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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    If you are willing to travel, check out Miami too! Even the most expensive PS in Miami is cheaper than the lowest priced PS in my home state. I'm paying $11K for a Circumferential TT (aka LBL), BR/BL/BA w/ lipo to flanks and upper abdomen. I've heard that the price for those procedures just went up $17K, but even that is way cheaper than my local surgeons, and in my opinion my local surgeons aren't as good at tummy tucks.
  2. 2 points

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    Yeah, from what I’ve read on the boards, it does seem to lean on the less expensive side...maybe because it’s Canada? Or maybe because my city just isn’t a plastics hot-spot like others? I’m just guessing...who knows... Interestingly enough, my surgeon wasn’t even the cheapest one I met with...but he was the one I liked the most, demeanour-wise. I just had a TT. I had asked about the LBL at my initial consult, but my guy said he doesn’t like to do them, he said he preferred to do one side of the body at a time for various reasons. But more importantly, doing an LBL with my other planned surgeries would have me “under” longer than he would like. Which was fine with me at the time. Though now I look at my flat, saggy butt and dream of fabulously luscious a$$es you wanna take a bite of, like @GreenTealael’s, lol. Plastics are addictive!!
  3. 1 point

    Low BMI Gastric Sleeve story

    I wanted to write about my experience with a lower bmi because while I am about 50 lbs overweight 182 5 ft 4 inches - I haven't seen too many posts that describe the surgery with this kind of weight loss. It took me a long time to decide to do this but I kept gaining and have a history of family members who get very very obese after their 40s. I am on the same track. Anyway I am getting sleeve may 13. flyint to texas bc I actually have a friend who is a surgeon that does this. I feel good about that and I am staying with another friend. I have 10 days and started the first day of a soft diet which is various soft Proteins, shakes, cottage cheese, eggs. I was basically good but ate too much. My goal today was just to get used to no carbs. I have had a splitting headache from giving up the caffiene but I am taking liquid tylenol and that helps a bit. I was nervous about this but feeling better about it now and committed to doing this. Ill write about my experience so someone else in the future can decide if this makes sense for them. Ever since I decided to do this surgery I felt like I had control over my body for the first time in a long time. I also had smoked which I stopped. And started drinking tons of Water. Never could do that before. So the surgery has instigated a number of great behaviors. all good. And this forum is key because people are so supportive. I really appreciate it.
  4. 1 point

    Taking Charge! C25K day 1!

    Sitting at my home computer this morning typing an email to my sales staff, trying to keep them motivated during these very trying and challenging times, I realized I was giving them the advice I need to hear myself. Its been two years since I started this journey and 506 days since my RNY surgery. I'm down 125 pounds and life is flippin fantastic! I have been losing and gaining the same five pounds for five months but I'm ok with that, having a couple of glasses of red wine in the evening is most likely the cause coupled with a lack of any real exercise program - I am active, just not working out - but my life is filled with happiness right now. Fast forward to this morning and it hit me, I'm motivating others but not myself. Today that changes! I laced up my running shoes and started day one of C25K. Running a 5k without stopping has always been a bucket list item and now I am going to do it!
  5. 1 point

    I’m so upset

    Hmmm, could it be sure -- protein shakes though - I had the oatmeal this morning - was mushy and watery, but went down okay - now having an Ensure *hospital gave me a few to take home* and mixed half with ice and some Salted Caramel lean body brand protein... so far so good - stomach is gurgling, but it could be making its way around LOL I'm going to try Almond Milk and chocolate powder later this afternoon and see if it's the milk like you said. Never had an issue with these shakes, now BOOM!!! grrrr
  6. 1 point

    Taking Charge! C25K day 1!

    I had some knee pain after about the third week of C25K. I bought some elasticated knee supports and they really helped. I don't wear them all the time, but if my knees twinge, then I wear them on the next run - they work a treat! As for me running 10K, it was by accident really. I planned to run 5K downhill and then phone my other half to come and pick me up. But I felt OK and just started to run back. I walked up the really steep hills and I kept thinking "I'll phone him in a bit", but I was having such a nice time pootling away, listening to music and generally nosying into other peoples' gardens, that I just kept going. Before I knew it, I was home!
  7. 1 point

    June 2020 surgeries

    Hey everyone I finally had my surgery a few days ago on the 10th the incision pains have been horrible but other than that everything is going ok I’ve been able to get my liquids down just fine 😊
  8. 1 point

    Post OP wounds

    I assume the knots are at the incision sites? How big are the knots? I was able to feel the dissolvable stitches with my incisions but they didn't feel like big knots
  9. 1 point
    Hello Gang! So sorry for going MIA on you. I just got home from the hospital one hour ago. While my surgery went well, I became extremely nauseated in recovery and stayed that way for the next 48 hours. Gang... if there had been a death-button I might've pushed it. I can't describe the misery and I won't try but I did at one point become delirious because I was so miserable for so long. ANYWAY... they did everything they could to relieve me and eventually it just stopped. So then I was in this glorious high. The pain, which I only noticed AFTER the nausea left is mild to moderate and tylenol helps. I am home and sipping and walking. I just ate a 1oz jello shot with 2 grams protein and it seems to be going ok. I was thinking about my Bypass buds and hoping Lici and Chubby were faring better than I. I am so happy to be home in bed surrounded by a body pillow and my dog and listening to the happy sounds of my family in the house. I will post a play-by-play as I really appreciated when others did it for me but I'm going to close my eyes for a bit first. Thank you so much for sending the good thoughts. Lici it sounds like yours was a breeze and I'm so pleased. More soon!
  10. 1 point
    AJ Tylo

    Stalled for a week

    Jake said it we all have been stalled, Mix up your eating a little and do a 12 hour fast - Stop worrying about the per pound loss, this is a journey and your body is fighting back trying to stop the weight lose, stay on plan and you will win

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
