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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    How much would YOU pay???

    Medicare covered everything prior and the $4000 covered everything surgery related and 7 days in private hospital private room; multiple tests in Hospital; television, food. no motel just petrol and had to buy my own vitamins and medication after I left hospital all surgeon consultation now covered as well it was an all inclusive package for the $4000- No actual psych clearance needed just a referral and a good discussion with the surgeon and of course all my labs and medical history sent to him it was a very simple process here in Australia... Oh I've had to buy my own protein shakes I know some hospitals give out protein... $4000 is a small price to pay for a new life 😛 & a fast track program! It's 8.5 months since I started my own pre-op diet and I've lost a total of 152lbs and been maintaining now a few weeks at 170lbs...
  2. 2 points
    Congratulations and welcome to the ride... along. The only advice I can think of (not that you asked 😂) is to let your husband pursue his goals, you pursue your (separate) goals and then find some goals in common to keep you connected. Good Luck ❤
  3. 2 points
    i am a male also and going to try and help you out I did not have a support wife or person but things you should try and do. You need to order a nutra bullet or similar device. Getting those drinks in line are really going to help. Once you master the way to make them they will be a treat for him. Mix them up - I am also a chef = yes you can add ice Protein drink, half a banana - and add the powder vitamins to it = Peanut butter powder and banana powder are great! In other words you are making a Protein smoothie. Now for the liquid phase there is not set time when his body is ready he will move phases. Take it slow! I agree with above - Get a ton of vitamins and focus on protein for the phase one! he has to eat slow and I mean pick and slow = MY KEY ADVICE, TELL HIM TO MAN UP AND GET HIS ASS OUT OF BED ASAP AND MOVE MOVE MOVE AROUND THE HOSPITAL. THE FASTER HE MOVES AND GETS THE AIR OUT THE BETTER HE WILL FEEL. FEEL free to PM or even call me aj
  4. 1 point

    How much would YOU pay???

    Mine was covered by insurance, but I AM SERIOUS— I recently retired past few years and told hubby, if insurance rejects me, the first $20k I spend in retirement will be for WLS. I now have the time and burning desire to GET HEALTHY and what use is money if.. A. We’re too unhealthy to enjoy it, or B. We’re dead from obesity complications. I would pay whatever it takes, search for the best surgeon available to me. That is just me, and reflective of my determination and the sense of urgency I felt and still feel. ..But many, many others on this board have expressed the same. “Decide what you want, decide what you’re willing to give up to get it, then go about your business.” Good luck, make wise decisions, never look back, except to SMILE at how far YOU have come and what a GRAND JOURNEY this REALLY IS!!
  5. 1 point
    I'm also a man who had an incredibly supportive spouse throughout the process. The best thing you can do to support your husband is to be patient and understanding during the first several weeks. There will be mood swings, crankiness, extreme fatigue, possibly depression, and perhaps regret over having had the surgery (all of which pass). Just be there for him and offer emotional support. Let him vent if he wants to, don't give advice unless he asks for it, and let him rest when he needs to. That doesn't answer the question you asked, but it's the best advice I have.
  6. 1 point
    1) ice is fine 2) to be honest, I didn't even bother trying to coordinate my meals with my husband's the first three or so weeks because my required diet was so specialized and so difficult to coordinate with his. We just ate/drank completely separate things and were fine with the fact it was temporary. Once I was on regular food - and told to eat protein first, then veggies - I'd make him the same protein and veggies that I was eating, but I'd also prep some kind of starch for him - like rice or potatoes or bread.
  7. 1 point

    Lets talk protein shakes

    Pre-op, I used premier protein and ensure, and like them both just fine. Post-op, I discovered Fairlife Core Power and OMG, it's the best thing ever! I discovered it at Wawa, and now I get it from Amazon by the case!
  8. 1 point

    Best Decision?

    I'm a little over 4 months out, but I feel the best I've felt in years, and can't wait to see what the future holds for me!! I wish I'd done it sooner, but am also thankful that once I made the decision to do it, my surgeon got me in rather quickly. It's funny, b/c with quarantine, I'm really able to focus on myself and my family. If I hadn't had the surgery, I can imagine that this time period would have been full of depression and weight gain. I'm so appreciative of my new lease on life!!!
  9. 1 point

    No one has noticed ...

    P.S. I ran into a former co-worker once and she didn't recognize me (she knew me when I was 200 lbs heavier). When I told her who I was, she said "oh - sorry - you look so different - your hairstyle is different or something". WTF???? I do think some people are just afraid to comment on other people's weight.
  10. 1 point

    No one has noticed ...

    I think sometimes people are scared to ask too. I’ve lost 50 too and people that I see everyday don’t really notice but I seen a friend that I hadn’t seen in a couple of months before my surgery and she was like wow you lost a lot of weight. Weight is a fragile subject. Great job on the 50 pound down!

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