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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Revision completed

    Had the revision done at 7 30 am this morning weighing in at 180 my original goal weight. The first 12 hours were horrible. This was a very painful surgery for me and I don't know if it was because they also took the hernia I had. ( I believe they said they took it and not fixed it but I am still on the drugs. ) I have been given morphine to start with then they switched me to dillata because the morphine wasn't cutting it. I am back on liquid hydro now. I wasn't able to urinate either for the first several hours and I am still having a hard time with it. I have been crying through most of the day. Pain, anxiety and lack of sleep have been my companions as they are still not letting visitors in. I cant tell if I still have GERD . The gas pain has been in my neck and shoulders it sucks. I did 3 laps around the ward at 1 am to see if it would help because I thought I had read it helps with the gas. Well I will keep updating my progress here. Good night
  2. 2 points

    Needing a pep talk!

    I'm so sorry!! The fact that you are posting about it, must mean that you are feeling motivated to turn things around. Get back on your pre-op fitness plan, eating right, exercising, etc. Set a goal to lose a certain about of weight before your surgery. You can do this!!!
  3. 1 point

    Pre-Op Liquids Only. I am SO HUNGRY!!!!

    As the title suggests, I am having to do a liquid pre-op diet for 3 weeks, I’m getting sleeved 6/9. My diet started on Tuesday, 5/19 and it’s now Friday, 5/22 and I am HUNGRY! I haven’t been hungry like this any other day. My stomach is rumbling and even though I can have broth and sugar free jello / popsicles, it’s not helping the hunger. My diet is as follows: 3 protein shakes, 2 protein bars as snacks + unlimited low sodium broth, SF hello, SF popsicles. Any tips or words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. My tummy would appreciate it i’m sure!
  4. 1 point

    Revision completed

    Thanks lady and thanks for being here this past year .
  5. 1 point
    Same here and I paid for it with elevated parathormone. A calcium deficiency doesn't show in regular blood work.
  6. 1 point

    Stomach churning

    Take it slowly. You need time to heal & time to get used to the idiosyncrasies of your smaller tummy. Foods & drinks that work for others may not work for you. There’s a lot of learning ahead of you but you will work it out & in your time. You’ll be fine. BTW I still gurgle all the time. You should have heard me last night. It was almost moaning. Good Lord! If I heard those noises in my kitchen I’d be calling the plumber quick smart (or an exorcist 🤣).
  7. 1 point

    When can we eat rice

    I don't think I had it at all until I hit maintenance, and now I rarely have it. It's one of those foods that takes up a lot of space in your stomach and doesn't offer much in the way of nutritional value. I'll eat a little of it if it's required to sop up some really sauce-y thing - like an Indian dish - because otherwise with some of those dishes I'd feel like I was eating soup. But something like Chinese food? No - I punt the rice. It's easy enough to eat the dish without it.
  8. 1 point

    Body Weight Scale

    Good for you, Superman84, a wise purchase you WILL enjoy!
  9. 1 point

    Low Blood Pressure

    @ms.sss, I've been feeling a lot better. These were my doctor's notes from a telemedicine visit, which is remarkably similar to what my doctor friends told me. "Vasovagal syncope She reports a few syncopal events always in the morning when she was getting up out of bed. I suspect this is related to low blood pressure that is secondary to rapid weight loss and a lowering of blood pressure overall that her body has may be not adjusted to. I recommend she increase the salt in her diet. She is also check blood work to make sure she is not anemic already drinking plenty of fluids. I also recommend compression stockings to be put on in the morning. I recommend she get up very slowly from bed. If this persists despite the measures as discussed above I recommend she will need a cardiology visit with EKG and echocardiogram and potential Holter monitor."
  10. 1 point
    Look for an online psychiatrist. I did the first part of my evaluation online and the the dr called for the second part. Took about 20 minutes and 98 dollars!

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