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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I agree. This is perfect time to really concentrate on yourself. I live in So FL where weather has been much warmer than usual for March/April. Most days I’m exercising outside by pool or in pool. I tell all by the time I’m out of isolation I’ll almost be @ goal & Ill be nice & tan! Only problem is the few bit of clothing I bought for Spring may be too big & never get chance to wear them! That should be my biggest problem. Also- I like you’re attitude!
  2. 1 point
    1. The longer I go without seeing people, the greater my opportunity to surprise them with my new skinny self! 2. It doesn't matter that my bras don't fit, b/c I don't have to wear one! 3. By wearing jammies every day, I have no idea what size clothing I wear, so it will be a fun surprise when I finally decide to get dressed again! 4. Working from home, I don't have to worry about temptations from coworkers bringing in donuts, cookies, etc. 5. Also no restaurant temptations, since I eat every meal at home. 6. I can use all the $$ I'm saving on not getting hair and nails done to get extra glamorous when I break out of here someday. 7. Amazon delivers my favorite protein shakes. 8. I have plenty of time to try various free workout videos on YouTube. 9. Plenty of time for weighing experiments, before shower/after shower, before pee/after pee; the possibilities are endless. 10. I can drink as much water as I want, b/c I can pee every 10 minutes if I have to (which is also fun for #9).
  3. 1 point

    Do you miss food?

    People who’ve never struggled with weight never understand the eternal battle. I have one brother who knows the struggle & one who doesn’t. I didn’t tell the one who doesn’t about my surgery but he recently found out I had it and has been hassling my mum about it & being very critical (not me yet but I’m waiting for it). I was fortunate. My mum was supportive of my decision but she has since told me she was very worried at the time. Does your mum’s negativity come from her fear that you’ll lose weight when she can’t or the loss of something you currently share (eating and being overweight)? All surgeries have their dangers but not having the surgery and not losing weight has major health complications too. @rjan is right you still eat food after you have surgery but if you want to be successful you change the type of foods you eat and choose healthy, nutritious options in much smaller portions. Over time you will work out new favourite foods, what foods you can or can’t tolerate and if you can have an odd treat like @catwoman7 said. Do your research. Talk to others who’ve had the surgery. This has to be your decision. Good luck.
  4. 1 point

    Do you miss food?

    From the whole death perspective, my sister did die of overweight and it in fact is on her death certificate. She threw a blood clot due to obesity which gave her a heart attack. It was her death, that made me reallt take a look at my own health and weight. Miss food...hahaha....I still have pretty much same foods I did before but in MUCH smaller portions. Im not the bottomless hole i was before. BUT even a year out, im still re-learning about my body and Im not finished with learning how to eat correctly. Yes, it can come back, but that is part of the journey as well.
  5. 1 point

    Do you miss food?

    the first few months I completely lost my hunger and appetite (as many of us do), and eating became a chore. There were days I hated eating. Unbelievable! After my hunger came back, though, I guess I didn't miss food too much because I was really gung-ho about following my plan until I'd lost all of my excess weight (I wish I still had that much resolve!!!) now - at almost five years out - not really. I can eat pretty much anything except for really fatty meals. My husband and I used to go out for Friday night fish fries before I had surgery, and I could never eat those now. I could maybe eat 1/2 piece of fried fish - but two or three pieces of fish, plus French fries? Never. I'd be vomiting all night. Other than that, I can eat pretty much everything now - I just have to watch it so I'm not eating massive quantities. BUT....there have been times when I WISH I could eat massive quantities. Like of a really yummy pizza (I can eat about two slices tops now) or southern BBQ when I'm down south visiting my brother. If I could, I'd shovel in a half a pound of that because it's so good. But....I can't. Sometimes I physically can't - and others I probably could but I don't because I don't want to gain the weight back. So yes - sometimes I miss food - but probably not in the way you're thinking.
  6. 1 point

    The Maintenance Thread

    OMG... I just realized... I am officially in MAINTENANCE! Didn't even occur to me when I hit my weight goal. I will finally see my nutritionist again at my next 3 month appointment in mid-May. Curious as to whether or not she will tell me to do anything different. I feel like I am already eating in Maintenance Mode. I don't measure everything, but I do watch what I eat. I occasionally eat a LITTLE junk, but mostly healthy. I am walking a ton. Today I did an UPHILL hike which for me is very hard because of my tachycardia. My HR gets over 145 going uphill and then I get VERY short of breath so I usually end up stopping every 40 feet or so to catch my breath. You know what? Today I hiked uphill like a NORMAL person! I was excited. Back to food... I know I can eat more than most bariatric folks in a sitting, so I have to watch that. But what is funny is I can still eat faster, but can still only take 5-6 sips at a time lol. Anyhow... I feel I am still on the right track and don't deviate too much.
  7. 1 point

    How Fast is Fast Track

    I actually used the Fast Track program, and I paid entirely out of pocket. They had me on a two week pre-op diet first, which I started on December 24th. I made my first appointment (the check up, talking with the dietitian, and the EKG) for January 2nd, came back in to speak with the surgeon on the 3rd, then had my surgery on the 6th, IV vitamins on the 7th, and I was back home on the 8th (I live in Nevada, so it was just a drive for me). Honestly, the program is worth it. They pay for the hotel they put you at, transportation to and from Blossom and Warm Springs surgical center where you'll have your surgery, and it really is "fast track." The people there are lovely, and almost all of them have had the surgery themselves, so they are really sympathetic to any concerns or fears. It was also nice because I didn't have to stay in a hospital. I was up and walking around 30 minutes after I woke up from surgery, and then pacing around the hotel the rest of the night. It was much less stressful on me because of that.
  8. 1 point
    JRT Mom

    Unsupportive Partner

    You wanna lose 150-200 pounds instantly?? Kick him to the curb!!😉 I know that is a terse, non comforting comment, but your post makes it clear that this man doesn't have your best interests at heart and is in this relationship for his own benefit. I am glad you followed your own desires to improve your health by WLS. If you want long term happiness you may have to question y'all's relationship. Ask yourself "will I be better in five years with him or without him?" and then follow your heart. Good luck, we are here for you!
  9. 1 point

    Unsupportive Partner

    I have a few questions for you to pose to yourself, from a viewpoint of support for you as a fellow member of this community that you are lovingly accepted into. Do you think his behavior is respectful, loving, uplifting towards you? You do know that you aren't his property and don't need his "consent" to prioritize yourself or your health? Does he have a fetish for bigger women and is your losing weight a turnoff for him (physically and mentally)? Is he genuinely a friend who sincerely supports you with other endeavors in your life, without needing to personally gain/benefit from you/it? Does he encourage you to build your confidence and self esteem daily? Does he encourage your individuality? Does he support you having healthy outside relationships with your family, colleagues and etc.? Do you feel comfortable discussing your individual dreams, goals, achievements and vision for your life/future independent of his benefit? Do you feel uplifted after talking to him and like he's a positive light in your life? These are a few things to ask yourself and be honest with yourself about how you are truly feeling. 5 years in a relationship doesn't mean that you are being loved, supported and respected by your mate. I know that we don't know the entire history of your relationship, but he sounds cruel and controlling. His punishment that he's imposing upon you and his request to not be contacted until you can explain yourself to him what he will benefit from you is not the behavior exhibited by a person who cares for someone. He sounds insecure, manipulative and insensitive to your need to get your health on track. He's right there in the dictionary under narcissist!!! His attitude towards you and yes your mother too is disrespectful and you are worthy of being respected, loved and supported. You should be celebrated by your partner for your accomplished weight loss thus far and please don't dream of sabotaging your success and trying to stop your journey. We will cheerlead, shout to the mountain tops and yell praises for you to win!! You are worthy, beautiful and deserving of whatever your heart desires. I wrote this with the intention of being a supporter of your journey and not to preach or judge. This is the judgment free zone, I just don't like bullies who rain on other people's happiness and blessings.
  10. 1 point


    Hey guys . Welp I guess it took this situation to make me actually walk and exercise. So here is my OOTD

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
