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  1. 3 points
    Well I hope everyone is surviving with this virus issue? Here in Australia things are going ok just the issue of supermarkets being raided and hard to get toilet paper before everyone buys it all... But no quarantine or anything yet... Umm I don't go online as much because I'm happy and doing things my way... Fired my useless dietitian months ago... I started this diet journey 7 months ago pretty much to the day and I've hit 150LBS lost I cannot even fathom it. I never ever thought I would even get this far or this low but this bypass just seems to keep working for me. I started my journey at high weight of 322lbs and today I weighed in at 172lbs first thing this morning 😁 Some might say I've lost more than enough but I feel I'm going well just taking each day at a time.. Still experimenting with different foods I can tolerate but taking it slowly and doing it my own way. Some days I'll still feel like a shake or two. Some days I'll be real hungry other days no hunger at all... I've been doing it my way not worrying about specific stages or phases really. So yeah 150lbs gone and I feel amazing. I feel like a new man and I'm like where did all the fat go? It feels great people calling me skinny and I weigh less than most of my mates now hahahaha I know I'll eventually need to start weights and stuff but I'm in no hurry yet. Love Mikey xo
  2. 1 point
    JRT Mom

    Every sip of liquid gets stuck

    Your stomach is probably swollen from your surgery causing that stuck feeling. Have you experimented with hot vs cold beverages? After my surgery I found that warm drinks went down easier than cold ones. But hang in there--you should find it a bit easier each day to drink. Good luck, it WILL get better!
  3. 1 point

    What age was yours?

    Hi Casey I guess I could consider myself a "third generation bariatric". Grandma, Aunt, Mom, and Dad all had surgery before my wife and I did. My Grandma and Aunt had it back in the 90s (Aunt in her 20s, Grandma in her 50s). Mom had it in early-mid 2000s (40ish age), and Dad had surgery in 2010 (he had just turned 50). With Grandma, Mom, and Dad, they were so heavy for so long that between getting older and having been too heavy for too long and some damage being done, they still had issues with their joints or health. Grandma and Mom have both had knee replacements, despite remaining relatively healthy since their surgeries. Dad had triple bypass heart surgery last year. My Aunt has been relatively healthy. None of my relatives regret the surgery, but I can bet if I asked my parents or Grandma, they'd all probably wish they had their WLSs sooner. I had surgery in 2017, three days before my 29th birthday. Doctors have told me that, despite my lifelong being obese (probably been "the fat kid" since 2nd grade), I haven't done any significant damage. Pre-op I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and a vitamin D deficiency (I live in upstate NY, everyone has a vitamin D deficiency!). And since my surgery, I've trained and completed two full marathons, and have more to come. I was training for a marathon this spring, but COVID-19 canceled that one, as well as another long distance race has been canceled. I feel like I have the rest of my life to do things I've never even dreamed of doing! When I wife and I were dating, she asked me if I had considered it (I was a 380 pound 22 year old) I took what I call a "typical man" position and told her "I'm young enough that I can lose the weight myself", which was true, but I couldn't maintain it, and I never got as light as I am now (230-240 neighborhood, with approx. 20% body fat). Sorry for the long backstory, but I fully support having surgery in your 20s. Probably 95% of the people I've spoken to about surgery say their biggest regret is not having it sooner. Good luck to you!
  4. 1 point

    Having a rough time.

    oh it's the same brand as here called Biotene: e® Oralbalance Moisturizing Gel is the most concentrated formula in the Biotène® product line, making it ideal for long-lasting relief from the symptoms of Dry Mouth
  5. 1 point

    Having a rough time.

    Thank you for giving me hope lol I do have a question, if you’ve dealt with dry mouth- are there any tips on that ? I’ve tried different mouth washes too I just don’t know what to do about it. like i’m already going thru hell now i got bad breath and dry mouth lol
  6. 1 point

    Having a rough time.

    I know it's hard and I HATED the constant sipping, to begin with especially being a low fluid drinker before surgery. Suddenly having to carry a damn drink bottle everywhere REALLY annoyed me LOL Not really sure where my mindset changed with the drinking but it did and i just concentrated on sippity sip sipping alllllll day and now I always have my 1-litre drink bottle on me without thinking. So many habits to change huh You can do it, you just have to make a conscious effort at the moment but it will end up being 2nd nature eventually xx ps. I have gone backwards a few times too, no biggie we get 'there' eventually x
  7. 1 point

    7 MONTHS & 150LBS!!! amazing***

    Mikey, that’s amazing!!! So inspiring for me to hear just shy of 3 weeks post op. Congratulations on changing your body and your life! 150 is my goal weight. I’m down to 218 now so I have quite a bit to go but so excited for you! My starting weight was 256.6. There’s no TP to be found here in the states either so we’ve got that going for us as well. 😂
  8. 1 point
    Gosh! Such burden! ((hugs)) I can't waive a magic wand and keep you from feeling the things you are feeling, but if I could, I would. You are a strong productive person and you've done things you never thought you could do before and have succeeded SO WELL! You've been an inspiration to many here! I BELIEVE. Choose to believe. Even if you don't feel it in your heart. Choose to believe that this WILL end and that we will all rebuild! Escape if that helps you for now. But also plan or schedule time to do things that are constructive. For instance, I love the idea of being a "super cleaner." Maybe research what it takes to be a plague cleaner?! I know my niece has passed a cold around her house and asked the other day if there were any cleaners who would come in and deep clean...like DEEP clean. Clean toys. Sanitize. Etc. So research it! Charge a premium for it cuz you will become a front liner. You would be able to hire people. People are desperate for work. And you would be able to pay well. It would be pre-pay or pay on completion so no waiting for invoices to be paid. Also, there will be tax extensions, and tax forgiveness. This is being planned. There will be bailouts. I just believe that this is the beginning of a forced change for us all. And you WILL get to revise and conquer. Remember to deep breath. And start thinking creatively how to repackage your business to adjust to this changing need. People will still need to have cleaning!!! Businesses too.
  9. 1 point

    Having a rough time.

    I’ve done so many swallow studies, CT scans, HIDA scans, Ultrasounds and they’ve all come back clear - no problems what so ever. It blows my mind really. Tomorrow I will be 2months out and even my surgeon has told me that it’s strange the things i’m going through which didn’t put me at ease haha. but I was sent home with Prilosec, Zofran, and Pepcid all for my stomach problems and nothing seems to work. Strong flavored drinks also get me nauseous , so i’ve been drinking water with vitamins and electrolytes. as for my protein I’ve been drinking flavorless ones but nothing seems like it’s enough. I really need to call someone about the home health nurse because I’m exhausted from all of this.
  10. 0 points

    Having a rough time.

    Hello ! :) *sorry this will be long* I created an account because I really needed to talk to someone who understands what I’m going through. I have a lot of support from family and friends but all they can tell me is “hang in there” I need some sort of answers because I’ve been really regretting this surgery. I need to know that things will eventually turn around because I don’t know how long I can keep living like this. After my surgery (1/22/2020) I was admitted 3 times back into the hospital due to dehydration, nausea and vomiting. The dates were : Feb 3rd to 6th Feb 15th to 18th Feb 27th to Mar 3rd After those dates the doctors that I spoke to thought it would be a good idea to get fluids every other day in my hospitals infusion center. I went 2 days and was feeling fine, was able to eat - no nausea or vomiting. With COVID-19 being a very serious thing my hospitals infusion center is closed and i’m not sure for how long. I ended up becoming weak and all the symptoms for dehydration came back. I went to the ER, they gave me my fluids and I went home but I’m still dealing with nausea and GERD. I’ve been dealing with kinda slimy saliva and foamy vomit and it’s after any little thing I eat or drink. EVEN WATER and it’s upsetting I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to go back to the hospital with everything happening now. Can someone help please? If anyone had time to read this thank you I’m sorry it was long I’m just desperate and have been depressed over this. Please be safe wherever you are too.

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