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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Look, Look!

    Just showing off my ticker because as far as I am concerned, I just reached my GOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!! I mean, what is 1 1/10th of a pound anyway??? This just totally made my day after a REALLY crappy week! I work for a school, my school is closed, But this week because we just gave notice we are NOT REOPENING this school year, I have been rushing around like crazy to get a certain task done. From home of course. Plus running around to get staff what they need. And my staff has been extremely difficult during this. Anyhow... last week I almost put up a post stating that I was SO CLOSE to my goal, but I didn't think I would reach it. The scale was NOT moving anymore. And I was at a healthy weight so I was coming to terms with the fact that my body might be done. Afterall, my healthy weight used to be in the 135-145 RANGE before, and while I hoped to get to 135, I was fine anywhere in that range. But this week? OMG, the stress this week was AWFUL. My ability to stop and get myself to EAT was awful. But what I DID eat was extra healthy because since I am working from home, I have been cooking throughout the week more. I mean... not just cooking a little something for me which I always do. But cooking for the family, and meals that I can partake in. Anyhow, the last 3 days I did NOT have time to cook. But I had those healthy meals to eat as leftovers when I did eat. So... after many weeks of the scale BARELY moving (up OR down), I dropped nearly 4 pounds to hit 135.1, and my goal is 135 so I am sure after I have a BM... I am already there! LMAO How is my body doing? Overall it looks great. Still have a little jiggliness at the back of my arms and thighs. Not too bad, but need to tone. My calves are still too big for my liking. Hoping they go away, but the rest of my legs look pretty good. My face has a LITTLE loose skin/wrinkles, but not too bad. And last but not least... my c-section belly is well hidden by clothes, but that NEEDS to go away! I know I can lose a little more bellyfat above my 3 c-section scar... I did it after my 3rd baby. It will never be flat again, but I know it can be better. So... once I am in a better work from home routine, I need to try to resume my workouts. Oh... I had been doing great with workouts until early March.... but this transition to work from home has NOT left me the time I need to do them, and by the time I DO have time to workout... I need to go to bed. So, maybe after next week I can focus on that belly. But I REACHED MY GOAL WEIGHT!
  2. 4 points

    Ever forget you had surgery?

    So while we are sheltering in place and cooking at home here in Massachusetts, I wanted to get Thai food delivered as a special treat. And I ordered what I used to order pre-surgery: Steamed vegetables and chicken. But one of my friends was talking about bubble tea today and I wanted one. And the coconut soup looked so good. And since I'm not going anywhere, I got a shrimp roll in rice paper for tomorrow. The food came! So exciting! I made it through the soup and half the bubble tea before I was DONE. I totally ordered like I never had surgery. I guess I have food for the rest of the week now! Just curious if anyone else has done this.
  3. 2 points

    Taking Charge! C25K day 1!

    Great job. I used a C25K app a year ago and it really helped.
  4. 2 points

    New Tentative Surgery Date

    I’m so disappointed.. I was Approved and scheduled for 3/27 and was cancelled the day after I completed pre-op😞due to COVID-19 I wanted to cry. I haven’t been rescheduled yet because of the pandemic. It’s so close but yet so far.. I had to process my feeling, I was kinda depressed about it but I know it will happen.. just wanted to share
  5. 1 point

    Taking Charge! C25K day 1!

    Sitting at my home computer this morning typing an email to my sales staff, trying to keep them motivated during these very trying and challenging times, I realized I was giving them the advice I need to hear myself. Its been two years since I started this journey and 506 days since my RNY surgery. I'm down 125 pounds and life is flippin fantastic! I have been losing and gaining the same five pounds for five months but I'm ok with that, having a couple of glasses of red wine in the evening is most likely the cause coupled with a lack of any real exercise program - I am active, just not working out - but my life is filled with happiness right now. Fast forward to this morning and it hit me, I'm motivating others but not myself. Today that changes! I laced up my running shoes and started day one of C25K. Running a 5k without stopping has always been a bucket list item and now I am going to do it!
  6. 1 point

    Ever forget you had surgery?

    Not yet. I get full way too easily and my eating habits are something I watch closely since I have to get a minimum of 80g of protein a day. So, that probably will never happen to me lol. Forgetting, I mean.
  7. 1 point

    Taking Charge! C25K day 1!

    Good for you ! That's a great motivator, I used it for my first 5k pre surgery and again for my first post op 5k, I see you are in Florida and just want to say if you are near Tampa they have an amazing 5k, I flew down in February and ran the Gasparilla run with my daughter who lives down there. Can't wait to do it again next year ! Keep up the good work
  8. 1 point

    Look, Look!

    You are doing great! I started in September (well, lost some before that too since May) So you are just a little behind me!
  9. 1 point

    Look, Look!

  10. 1 point
    That's a great average and for your start weight good too, some will have an average that is higher, others lower...but it does depend on many things...start weight, age, gender, exercise, height and of course calories consumed.

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