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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I only told ~ 5 people--my closest, inner circle friends--including the two men who helped me: One guy took me to surgery and dropped me off at the other guy, who kept me at his place for 3 days post-op (and took me to the doctor's office for my 2-day post-op visit [my VSG was out-patient]). Months later, when I resumed eating out, some friends later noticed that I was eating small meals, ordering appetizers only,a nd even having to take some of that home. They'd also noticed my weight loss. I said, over the past months I'd limited my portions and went mostly high-protein. Facts. You don't have to tell anyone you don't want to tell. Besides, some are ignorant of the 'whys' of having wls, or that wls is 'the easy way out,' etc., and you don't need naysayers who may not understand and lack knowledge of the struggle.
  2. 2 points

    Craving Ice Cream

    Some people do a variation of ice cream with frozen bananas...(if you google no doubt there will be a few different recipes...I have seen some with banana, peanut butter and a little cashew milk. But simply...peel and chop a couple of bananas, freeze them, and then blend. Here are a couple of recipes I copied yesterday from the pound of cure website with the intention of trying them somewhere down the track. Chocolate Peanut Butter Nice Cream Serves: 1-2 Ingredients: 4 ripe Bananas, peeled 2 ounces Peanut Butter 2 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder Directions: Peel 4 ripe bananas and place them into the freezer for 2 hours. Add all ingredients into a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Scrape down the bowl if necessary. Enjoy! NOTES: Depending on your blender/food processor, your nice cream may become too soft. If that happens, just pop it in the freezer for 10 minutes. If you have a hard time creating a creamy consistency, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of cashew milk. Peanut Butter and Banana Nice Cream Serves: 1-2 Ingredients: 3 ripe Bananas, peeled 2 ounces Peanut Butter Directions: Peel 3 ripe bananas and place them into the freezer for 2 hours. Add all ingredients into a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Scrape down the bowl if necessary. Enjoy! NOTES: Depending on your blender/food processor, your nice cream may become too soft. If that happens, just pop it in the freezer for 10 minutes. If you have a hard time creating a creamy consistency, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of cashew milk.
  3. 1 point
    JRT Mom

    Question for the husbands

    WLS is a lot like having children...if your relationship is strong both can enhance it, but if there are cracks in it, it might make it worse. If the WLS improves the way he sees itself it could help with his depression, but since he's given up drinking and gained 100 pounds it's likely that he has used food as a coping mechanism, so if he can't use food anymore, it might be tough for him. I agree with everyone that counseling might help him (and you) in a big way. Good luck to both of you.
  4. 1 point
    1. The longer I go without seeing people, the greater my opportunity to surprise them with my new skinny self! 2. It doesn't matter that my bras don't fit, b/c I don't have to wear one! 3. By wearing jammies every day, I have no idea what size clothing I wear, so it will be a fun surprise when I finally decide to get dressed again! 4. Working from home, I don't have to worry about temptations from coworkers bringing in donuts, cookies, etc. 5. Also no restaurant temptations, since I eat every meal at home. 6. I can use all the $$ I'm saving on not getting hair and nails done to get extra glamorous when I break out of here someday. 7. Amazon delivers my favorite protein shakes. 8. I have plenty of time to try various free workout videos on YouTube. 9. Plenty of time for weighing experiments, before shower/after shower, before pee/after pee; the possibilities are endless. 10. I can drink as much water as I want, b/c I can pee every 10 minutes if I have to (which is also fun for #9).
  5. 1 point
    I think scheduling surgery in the next couple of months is completely safe for the majority. There are a few areas were the virus was more pronounced and still have a heavy load. If you really want to know if your area hospital is overloaded simply ask what their census is in both the general patient and the ICU. Most have available space to care as many are not pursuing elective procedures. It really is dependent upon each areas impact or concentration of the pandemic. I am scheduled for a hernia repair in May here in Nashville, TN. My WLS won’t be until August or September. My confidence in this area is strong.
  6. 1 point
    My procedure was scheduled for April 1 and we pushed 3 weeks to April 22- and DID IT!!! there was some additional screening and more restrictive hospital policy with COVID- but it was an easy choice for me
  7. 1 point


    I'm just messing around in my closet. Trying to throw some combinations together, lol!
  8. 1 point

    Where to start with everything?

    Thank you for these replies and the information! I am in South Jersey so I’ll check Dr. Balsama out. My insurance does cover it. I’ve actually been on the websites and just from that it looks like I’m a candidate. I’m going to call them and start calling doctors. Luckily I live outside of Philadelphia and there are great options here. I do not need a referral from my p doc. Thank you thank you thank you for your help!
  9. 1 point

    January 2020 Surgery Folks

    Hi guys. Just checking in. I'm down 41 pounds and feeling great! I would like to lose 25 more pounds, but my weight loss has really slowed, only 1/2 pound last week. No complaints, though, I'm really feeling good.
  10. 1 point

    Weight gain

    You may want to also come join us for our online weekly support meetings face-to-face. It's a great group of people who really help you work through your struggles and help you do the head work. And we have great ideas for getting back to basics. PM me if you want the deets. (It's in addition to getting back here to BP and staying active and engaged.) We will always be pre-disposed for regain because of our disease. WLS only puts that disease into remission. After that remission is determined by our gut/head/fork. (hugs) Sorry, but it's true for the largest majority of people in this world. Only a short few are blessed to never have to revisit the risk of regain. But I've seen SO MANY tackle their regain (100+lbs) of it and be victorious by strapping on the brass balls, rollin up their sleeves and getting back to basics!! It can be done. You guys can do it! @catwoman7 is living proof and so many others like @healthy_life2 (not tagging for some reason).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
