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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Revision time

    Every superman has his kryptonite, lol.
  2. 2 points
    A close friend of mine had the surgery and told me.. She started sharing pictures of people who had gone through with it and how great they looked. She recommended that I see if I can get it done since I am always complaining about my weight. The process to get started went pretty smoothly and I was super excited about the whole thing.. Made a post on FB and shared the news with everyone on my weight loss and that I was going to get surgery.. I also shared that it was going to be postponed due to the pandemic and haven't updated anyone on my new date or even any weight loss/weight gain besides my husband now.. which is honestly what I wish I had did from the beginning. I know there is a lot of judgement behind getting surgery due to ignorance and have already heard a few negative responses to the news. I hate the idea of lying to friends/family, but may just say that I didn't go through with it and that I just started eating less and exercising more.. I don't know!
  3. 1 point


    I was sleeved Monday and wanted to see if anyone would like to be text buddies. I am struggling a bit and think a person who understands would help.
  4. 1 point
    I live alone and 1 1/2 hrs from the hospital and know I can't make that trip on my own right after surgery. Family is scattered and I wouldn't ask them to make the trip, and have to quarentine before returning home. I do have the benefit of being retired, so there are no nosey co-workers.
  5. 1 point

    Thoughts on revision?

    Interestingly enough some people never seem to lose that feeling of hunger. Nobody will ever know if these patients never lost physical hunger at least temporarily in the first place or if they're confusing "head hunger" with "physical hunger". There is no test that can differentiate between the two. Acid reflux is the devil. Bile reflux is the devil's big fat mother. I got two revisions because of these issues, both times associated with hiatoplastic because of hiatus hernia. My second revision was on 26th February and this time eating is more "problematic" so to say. The MGB seems to be more "forgiving" than the long limb RNY in some way. Or maybe I just don't remember several issue I had in the first months after MGB, not sure. In general dense foods tend to give me stomach ache and sometimes sit in the stomach like a brick and I hate this feeling so I understand not wanting to eat heavy/dense foods. It's always hard to tell via internet. Regarding the vomiting after dense food it might be that you're eating too fast or too much or don't chew well enough or a combination of this. However, this is something only you can tell. Maybe you could try a denser food, chew the heck out of it, stop after a few bites or set a timer to e. g. 20 min and take your time. Regarding the reflux you could play around with different foods. I'm sensitive to e. g. dairy, dry red wine and in general very fatty foods, with nuts and nut based foods being an exception. The combination of high protein and fat is the worst regarding my stomach issues. It also can help having a time span of about 2 h between last meal and going to bed. However, if your reflux is that bad you might consider revision to RNY anyway regardless of weight.
  6. 1 point
    You are looking great!
  7. 1 point
    I only intended to tell my immediate family and a handful of close/trusted friends but some co-workers were able to guess and a few people have noticed the weight loss and asked and I told them. So I guess the cat is out of the bag and I’m OK with it. My surgery was 2/17/20 and I was only in the office for about a week before we were told to work from home. I am hoping when we are able to go back to the office my weight loss will be noticeable and that I get some positive feedback! That’s what is tough for me during this stay at home time.
  8. 1 point
    I'm so glad to see this topic because I am not planning on telling anyone. Not my parents, not my siblings, and definitely not my coworkers. It is between me and my doctors. My coworkers are obsessive about their weight and talk about their diets and workouts constantly. Several of us just went back to the office after working from home for two months, and they all spent the first hour talking about how much weight they lost and complimenting each other on their weight loss. They generally leave me out of it because I guess it's obvious I'm not into that. Funny thing is that I've lost 25 pounds in the last two months and nobody noticed. I'm a very private person in general, so they usually leave me alone, but I'm afraid they're going to start asking questions once I start losing rapidly after surgery. They're very brazen about discussing weight; one time, a coworker straight up asked our boss how much he weighs!
  9. 1 point

    Do you miss food?

    the first few months I completely lost my hunger and appetite (as many of us do), and eating became a chore. There were days I hated eating. Unbelievable! After my hunger came back, though, I guess I didn't miss food too much because I was really gung-ho about following my plan until I'd lost all of my excess weight (I wish I still had that much resolve!!!) now - at almost five years out - not really. I can eat pretty much anything except for really fatty meals. My husband and I used to go out for Friday night fish fries before I had surgery, and I could never eat those now. I could maybe eat 1/2 piece of fried fish - but two or three pieces of fish, plus French fries? Never. I'd be vomiting all night. Other than that, I can eat pretty much everything now - I just have to watch it so I'm not eating massive quantities. BUT....there have been times when I WISH I could eat massive quantities. Like of a really yummy pizza (I can eat about two slices tops now) or southern BBQ when I'm down south visiting my brother. If I could, I'd shovel in a half a pound of that because it's so good. But....I can't. Sometimes I physically can't - and others I probably could but I don't because I don't want to gain the weight back. So yes - sometimes I miss food - but probably not in the way you're thinking.
  10. 1 point
    JRT Mom


    I've got some gummy edibles from before my RNY that I'm kinda afraid to try. There's no nutritional info on the package so I don't know how much sugar is in them. And I had gotten used to how much to eat and the timeline of when they would kick in before surgery and that's up in the air now. And I don't even wanna think about dumping while high--talk about a buzzkill!

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