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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Why/how do people regain?

    I was like that too, Superman, at 6 months, even past a year. Like you, I lost my weight very quickly, hitting goal at 6-7 months. For quite a while I was fighting to KEEP the weight on - I kept losing and was stuffing myself to keep from losing more. Then at about 13 months post op, a few pounds started to slip back on. I've gained 7 and can feel it. So now I am really watching things - getting more exercise, exchanging some grain based carbs for more veggies, cutting out the snacking, concentrating more on eating a prescribed volume instead of chasing restriction. At this point it is all about lifestyle and following through on the healthy habits I learned in the first year. But, there is definitely a honeymoon stage in the first year, and after that, things do start to change. I also think I may be absorbing more nutrients/calories now, and the restriction is definitely less. There is no magic now - just embracing my new body and life wholeheartedly with healthy choices.
  2. 2 points

    Finally got surgery date

    After waiting two months for Coronavirus pandemic, so excited to get Surgery Date, May 28. I start two week diet May 15. Been a long wait. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Post Op

    Oh I slept for like 24hrs straight was in pain but good drugs via the IV..
  4. 1 point

    Revision time

    @summerset Thank you for all the information. I really appreciate it.
  5. 1 point

    Revision time

    @Tracyringo Eating seems to be a bit more problematic atm. The MGB seems to be "more forgiving", so to say. But then again maybe I can't remember some issues I had during the first months after MGB. When I eat too fast or too much or too heavy foods I get a stomach ache. Can be from mild to wanting-to-crawling-up-the-walls. I never had that with MGB. However, my stomach is quite a primadonna since years so please take this answer with a grain of salt. The worst are dense high-protein/fat combinations. It's almost a guarantee for at least mild issues and a brick like feeling in the stomach. These things are very individual though. It makes me remember what one of the dietitians said to a fellow patient: "I can't tell you what to eat or not to eat. You have to find out what foods you tolerate or not. I can recommend eating dairy and chicken but when dairy makes you feel queasy and chicken makes you vomit the advice is worth nothing in the end." Regarding restriction: for me it's stronger than with the MGB right now but I guess in some months it will be about equal. Mind you, the revision was less than 3 months ago. Hunger signals are the same, they're very mild. I was supposed to start on solids three weeks after surgery in stead of four weeks. I was quite glad I could progress to solids a week earlier but have to say progression was less easy this time. While I struggled through the liquid/puree phase this time I also don't think it would have been possible to start solids earlier than this. I had awful cravings this time for "normal" foods like tofu with rice, cucumbers, whatever... Some people suggested this was because I was already at a normal weight when I got revision so maybe you're going to experience something similar, no idea. How much I can eat varies from meal to meal and that feels kind of frustrating. What's too much and causing issues one meal might be the right amount or even not enough the next time. In general foods with a high water content (e. g. fruit, raw vegetables) I tolerate best and usually don't cause issues so cherry tomatoes berries and grapes are favorite snack foods right now. I don't eat meat so I can't answer only part of your question. Strength and the like I'm hesitant to reply because I had not only the revision but also another little surgery regarding trocar hernia. The upper abdominal wall still feels strange when I exercise but in the end it was the fifth laparoscopy plus trocar hernia surgery, so I guess I simply have to be patient. I also feel quite stressed and exhausted these days because of work, lots of rather sh*tty 24 h shifts and on-call duties. I'm glad I'm going on vacation on Saturday for two weeks. After that I'm going to re-evaluate what might be surgery related and what might be stress related.
  6. 1 point
    I live alone and 1 1/2 hrs from the hospital and know I can't make that trip on my own right after surgery. Family is scattered and I wouldn't ask them to make the trip, and have to quarentine before returning home. I do have the benefit of being retired, so there are no nosey co-workers.
  7. 1 point
    A close friend of mine had the surgery and told me.. She started sharing pictures of people who had gone through with it and how great they looked. She recommended that I see if I can get it done since I am always complaining about my weight. The process to get started went pretty smoothly and I was super excited about the whole thing.. Made a post on FB and shared the news with everyone on my weight loss and that I was going to get surgery.. I also shared that it was going to be postponed due to the pandemic and haven't updated anyone on my new date or even any weight loss/weight gain besides my husband now.. which is honestly what I wish I had did from the beginning. I know there is a lot of judgement behind getting surgery due to ignorance and have already heard a few negative responses to the news. I hate the idea of lying to friends/family, but may just say that I didn't go through with it and that I just started eating less and exercising more.. I don't know!
  8. 1 point

    How much would YOU pay???

    Mine was covered by insurance, but I AM SERIOUS— I recently retired past few years and told hubby, if insurance rejects me, the first $20k I spend in retirement will be for WLS. I now have the time and burning desire to GET HEALTHY and what use is money if.. A. We’re too unhealthy to enjoy it, or B. We’re dead from obesity complications. I would pay whatever it takes, search for the best surgeon available to me. That is just me, and reflective of my determination and the sense of urgency I felt and still feel. ..But many, many others on this board have expressed the same. “Decide what you want, decide what you’re willing to give up to get it, then go about your business.” Good luck, make wise decisions, never look back, except to SMILE at how far YOU have come and what a GRAND JOURNEY this REALLY IS!!
  9. 1 point
    It's only been a day!! I promise it will get better!! Take small sips, and take gasX in addition to the prescribed pain meds. You will start feeling better soon! It took me about a week to be completely pain-free, and then after that it was just fatigue. Prepare for lots of naps!! Good luck!!
  10. 1 point

    Almost one year post op UPDATE

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone's doing well. I'm currently bored at work and thought I'd give you guys an update of how i'm doing. I remember reading/ watching other people talk about how they're doing a while after surgery and it motivated me so much to keep going with the process and not be scared. So I hope this helps someone somewhere! Anyway, I'm 11 months and 7 days post op RNY. I've officially lost 230 lbs. I started as 415 lbs and as of today I'm 185 lbs! As of today i'm a size 6-8 jeans/ Medium tops. I'm so grateful for this surgery and for myself for not giving up on myself when it could've been so easy to do so. I wish I had taken action sooner but it is what it is and I'm happy I eventually did. I still have about 60 lbs to go to get to my ideal weight for my height but i'm not in a hurry and i'm just going with the flow. So, in terms of restriction and the size of my pouch now, there is none. LOL. At first, I was so scared to eat too much or to do anything that would stretch my pouch. I went to my nutritionalist and told her about it and how i felt like sometimes I was eating too much or i didn't feel the restriction as much and she told me not to worry and that my stomach will tell me when to stop. Unfortunately, I might've taken her advice too far. I stopped measuring stuff and just ate what I felt like. My pouch is regular sized now I think. Sometimes when I'm eating with other people I'll actually eat more than they do. But honestly I'm not too bothered by it. I know it would've been great to still have that restriction but I feel like i've learned so much about the type of food i should be eating and how to track it that I don't really need my pouch to keep me in control anymore. I started drinking soda about 2 months ago, diet of course. I know that's bad but it honestly helps me with hunger and cravings. For exercise, I do cardio about 2-3 times a week. Now, loose skin. I have tons! My arms hang like crazy. My thighs remind me of my grandpas thighs 😂 My stomach doesnt bother me TOO much (unlike my arms) but it's still a presence. But no matter how much i critique myself or sometimes hate what I see in the mirror, IT IS SO WORTH IT. I remember how miserable i was before losing all the weight. I couldn't go up the stairs to our apartment without feeling like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't walk or even stand for longer than a minute or two. I couldn't find ANY shoes that were comfortable, everything hurt! It makes me so sad to just think about what it was like to live like that. My social life hasn't changed much. I'm naturally really shy and I don't really put myself out there to meet new people. However, I have noticed how people treat me now. It's awful to say but I feel like I'm taken more seriously now that I'm not as heavy as I was. I'm treated better by people at restaurants, stores, and even at work. It's also true with people I knew before and even with my family. My relatives are suddenly so much nicer to me. Of course there are always the comments on how "beautiful i've become" and how "this is much better". I try not to let it bother me but it does. Not just the comments but their attitudes toward me as well. Why are they nicer now that I'm thinner? Was my weight really bothering them before? I can't imagine being mean to someone just because of how they look or how much they weigh. It really says a lot about them. Oh, there's also the people that think losing the weight was SO EASY for me because of the surgery and that I put zero work into it myself. I'm not even gonna talk about that because YOU GUYS KNOW. ANYWAY, that's me. I'm really proud of myself and all i've done. I hope i can lose the rest of the weight and then actually maintain it!

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