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  1. 5 points
    1. The longer I go without seeing people, the greater my opportunity to surprise them with my new skinny self! 2. It doesn't matter that my bras don't fit, b/c I don't have to wear one! 3. By wearing jammies every day, I have no idea what size clothing I wear, so it will be a fun surprise when I finally decide to get dressed again! 4. Working from home, I don't have to worry about temptations from coworkers bringing in donuts, cookies, etc. 5. Also no restaurant temptations, since I eat every meal at home. 6. I can use all the $$ I'm saving on not getting hair and nails done to get extra glamorous when I break out of here someday. 7. Amazon delivers my favorite protein shakes. 8. I have plenty of time to try various free workout videos on YouTube. 9. Plenty of time for weighing experiments, before shower/after shower, before pee/after pee; the possibilities are endless. 10. I can drink as much water as I want, b/c I can pee every 10 minutes if I have to (which is also fun for #9).
  2. 2 points

    Before and After Pics

    Hey I’m 9 months post Sips/ loop ds. HW:270 SW: 269 GW:145 CW:177 Looking at old pics of myself makes me sad because I still feel very negatively about the way I look, but I look so much worse b4 I lost weight and that thought kinda depresses me.
  3. 1 point

    No bowel movement

    So.... weirdest thing ever worked for me. I take a stool softener every night for right now, but what's been helping me is that I've trained my bowels to go at the same time every day. You sit down first thing in the morning or whenever (and use a stool or a squatty potty!! it helps with tearing and hemorrhoids!) and wait for about five minutes. Let gravity do its thing, and only push if you *really* need to. After about a week or so, I've been able to start going fairly regularly because my body expects it.
  4. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    I want to order out so bad... I haven’t in weeks because I’m a paranoid chicken and I don’t want to catch Covid.
  5. 1 point

    Complications back in the US

    You are covered its a pre existing condition, I actually checked on this
  6. 1 point


    that could be a number of things - low blood pressure, low blood sugar, inner ear issues, etc. I'd call your PCP. They'll probably want to do a workup to see what's causing it.
  7. 1 point

    VERY Helpful Book!

    Very helpful, informative book for those of us who like to read, hi-light, underline and review. Dr. Matthew Weiner, M.D., bariatric surgeon explains one surgery vs. another including revisions, why some lose faster than others, why some are more successful over time than others. Not preachy nor judgmental in any way, just factual. Explains how our bodies go through hormonal changes post-op to establish a new metabolic set point. 150 pages, easy read in one sitting. $11.99 on Amazon for paperback. Well worth it!
  8. 1 point

    Do you miss food?

    the first few months I completely lost my hunger and appetite (as many of us do), and eating became a chore. There were days I hated eating. Unbelievable! After my hunger came back, though, I guess I didn't miss food too much because I was really gung-ho about following my plan until I'd lost all of my excess weight (I wish I still had that much resolve!!!) now - at almost five years out - not really. I can eat pretty much anything except for really fatty meals. My husband and I used to go out for Friday night fish fries before I had surgery, and I could never eat those now. I could maybe eat 1/2 piece of fried fish - but two or three pieces of fish, plus French fries? Never. I'd be vomiting all night. Other than that, I can eat pretty much everything now - I just have to watch it so I'm not eating massive quantities. BUT....there have been times when I WISH I could eat massive quantities. Like of a really yummy pizza (I can eat about two slices tops now) or southern BBQ when I'm down south visiting my brother. If I could, I'd shovel in a half a pound of that because it's so good. But....I can't. Sometimes I physically can't - and others I probably could but I don't because I don't want to gain the weight back. So yes - sometimes I miss food - but probably not in the way you're thinking.
  9. 1 point
    I am so glad there are so many of you that are going through what I am! I posted about a week ago pretty much the exact same, it's been so hard! But the relief just hearing it from you guys that what I am going through is normal...…...what a blessing! My bypass was on February 18th. I have been averaging 100-200 cals per day. This week (other than this morning, because I ran out of baby spinach and used four leaf mix and it made me gag too many times) I have been having a half cup or so of green smoothie. It takes a couple of hours to get down and makes me feel full (and honestly a little sore) for the WHOLE day. I feel like it is a bit of an accomplishment because I'm keeping it in and its nutritious! On the down side, I am too full to drink much plain water for the rest of the day.....just a few ounces.....but the smoothie itself has water in it! If I never had to eat ever again, I would be happy.....it such a chore and super stressful trying to keep up with everything and then feeling like a failure when you don't. Thinking of you all L x
  10. 1 point

    Happy banders

    Hi! Banded in 2014 LW 130 CW 136 Still love my band! Well its more of a love/hate relationship sometimes!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
