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  1. 2 points

    Just feeling sorry for myself..

    Oh honey, I feel your despair in this post. My original surgery was scheduled for 1/14. I got the call two and half weeks prior to surgery that it wasn’t going to happen due to the strict guidelines of my insurance. I was DEVASTATED. After many tears and talking with my girlfriends, I realized then I had been waiting on this surgery to be a fix-all that it just couldn’t be. I decided then I had to be okay with myself as I was before surgery. The surgery was just a tool I could use for my weight, but I had to be okay with Camille before and after surgery. I started journaling and after I had isolated myself for two years because I hated the way I looked, I put on make-up every day, I did my hair, polished my nails and dressed up even to go to the grocery store. I went on a couple of dates. I found it okay to put myself out there and to treat myself, as I was, like someone who was worthy of being cared for even if it was only me I was doing it for. i started being more gentle with myself and when that horrid voice inside my mind told me I would always be a fat loser, I told that b*tch to shut the hell up! I became even more invested in getting ready for the surgery that I had no idea when it would even happen. It finally happened on 3/3 and I felt I was prepared then and ready for it. I had not been ready for it mentally and emotionally in January. It was a blessing in disguise that my surgery was postponed. Congratulations on losing 50 lbs already! What an accomplishment! See you’ve got it in you! You are worthy of happiness regardless of when you have your surgery. It will come. It will happen. This is not no, it’s just not right now. Focus on your and your family’s health and safety at this time and this will all work out. So you’ve gained 8 pounds back. I know it’s disappointing, but you can turn it around at anytime and thank goodness it’s not the 50 you already lost. Keep posting and getting your feelings out instead of sitting on them and eating over it. You’re in company of kindred spirits who understand how you feel about this. Good luck and keep on your journey! It’s so worth it and so are you! ❤️
  2. 1 point
    Hey there! I had gastric sleeve surgery on 1/31/2020 and here's my story. I attended the free 12 week orientation classes June 2019 thru Sept 2019 at Kaiser. My insurance paid for everything and I had no issues getting approved. My only out of pocket expense was a $100 co-pay for the hospital stay. Wonderful insurance, I know. Luckily, I had no medical issues making me very low risk for the surgery. My surgeon recommended that I get the Bypass and I changed my mind on procedure the day of surgery and switched to the Sleeve. My reasoning is simple...I didn't want to reroute my intestines and I didn't want to chance vitamin deficiencies or dumping syndrome. I fasted on clear liquids the day prior to surgery and it was hell. I had an interview on fasting day and wanted so badly to stuff my face, being an emotional eater (i did get the job!). I went to bed super early the night before surgery because I had a massive headache and mood swings from fasting. My surgery was at 1pm and because of the fasting... I wish I scheduled a morning surgery. The nurse that prepped me for surgery was an idiot. Why on earth would I be able to pee for a pregnancy test after having no fluids since the day before?! I could barely pee and what I did pee didn't make it in the cup lol I got 2 tiny drops of pee in the cup and guess what? It was enough for the pregnancy test. The nurse stuck me 7 times looking for a vein. 7 times. Not just a poke either, like she was really digging. She tried my forearm, the top of my arm, and both hands before calling for help. I woke up in recovery in extreme pain, nausea and was thirsty. I said "I'm thirsty and my stomach hurts really bad" and the nurse said yeah you just had stomach surgery. I wanted to sock her in the face. They made me wait 6 hours for pain medication and water. The night nurses sucked and the day nurses were great. I used the call button every 1-2 hours for more pain meds which they could only give me every two hours. I called after 45 mins and said "did you give me a full or half dose?" lmao but I was serious. The built up gas hurt and my throat was sore. I tried really hard to push the gas out and ended up sharting in my bed. I walked often because I badly wanted to go home. Coming home was nice and I wasn't hungry but still thought about food a lot. I followed the rules and sipped my water and protein shakes and jello. I only took a week off from work because I wanted my routine back. The doctor told me it was too soon because of brain function is usually low this early on. He said "do you want to go back because you're bored or because it's a money thing" and I said "I'm bored as hell" and he said "then no, you can't go back yet." I didn't listen and have no regrets. I started taking the pill form of multivitamin early on because the the ones you eat made me gag. I slowly introduce foods as instructed and my staples are yogurt, protein shakes, salmon, cottage cheese, and veggies. I keep my meals simple. I had my 3 month check up today and I'm on track. I've lost 50 lbs total since surgery. I'm aware that weight loss with the sleeve is slower but I'm okay with it. Each week I can physically feel and see my body changing for the better. I exercise daily by walking 1-2 miles, I feel great, and I have more energy. This is the one and only time that I've had surgery. It was rough at times but overall a good experience. I am happy that I did it and have a long road ahead
  3. 1 point

    Finally got surgery date

    After waiting two months for Coronavirus pandemic, so excited to get Surgery Date, May 28. I start two week diet May 15. Been a long wait. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point
    I can't help much with the hair loss, but with regards to your weight loss, did I misunderstand what you wrote in one or two of your prior posts, and I am going by memory now....your start weight was 202lb, you lost 14lb pre surgery? In about nine weeks you have lost 16lbs...so if my memory is mostly correct you have lost about 15% of your start weight and about 9% of your surgery day weight. I know you don't see it but you've been doing pretty good and being older, shorter and at a lower weight you aren't going to lose big chunks of weight.
  5. 1 point
    Thank you for the advice. I’m going to change because I really need this surgery. I’m going to request a sleep study and hopefully it gets approved.
  6. 1 point

    Going Vegan... Is It Possible?

    Morbid obesity is a life sentence without surgical intervention. Despite endless debate about the relative value of different approaches — in every scientific head-to-head comparison, diet plans that provide the same exercise and calories through different types of food lead to similar weight loss and regain within similar timeframes. The science could not be clearer: there is no diet that overrides the basic complex biological reality of obesity. Bariatric surgery is currently the only way to permanently alter your genetics, reset your defended weight or set point, lower your metabolism, and alter the pathways and production of brain and gut hormones such as PPY, GLP-1, CRF, CCK, NPY, leptin, ghrelin, dopamine, cortisol, etc. *Edited to add that I regret squandering several years of optimal health and well-being by attempting overcome biology and evolution with a WFPB diet, instead of just having WLS. Good on you for not doing that! WLS got you to where you are now, and WFPB will keep you there for life.
  7. 1 point


    This size... No But this size... *Maybe (Ask your surgeon for sure)
  8. 1 point

    Lower BMI - Skin/recovery

    Honestly, I'm not sure. Everyone's bodies are different and their skin bounces back different. I'm 32 and my starting weight was 385 with a BMI of 62. I'm 268 now with a BMI of 43 and a current weight loss of 117 pounds... I have a LOT of loose skin, but that's expected for someone of my size and the fact that I've been over 300 pounds for almost half my life (Literally. I was 303 at 17! -_-"). My guess though is that yes, it'll probably be similar to the post pregnancy loose skin. Though you'll probably have some in different places then before such as some loose skin on your arms (which can be minimized with exercise) or legs (again, exercise) or even where your bra rests under your arm pits (it bugs the crap outta me!). But in the end... I'd take the loose skin over the fat any day of the week!
  9. 1 point

    Just feeling sorry for myself..

    It's a new day where I am now. I am sitting in front of my computer sipping on my morning protein-coffee while reading comments here. Thank you all for the kind responses.. I am happy that I came back to the forums. ♥ I am getting myself back on track today.
  10. 0 points
    Danny Paul

    Just feeling sorry for myself..

    Sorry to hear of your setback with your WLS. Let me try to put things in perspective for you. My good friend contracted the Corona Virus. At first he thought he had the flu, then bronchitis and finally hospitalized with pneumonia. It wasn't till he was hospitalized and tested that he was diagnosed with Corona Virus. Unfortunately for this hard working soul a day after checking into the hospital he had to be placed on a ventilator. Mind you there are no visitors allowed in the hospitals these days. His family could only call the nurses station and hoped the line wasn't busy, someone picked up and if they did pick up would get back to them with information on their loved one. ( In the best of times hospital care is a little above average) . The news is always bleak and after a week and a half my friend passed away. The family had to visit four funeral homes. Each one saying we will service you but by appointment only. After three funeral homes not calling them back they finally found one that could "process" his body for burial. They paid for a full funeral despite the funeral home only picking up my friend at the hospital and placing him into the casket with out being embalmed or having proper clothes on. The casket remained closed due to health concerns and they don't know if the person in the casket is their family member. They could not have visitation due to the virus. At the cemetery only a handful of people were allowed to attend once again due to the virus. This Covid 19 virus is cancelling a lot of planned events (I also had to cancel my vacation) but there are those who like my friend suffered and died alone. Who like his family can't be there for a sick loved one and who had to endure an Odyssey just to lay a loved one to rest. I was going to put a post on the boards of my two year Maintenance - versary. But after writing this it just doesn't seem important anymore. Please don't take this as a criticism of your reaction to having your surgery cancelled. You have every right to be disappointed. You will get your surgery, you will be much healthier and all of the things you wanted to do will be a reality. Unfortunately, in these tough times the reality of many isn't what they envisioned or hoped for. To all my fellow WLS friends. Stay safe, healthy and please be kind to others it really makes a difference.

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