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  1. 2 points


    Yes, and that started this whole mess.
  2. 2 points
    AJ Tylo

    Super hungry!

    NOPE YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY SEARCH THIS SITE FOR HEAD HUNGER! Its you head and addiction to eating! Trust me we all have been there, stop thinking about food and fix the noggin. There are a ton of posts here about that and you are right in the time line.
  3. 1 point

    Super hungry!

    Hello I'm 4 weeks post op and starving today! I havent felt hunger since the surgery and just wanted to make sure this is normal. Super silly maybe but it scares me because I dont want to pick back up bad habits.
  4. 1 point
    You maybe feeling the old injury from reflux also. Did your team have you take carafate also to health the erosion?
  5. 1 point


    It is so important to get that water in my friend. The food part will come and its so hard to want to eat more than two bites and not be able to. Its for sure a mind thing. Worry about hydration at this point food will come your body will tell you but the water is so important in any form broth, Popsicle anything with fluid
  6. 1 point

    Super hungry!

    I will be 4 weeks postop tomorrow, I'm hungry too! I went to Walmart Grocery store today and finding protein rich foods without it becoming monotonous is a real task. I found some egg bites premade with cheese and Turkey sausage, I don't eat pork, but they had bacon as well. I found a large container of Oikos Yogurt which is 12 grams of protein per serving, egg whites, cream of wheat, oatmeal, Sargento cheese snacks, milk for protein drink mixes and few other items for my family. I miss having ftuit, vegetables, salads, fish because my body is rejecting my favorite protein. I'm also feeling tired of sweet liquids, not being able to drink plain old fashioned water without an enhancement to tolerate it, I want cold cereal, I want cashews and pistachios for a healthy protein boost. I miss some of my favorite healthy staples that would satiate my hunger, but Ariel aka my stomach is still healing and I have to respect it. I'm hungry too.
  7. 1 point

    How often do you weigh?

    I weigh myself once every morning but I only log the weight once a week (every Monday). I find, for myself, this actually helps. I see my weight fluctuate on a day-to-day basis, but overall, over the week it's still going down. I found that when I stopped being regular about weighing myself after I had my sleeve done, that that's when I started to gain weight without noticing. By the time I did notice, it was hard for me to reverse the trend.
  8. 1 point
    I'm 9 weeks out as of today. For breakfast I usually eat 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or a yogurt. For my first snack of the day I usually have a cheese stick or some diced peach slices in water. For my lunch I usually have deli sliced turkey (3 slices) and one cheese stick divided in three to make roll-ups lol or 2oz of rotisserie chicken with sugar free bbq sauce (my preference is G. Hughes Hickory flavored) and usually a scoop or two of green beans, or I eat left overs from the night before. For my afternoon snack I usually eat a mini bell pepper sliced in half and dipped in 2TBS of salsa or cheese crisps (sometimes dipped in salsa lol). Dinner is kinda all over the place though lol. Last night I had a turkey burger patty with a tablespoon of mustard on top, 1/4 of an avacado, and a slice of tomato. The night before I had a make shift stir fry using cauliflower rice instead of regular rice with chicken, mushrooms, red bellpepper, water crests, carrots, broccoli, onion, etc. with sugar free Teriyaki sauce (again, G. Hughes is my preference). If I have I late night snack (I rarely do) it's usually fruit or a yogurt or cottage cheese, etc. Cauliflower pizza is a good food option too and leaves TONS of left overs! Stuffed bellpepper with cauliflower herb rice is also delicious. And one of my favorite meals so far is a make shift taco salad with seasoned turkey meat, avocado, taco sauce, tomato, and cheese... it's yummy! Hope this helps in some way...
  9. 1 point
    You are very welcome! I have become quite distant to this site due to the fact people tend to not try to understand and just make judgment's.
  10. 1 point
    Be kind to one another.

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