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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    June 2020 surgeries

    Hi Gang! Well, my surgery is at 1:45 tomorrow! (unless I get a call saying it's moved earlier). Today is bag packing day and setting things up for my friend to care for my kiddo while hubs and I are in the hospital. So relieved he can stay with me. Worried last night about a possible UTI. I get 2-3 a year. Took an at-home test this morning and it was negative thank goodness. But feeling the twinges. Wondering what happens if you get one right after catheter? Never had one and hear they can cause them. Particularly in those prone. Anyway, maybe just irritation from the 90 ozs of drinkable protein I'm guzzling each day? Hoping nothing gets in the way of getting this DONE. Sending allllllll the good stuff out to you guys!!! And I'll take some in return. ONWARD!!!!
  2. 2 points

    *Almost 1 year post op

    I still measure/weigh food at five years out. I don't trust myself "eye-balling" portions. My only motivation at this point is that I know how hard it is to lose regain (been there....), and I do NOT want to be obese again. I've put WAY too much work into this... just so you know, what you're experiencing at about a year out is not unusual - many of us DO start to lose motivation at that point. But you can keep going if you put your mind to it and continue to work hard.
  3. 1 point

    Revision completed

    It's likely just sliding through
  4. 1 point

    Revision completed

    I’m glad you’re feeling better😊 keep us posted. Granted my bypass was 17 years (now reversed) ago but being able to eat an egg, half piece of bacon and 1/4 biscuit does seem like a lot so soon out...your pouch should be 30 cc if my homework is correct. Ask your doc how big your pouch is.
  5. 1 point

    Revision completed

    I had all of those weird pains in the first few months too. I was fine after I healed. Until what feels like a sore stomach muscle started up. Hoping it is still part of the healing process and not something like a hernia.
  6. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    I think it baked eggs with spinach lol
  7. 1 point


    proper-ish clothing today
  8. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    What a pretty spring table setting. That prime rib dinner looks pretty yummy to me despite your critique. Very funny about the banana bread. Let's play catch? Maybe become a door stopper after all that loving effort? Happy 65th milestone hubby Cheeseburgh and here's to many, many more less the brick. Haha.
  9. 1 point

    June 2020 surgeries

    I’m back and alive guys! But man, not smooth sailing! I had my sleeve done at 730am yesterday. Got to my room and felt great. Got some fluid and protein in with no problem, and walked walked walked. Around 5pm I started feeling terrible. Sharp pain in my shoulder an left side, straight down from my armpit. Pain meds wouldn’t touch it. Everyone kept saying it was just gas pains, but I was dubious. I couldn’t even breathe without these stabbing pains through my chest. At midnight my nurse came in to help me go to the bathroom, and I straight up blacked out and fell. Didn’t get hurt at all thankfully, but was told to take it very easy. This morning my nurses tried to help again, first by having me sit on the edge of the bed. Blacked out, hearing went, totally weird and scary. My labs were all over the place, super low blood pressure, and my heart was racing even laying down, so my surgeon suspected a GI bleed. CT confirmed it, but didn’t show where the bleed was. Back under the knife just a few hours ago, Wherever the GI bleed was, it had stopped on its own, but they suctioned 1500 cc’s (almost 50 ounces) of blood out of my abdominal cavity. I also got a blood transfusion. I feel brand new. Labs are coming back good, heart has slowed down. Whew! What a wild ride. But I tell ya I’ve been living off of ice chips and water for 2 days, and I haven’t had one single hunger pain. Looking forward to getting out of here. Don’t let my story freak you out! My surgeon has done 6000 surgeries and said about .025% of his patients have complications. I’d still do it again even knowing what was lying ahead for me.
  10. 1 point

    So mad at myself for regain

    @Debbieduck4 PM me if you want to attend my online support meeting tonight at 6pm CST. We're a great group of committed folks who really motivate each other and help us with accountability and focus. It's hard to go back to basics, but IMHO that's what it takes. Plan, weigh/measure, log EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth for a baseline. Everything. Then look at ways to cut the trash out and emphasize the healthy stuff. Prioritize protein, water, healthy veg, healthy fats. You can do it. Seen too many people succeed in getting back to goal to believe it won't. Hang in there. These are tough days.

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