. I would really appreciate any tips anyone has for getting in full liquids or more water. I feel so scared to advance because of the pain. Thanks in advance!
  6. 1 point

    Do you see yourself as thin yet?

    Sometime I do. I dont bother weighing myself. I dont look in the mirror and judge my skin or my progress. I usually go up to my siblings and give them a huge hug that comes with a. "I can wrap my arms around you know". That helps when I'm feeling like have made no progress. 😊
  7. 1 point

    8 Years Post OP - Weight Gain

    I started calorie counting when I was about a year out, and still do it at five years out. It's the only way I can keep on top of my weight (although not everyone likes this method - some find it a bit obsessive. But it's worked for ME). I can maintain my weight if I stay within the 1500-1700 calorie range, but this is going to be different for everyone. To lose, I stay at the low end of my range (or under) most days. If I go over 1700 too often, my weight starts heading north. you might want to start tracking what you're eating in something like My Fitness Pal (although there are other decent apps, too), just to see how many calories you're averaging. You'll probably have to do it for a week or two to get a good average, since some days you'll eat more than others (as we all do...). Then try to cut your average by 100 calories. If after a couple of weeks you're not seeing results on the scale, cut another 100 calories. Rinse and repeat. I find it difficult to drastically cut my calories, but if I ease them down like this, it's much easier to adjust. At some point, you're going to reach your sweet spot where you're losing again. btw - I still count protein grams, but I don't count carb grams anymore - but some people have to because they're very carb sensitive (I'm not particularly carb sensitive). For me it's the protein and overall calories at this point.
  8. 1 point

    Exercise for loose skin

    That is really unkind. you've lost weight and gotten healthier. I'm sorry they aren't being more supportive, you have so much to be proud of! be kind to yourself.
  9. 1 point

    *Almost 1 year post op

    Look at everything you're putting in your mouth like be careful of carbs. Sodium. Fats. I did little exercise but walking and stationery bike and lost over 150lbs.. With RNY BYPASS..
  10. 1 point

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
