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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Insurance denied

    I would contact your insurance and find out from them exactly what they are needing the psych eval to show. Maybe its missing a certain question/answer that they want to have. And then contact the provider who did the eval and let them know. More than likely, they can adjust the report to what the insurance needs without you having to come in.
  2. 2 points
    I have to say this as I'm shaking my head....😊 Within the past 2 years I pretty much ate what I should not have been eating...basically, all of the above in the previous posts. You may be able to handle it, but what you're doing is setting up bad eating habits going forward. I'm 5 years out and I'm battling sugar and carb craving like crazy! I told my doctor I feel like a heroin addict, seriously! He basically said, 'you introduced something back into your diet and now your body is craving it. You will have to expunge it from your body and diet, to lose the gained pounds and maintain your weight.' Easier said than done! I wish I had never started eating M&Ms, pizza, organic chips, and Skittles! In the last 8 months I have gained 15lbs. First gain ever!! Now I am desperately trying to purge sugar and processed carbs from my diet. Exercise will only do so much. It's your diet! So my advice is to be very careful with what you are introducing back into your diet after WLS!
  3. 1 point

    Hunger Question

    Apparently, according to my doctor, the problem has been with not chewing enough. Now that I have graduated from "soft" food, to food with more substance, I have to focus more on my chewing the food thoroughly. Otherwise, my tummy gets overwhelmed and sets a signal to stop eating so it can cope with the bigger bites, before the pouch actually gets full. So I stop eating, but the pouch is not full, and I feel hungry again right away. This makes a lot of sense, and I've been much more satiated for a longer period of time now that I'm back to the 30 chews rule GreenTealael, you were absolutely right on the money!
  4. 1 point
    I had a gastric sleeve over 10 years ago. I weighed 320 and was 5'2" and 54 years old. I also have asthma - life long and I needed a surgery that would allow me to take oral steroids and other life sustaining medications that also cause weight gain... but breathing is an important concept. I could not have a bypass surgery, as my pulmonary docs said that the surgery would make the use of oral steroids impossible and I am prone to pneumonia from years of impaired airways. (And yes, I am working from home right now !!!) I went from 320 pounds to 180 pounds. I unfortunately gained 40 pounds back in the last few years, mostly due to not being able to exercise much and well.... life. I got pissed off at myself last July and went back to high protein, and low carb and more veggies and cut out the slider foods... and I have lost 25 pounds. Yes, I am still obese, but for me, who weighed 320 pounds, I now weight 193. (27 pounds down actually) since this July. At 64 years old I will probably stick around the 180s to 190. Yes - it could and should be less, but my doctors are pleased and I have been pretty darn healthy for me. I take care of my critters, keep up a house, a career as a social work supervisor, I garden and am active. For me, I have kept off over 100 pounds and now am back to having lost 137 pounds and holding. I highly recommend it. Oh, I was in the hospital 2 nights after surgery. Mostly to stabilize my lungs. And I had surgery at 54 years old
  5. 1 point

    Weightloss Stall

    Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks. If yours has been going on for months, you're probably in maintenance. You'll probably have to lower your calories or increase your exercise (or both) to get things moving again.
  6. 1 point

    Insurance verification

    Agree 100%. I called my insurance to ask if I was covered, and they provided the full coverage policy for gastric sleeve. This helped a ton! When my bariatric place did the initial check on the insurance they said that I was not covered and would have to be self pay. I told them that I had already checked with my insurance and that they should try again. Come to find out I was covered and the person she spoke to thought she was checking on plastic surgery vs. bariatric surgery.
  7. 1 point


    I had just started the process when the virus picked up and so far have been able to have my initial consultation, psych evaluation, and 1st nutritional meeting all within 2 weeks of first contact. I hope I am not missing out on too much by not doing office meetings, but they have been doing everything virtually and I am hitting all my action items. Have my 2nd out of 4 nutritional meeting in a couple of weeks, so have been working on eating better and trying to tone up prior to surgery, which would tentatively be in July. It makes it easier when I can't just run out and get my normal fast food :). Hoping those with surgeries coming up can get in soon. So excited for this journey!
  8. 1 point

    Hunger Question

    I know that I need to chew even slower. Thank you.
  9. 1 point

    3 months post op

    I am almost 3 months post RNY (Tuesday will be the official 3 month day). Today I am feeling really good about where I am. I am down 41.8 lbs since surgery (83.4 since starting). In addition I have a few great NSVs: Lost over 25" total (including 5" off my waist and 4.5" off my hips) My arthritis pain in my knees is virtually gone I am walking 2 miles a day with ease Almost all my clothes are too big. A bunch I've had to pull to donate because they simply aren't wearable, and the rest are getting close. When we are out of social isolation I'm going to need to do some shopping before going back to the office. In addition, I had my 3 month group appointment last week and was released to drink caffeinated coffee again (just need to ensure I don't add a lot of high calorie items). SO Excited. I hope everyone else is doing well in their journey and staying positive during this trying time! Lori
  10. 1 point


    I don't understand how they could even do a proper test with only two sips.

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