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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Never Felt So Good

    So, I m down to 198 and feeling amazing, my husband and I started walking Monday and I felt so good, my legs were not rubbing together, I was able to keep up with him and I even noticed my shadow casted in front of me it was smaller, I did not have the broad shoulders or apple shape in front of me! It felt Soooooooooo Goooooooood! We walked 2 miles and did it again on Tuesday, Wednesday got rained out but we also celebrated 25 years of wedding bliss! WooHooo! Thursday, doctor's appointment and he was so happy of the weight loss! He also decreased my blood pressure medication in half! I also have went from a size 22W to a regular 14. I have to say it again, "I Feel Sooooooo Goooooood!"
  2. 1 point

    Daily Migraines 2 Years Post Op

    It's okay, we all have button topics and that was mine so don't worry about it! And yes, it's a terrible thing that I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy! My TN got that bad because it was originally misdiagnosed as TMJ which is a common thing. If you or someone you care about ever is told they 'probably' have TMJ make sure they get check for TN too! Narcotics medication doesn't work for Type 1 pain though it can help with Type 2 so that's a sign if they have Type 1 pain and no amount of pain meds is helping. My own experiences helped a co-worker whose grandaughter was suffering facial pain and after hearing and seeing my own issue with it she had her grandaughter checked out and sure enough she had TN. After that knowing that my own suffering helped someone else get diagnosed made me feel better. And I'm incredibly sorry about your headaches! I rarely get the cluster headaches since they only happen once or twice a month so I can't imagine how terrible it must be to get them frequently! You can't just sleep them off like I can since mine happen so rarely... Quality of life for people with pain conditions sometimes just really sucks because you just want to be 'normal' and pain free but it just seems impossible at times and frustrating as hell! I can only imagine how bad it is by my experience with my mom. She gets so miserable and has days where she can't get up from bed because her head hurts, she's nauseous, dizzy, and has no appetite at all. I hate seeing her like that, but at the same time I have so much appreciation for her because I don't know how to help her when she has those days and yet when I was suffering for almost a year when my TN was at it's worst she was the one that made me fight the urge to just find a way to escape the pain because she was always there for me and went with me on my NUMEROUS ER visits and hovered and tried to make me feel better when I was sobbing my eyes out from exhaustion and pain. My mom is amazing and it hurts to see her suffering like that! I'm sorry that you're going through something like that yourself! I hope the meds they have you on now work!
  3. 1 point

    Update time

    Thanks with all that weight I was tired lol Sent from my SM-A205U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Waist Trainer

    I've never read anything about them here. They'd probably be OK to wear once you're healed, I would think...
  5. 1 point

    Big day tomorrow!

    Thank you for following up. Glad to hear you are doing well.  My band was removed (after 8 years) in March and I will be getting sleeved soon.
  6. 1 point

    Need some help or something!

    🥰That’s another negative tape that plays in my mind, too! “You’re losing so much slower than these other people and you’re on your way to wasting this surgery”!!! We’re not wasting a dog gone thing, Rjan!I 😅l love what Cheeseburgh shared with us above—-that around 5 months she really tightened things up, avoided processed foods, kicked up exercise, etc. And we’re not even 3 months in yet! Our first month was just recovering, so we’re only 7 weeks beyond that! I’m really just now feeling more energy, pretty well figuring out what I can eat, what sets well with me and sustains the energy I need, which foods give me the most nutritional bang for the buck, and which don’t. Which foods/routines may be contributing to my constipation issue😩! We’re getting better and better at this.👍. So really? We’re just NOW getting our groove going!! We can take it from here, kick it up, smile at and love ourselves and log in here WHENEVER we need a pick me up! We’re NOT gonna waste this surgery!! So not!!!💪💝😃👏
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point

    Post Op

    All this support is awesome! I'm also fresh out of surgery (2 days). FFmedicgrl, I'm sorry to hear about your throat pain. I've experienced that in other surgeries, and it's a terrible complication. Hopefully that part improves soon. I am having a hard time taking in liquid too, but it's because every time I do, my shoulders and chest start hurting terribly. Yesterday, I tried to get in an ounce of Gatorade every 10 minutes, but only reached about 12 ounces before it gave me bouts of diarrhea. Since then, I can take in very little without pain. Could I have messed something up yesterday?
  9. 1 point

    Reflux remains after revision 😩

    Well I hope it gets better, I will update if it does! Good luck on your surgery, it sounds like the majority has reflux go away completely so I’m sure you will be one of them 😊 I have lost 23, been stalked for 3 weeks now...
  10. 1 point
    All I had to do was fast on the day of surgery, no pre op diet. I've had excellent results and reached my surgeons goal weight within 6 months. My opinion is this - I needed the surgery to stick to the post op liquid diet. Which post surgery was a breeze. Pre surgery, I would have struggled and probably failed. There is a reason I needed 80% of my stomach removed to lose weight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
