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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    So I’m not sure if BMI had much to do with it vs. the rapid weight loss (but don’t quote me on that! Lol) According to my weight loss records, at one week post op (when i got off the BP meds), my BMI was 39.7 And at my one months (when I got off cholesterol meds) my BMI was 37.0 ...and both these numbers are way higher than yours. Of course, there are other factors at play (age, pre-disposition, medical history, level of exercise, diet, etc), but this was my experience, in any case. Edited to add: Today, my BMI is 21, so this likely has a circular effect on the lower BP these days?
  2. 1 point

    Thirty-year-old sleevers

    I’m 37 and was sleeved 3 weeks ago. I had a major complication with a GI bleed, but once that was under control my recovery has been smooth sailing. Today I’m about 95% back to normal, just holding off on the lifting. I was tired in the afternoon the first two weeks but that has eased up too. Including my one week pre-op diet I’m down 30 pounds!
  3. 1 point

    Alcohol 😳

    The issue for people post surgery is addiction transfer & alcohol is an easy transfer from food. I enjoyed a glass of something (wine, gin, scotch) every night pre surgery but since my surgery I probably have a glass less than once a month. And then I rarely finish it. I also found that my taste buds have changed & a lot of alcohol tastes too sweet & just plain blah! Have to admit I don’t really miss it. If I do have something to drink it’s gin & tonic. I drink it very slowly - an hour + for a low ball. Most of the bubbles dissipate quickly which helps with the carbonation issue. A couple of things to consider: The carbonation fills you quickly & causes issues like discomfort. If you’re drinking, you’re not eating. Alcohol will dehydrate you. Alcohol has no nutritional value.
  4. 1 point

    I want to succeed

    Hey, you just had surgery give yourself time to heal. Those issues of nausea and gas are to be expected. And if you are now lactose intolerant pay attention to that. The pain from dairy products is short lived but awful. When drinking your protein take slow sips and hopefully you will avoid those problems. there are all kinds of protein supplements. Some aren't even creamy or don't need milk added. I drank Premier Protein Mango drink (it was like cool aid) and chicken broth. clear liquids all the way. Let me tell you I had such pain. Not from what I ate but from the surgery. there was nothing they could do and oxycodone wouldn't touch the pain. I just lay in bed for a month ( with intermittent bouts of walking to build myself up) and had family do everything for me. when I was in the hospital I even had the nurses lift my legs up on to the bed for me cause I knew I couldn't push past the pain. the nurses called me the screamer cause when I moved the pain was so bad. But now I am past that and it has been six months and I have no pain and no issues. Good luck Bunbun!
  5. 1 point

    Lavash Bread!!

    @Lanie992 I’ll have to try the pita snack ones. I haven’t heard of those! I really am so grateful for this forum. I have learned so much!
  6. 1 point

    Do you see yourself as thin yet?

    I'm regularly told I'm skinny, by family and now I'm getting it from colleagues. Objectively I can see my ribs, and collarbones, and my arms are just muscle and bone (and loose skin!). BUT my size 10 Aus pants fall off my hips and are tight on my calves 😭. I look at my legs and think they are huge, but have no butt anymore, just loose skin. I don't feel like I look in proportion. Body dysmporphia is real and hard to move past. Plus I'm only 0.6 of a kg from from my goal weight of 60kg. But my weightloss disordered eating brain says "we'll, why not get to 59? Why stop there, get to 58?". So maintenance and deciding when is enough is going to be hard for me. At my last surgeon visit the exercise physiologist told me I should stop losing weight as my body fat was getting low. I've lost another 8.5kg since then. And it still falls off pretty easily nearly 9 months out from vsg.
  7. 1 point

    Do you see yourself as thin yet?

    That was me, too. I always saw myself as overweight, but not really obese. Now when I look at old photos I am mortified at how fat I really was. Now it is hard to envision myself as anything but large. I went from a 24 jeans to a 10, and am very comfortable with that. I did save some old jeans and it is really pretty horrifying to think that I could now fit TWO of me into that pair! What has helped reframe my new size is looking at other people at work who wear the same sized scrubs as I do. I used to wear 2XX and now wear small. It has helped to see other people who wear smalls, also, to realize that my size is the same as theirs. It still seems surreal at times, but the small scrubs don't lie. I really am that size. This daily reinforcement has been a positive reality check for me.
  8. 1 point


    yes, pretty sure we will be going shop for a new pair...
  9. 1 point


    Amazing!!! 😍
  10. 1 point

    Before and After Pics

    Today's makes 8 months since I was sleeved I started at 213 and am now 143. I am currently in the maintenance phase

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
