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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Three Month Mark

    Today is my three month post sleeve day, and I have lost a total of 61.4lbs!!!!!! This is wild- I'm SO close to my high school weight again. No more blood pressure or cholesterol meds, I have more energy than I've had in years, I crave healthy foods and eat well... this is the reason I had the surgery. I needed that push to get me going. It's been the best tool I've ever had to become healthy. I am just legitimately so happy to finally feel like a human again... after I'm finished with my breakfast, I'm going out on my new bike for a victory lap lol
  2. 1 point


    I had just started the process when the virus picked up and so far have been able to have my initial consultation, psych evaluation, and 1st nutritional meeting all within 2 weeks of first contact. I hope I am not missing out on too much by not doing office meetings, but they have been doing everything virtually and I am hitting all my action items. Have my 2nd out of 4 nutritional meeting in a couple of weeks, so have been working on eating better and trying to tone up prior to surgery, which would tentatively be in July. It makes it easier when I can't just run out and get my normal fast food :). Hoping those with surgeries coming up can get in soon. So excited for this journey!
  3. 1 point

    Three Month Mark

    From what I hear, everyone loses at different rates, and if you start heavier, you lose a little faster. But your numbers are still amazing! And I'm glad you feel better.
  4. 1 point
    I'm so sorry everything is getting de-railed for you! But it sounds like you have a lot of willpower, a great attitude, and a supportive partner. You've got this.
  5. 1 point

    Almost one year post op UPDATE

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone's doing well. I'm currently bored at work and thought I'd give you guys an update of how i'm doing. I remember reading/ watching other people talk about how they're doing a while after surgery and it motivated me so much to keep going with the process and not be scared. So I hope this helps someone somewhere! Anyway, I'm 11 months and 7 days post op RNY. I've officially lost 230 lbs. I started as 415 lbs and as of today I'm 185 lbs! As of today i'm a size 6-8 jeans/ Medium tops. I'm so grateful for this surgery and for myself for not giving up on myself when it could've been so easy to do so. I wish I had taken action sooner but it is what it is and I'm happy I eventually did. I still have about 60 lbs to go to get to my ideal weight for my height but i'm not in a hurry and i'm just going with the flow. So, in terms of restriction and the size of my pouch now, there is none. LOL. At first, I was so scared to eat too much or to do anything that would stretch my pouch. I went to my nutritionalist and told her about it and how i felt like sometimes I was eating too much or i didn't feel the restriction as much and she told me not to worry and that my stomach will tell me when to stop. Unfortunately, I might've taken her advice too far. I stopped measuring stuff and just ate what I felt like. My pouch is regular sized now I think. Sometimes when I'm eating with other people I'll actually eat more than they do. But honestly I'm not too bothered by it. I know it would've been great to still have that restriction but I feel like i've learned so much about the type of food i should be eating and how to track it that I don't really need my pouch to keep me in control anymore. I started drinking soda about 2 months ago, diet of course. I know that's bad but it honestly helps me with hunger and cravings. For exercise, I do cardio about 2-3 times a week. Now, loose skin. I have tons! My arms hang like crazy. My thighs remind me of my grandpas thighs 😂 My stomach doesnt bother me TOO much (unlike my arms) but it's still a presence. But no matter how much i critique myself or sometimes hate what I see in the mirror, IT IS SO WORTH IT. I remember how miserable i was before losing all the weight. I couldn't go up the stairs to our apartment without feeling like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't walk or even stand for longer than a minute or two. I couldn't find ANY shoes that were comfortable, everything hurt! It makes me so sad to just think about what it was like to live like that. My social life hasn't changed much. I'm naturally really shy and I don't really put myself out there to meet new people. However, I have noticed how people treat me now. It's awful to say but I feel like I'm taken more seriously now that I'm not as heavy as I was. I'm treated better by people at restaurants, stores, and even at work. It's also true with people I knew before and even with my family. My relatives are suddenly so much nicer to me. Of course there are always the comments on how "beautiful i've become" and how "this is much better". I try not to let it bother me but it does. Not just the comments but their attitudes toward me as well. Why are they nicer now that I'm thinner? Was my weight really bothering them before? I can't imagine being mean to someone just because of how they look or how much they weigh. It really says a lot about them. Oh, there's also the people that think losing the weight was SO EASY for me because of the surgery and that I put zero work into it myself. I'm not even gonna talk about that because YOU GUYS KNOW. ANYWAY, that's me. I'm really proud of myself and all i've done. I hope i can lose the rest of the weight and then actually maintain it!
  6. 1 point
    I had my sleeve done 1/15/19 and I’m a very slow loser. I averaged two pounds a month for the first year (after an initial 16 lb loss the first month). They told me 2lbs a week would be ideal, slow and steady. As of my anniversary date 2.5 months ago, I’ve lost 2lbs. I’m only 1/2 way to my goal, 273lbs to 216. I battle the discouraging feeling everyday. I’m afraid I’ve reached my maximum weight loss. I tell myself “I’ve never been able to lose this much so think positive”. But I wonder why is it so hard for me. I even stopped coming here because it was difficult to hear the great success stories. When I do come here I look for people struggling like me. It’s hard to find. The PA has no reason other than my body is resisting the loss but I feel a year out it should give up the resistance. Anyway, try to stay positive no matter what rate you lose the weight. I have my internal battles every day trying to keep positive and know “I will get closer to where I want to be”.
  7. 1 point


    Hey Celeste, sorry to hear you are still having a bad time, not sure if you remember but i went through hell too...still am struggling 7 months on (i had the emergency bypass a week after my sleeve). I really think it sounds like you need an endoscopy so they can get the camera in there and have a proper look. You are getting so dehydrated to need hospital admission and if the swallow test showed nothing then they need to investigate further, so let them know! Not easy when you feel so awful but just do it and get sorted. I got rudely woken by bile rushing up in my sleep the other night and I inhaled it, I literally thought I was dying, pure acid going down your airway is horrendously painful. I now have a wet chunky cough so am trying to cough half hourly to prevent pneumonia developing. Like seriously when are all the bl**dy issues going to stop waaaaaa Ignore any nasty people on here they aren't worth the energy Big Hugs x
  8. 1 point
    Ohhhhh love your doggies....
  9. 1 point
    Try to remain mindful of your choices. Do things to destress and get active. Short breaks walking around your house for 5 minutes. Deep breathing (google Four Square Breathing). Go back to logging EVERY bite. Weigh and measure. Stock up on frozen veggies and meats as they are available. Ditch the pasta if possible. Clean! Get active. Go for walks. Intermittent Fast and go to doing alternating days where you restrict eating to OMAD and limit cals that day to 500. Then you alternate with days that are more normal eating and calories. Oh and if you have 3x3 feet of clear space, you can do Leslie Sansone, Walk Away The Pounds on YouTube. 15minutes = 1 mile! Do it 3-4 times per day and you'll be too pooped to pop! Haha! I'm in maintenance and I still do ADF 3-4 days per week to maintain. Also, I have healthy foods in my freezer, pantry, and fridge. I don't allow the FTMMMO in my house. (FTMMMO=Food That Mad Me Morbidly Obese). We broke up. Hopefully, forevs.
  10. 0 points
    Danny Paul

    Just feeling sorry for myself..

    Sorry to hear of your setback with your WLS. Let me try to put things in perspective for you. My good friend contracted the Corona Virus. At first he thought he had the flu, then bronchitis and finally hospitalized with pneumonia. It wasn't till he was hospitalized and tested that he was diagnosed with Corona Virus. Unfortunately for this hard working soul a day after checking into the hospital he had to be placed on a ventilator. Mind you there are no visitors allowed in the hospitals these days. His family could only call the nurses station and hoped the line wasn't busy, someone picked up and if they did pick up would get back to them with information on their loved one. ( In the best of times hospital care is a little above average) . The news is always bleak and after a week and a half my friend passed away. The family had to visit four funeral homes. Each one saying we will service you but by appointment only. After three funeral homes not calling them back they finally found one that could "process" his body for burial. They paid for a full funeral despite the funeral home only picking up my friend at the hospital and placing him into the casket with out being embalmed or having proper clothes on. The casket remained closed due to health concerns and they don't know if the person in the casket is their family member. They could not have visitation due to the virus. At the cemetery only a handful of people were allowed to attend once again due to the virus. This Covid 19 virus is cancelling a lot of planned events (I also had to cancel my vacation) but there are those who like my friend suffered and died alone. Who like his family can't be there for a sick loved one and who had to endure an Odyssey just to lay a loved one to rest. I was going to put a post on the boards of my two year Maintenance - versary. But after writing this it just doesn't seem important anymore. Please don't take this as a criticism of your reaction to having your surgery cancelled. You have every right to be disappointed. You will get your surgery, you will be much healthier and all of the things you wanted to do will be a reality. Unfortunately, in these tough times the reality of many isn't what they envisioned or hoped for. To all my fellow WLS friends. Stay safe, healthy and please be kind to others it really makes a difference.

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